Dallas Backlog Elimination Center Tracking

antonioa77 said:
icarus informed us with different information around first of march. DOl doesn't know what to do yet.

With all due respect to ICARUS but don't you think Bill Carlson would be a more reliable source?
JustWatching said:
The original count for the entire San Francisco region of 245i cases was 62,000, That was 3 years ago. I doubt there are still 50,000 left.

The Original Count was 88K of 245i in California.. 62K cases ware filed in Last 5 days of April 2001.. CA SWA was processing April 25 &26th for last two years.
JustWatching said:
With all due respect to ICARUS but don't you think Bill Carlson would be a more reliable source?
well whatever are the number for 2001, the problem is that around 2/3 of the total backlog(>300k) is in the non rir cases. therefore ,if there r 2 queues but synchronised it means that RIR people r messed up big time because most(average) RIR are with priority dates mid 2003, except few states like new york , indiana and arkansas.
antonioa77 said:
well whatever are the number for 2001, the problem is that around 2/3 of the total backlog(>300k) is in the non rir cases. therefore ,if there r 2 queues but synchronised it means that RIR people r messed up big time because most(average) RIR are with priority dates mid 2003, except few states like new york , indiana and arkansas.

What it means is if the resources are shared for RIR and TR all RIR cases may be finished in just few months, so for eg. they will allowcate say 80 for TR and 20 for RIR so both will progress simultaneously.
They dont mean they stop RIR and process only NON-RIR untill they reach 2002.

The outcome is by ratio wise more TR will be approved comapred to RIR.
Also TR requires min of 1 month against 1 to 8 hrs cycle time for RIR adjudication when once the case is taken up after everything is in place.

The above observation is based on TR Guide published by DOL.

It was confirmed from Murthy.com that they will have seperate two Q's against the same apprehension of you posted to them.
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mnhrdc said:
What it means is if the resources are shared for RIR and TR all RIR cases may be finished in just few months, so for eg. they will allowcate say 80 for TR and 20 for RIR so both will progress simultaneously.
They dont mean they stop RIR and process only NON-RIR untill they reach 2002.

The outcome is by ratio wise more TR will be approved comapred to RIR.
Also TR requires min of 1 month against 1 to 8 hrs cycle time for RIR adjudication when once the case is taken up after everything is in place.

The above observation is based on TR Guide published by DOL.

It was confirmed from Murthy.com that they will have seperate two Q's against the same apprehension of you posted to them.
i have few questions:

1-so u r saying that in either case the RIR cases will be cleared in few months compared to traditional?

2-second i have a question about PW. the requirement in my 750 form ask sfor MS with 0 exp, but my wage is slightly above level 1 although for civil engineering the typical requirement is BS, so i expect that DOl will come , when they process my case, and ask to change the wage to Level 2 which is much higher than my actual wage.
the thing is that i'm worried that my employer will not accept to pay me the level 2 wage. is there a trick to turn around that especially that GC is for future employement which means that PW should be paid after getting the GC? can u explain?and if the doesn't change it what will happen?

I don't wana wait for yrs for a case that will loose at the end.
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This is so annoying maan, what are we guys are doing? Assumptions , assumptions and assumptions.
If it has one que or two, have they reached 2001 or 2002, damn it's getting rediculous.
Guys like Icarus and those masters of information, why you guys give incomplete information, either you guys give complete information or don't give atall. Why show hopes and then torture us. I have seen few people sinseourly asking few question and no answers. Then why these masters first of all visit these forums. Is that you guys get pleasure by troubling people.
If you guys don't have any information , why cann't you masters come out and say sorry guys , currently we don't have any information or won't have any information for days or weeks or months. So atleast guys like us who are waiting for our turn of approval won't spend everyday getting bothered about what happens next day.
And I think all the guys like me who are waiting for our approvals, I think sometimes I guess we have to just leave everything to our destiny.
So if anybody has good news kindly let us know but anybody has depressing assumptions just don't worry, something good will come up.
And these Masters of Information like Icarus, write in detail if you have any information and answer to people when they have genuine questions but if you don't have anything just say so.
Take it easy buddy

Hey "whyallthis",
Take it easy my friend. We all are in the same boat. I have been waiting for my labor approval for 3 years and 2 months. I know how frustrating it is. Guys like Icarus, Tomshu, Orissa and Akela are doing us a great service by providing whatever information they can. They are doing their best to help us out. Nobody forced them to do that right? If you have a problem with their postings, don't read 'em. I look forward them.

We all need to think about this. Nobody forced us all to come to this country and apply for the green cards, right? The immigration people don't owe us anything. We have to take it or leave it. We have to comply with their rules and regulations. Nobody has stopped us from pursuing other options. Atleast we have other options. We are just stuck in the wrong place at the wrong time.

Regards and good luck.
In any forum you will see some speculation and assumptions. I sugest not to visit this forum. If you need 100% accurate information then get it from your own sources or wait until US DOL publishes official information.

Icarus is doing public service by disclosing the information which he knows. Some information is better than no information.

Whyallthis said:
This is so annoying maan, what are we guys are doing? Assumptions , assumptions and assumptions.
If it has one que or two, have they reached 2001 or 2002, damn it's getting rediculous.
Guys like Icarus and those masters of information, why you guys give incomplete information, either you guys give complete information or don't give atall. Why show hopes and then torture us. I have seen few people sinseourly asking few question and no answers. Then why these masters first of all visit these forums. Is that you guys get pleasure by troubling people.
If you guys don't have any information , why cann't you masters come out and say sorry guys , currently we don't have any information or won't have any information for days or weeks or months. So atleast guys like us who are waiting for our turn of approval won't spend everyday getting bothered about what happens next day.
And I think all the guys like me who are waiting for our approvals, I think sometimes I guess we have to just leave everything to our destiny.
So if anybody has good news kindly let us know but anybody has depressing assumptions just don't worry, something good will come up.
And these Masters of Information like Icarus, write in detail if you have any information and answer to people when they have genuine questions but if you don't have anything just say so.
please don't be so negative


Here is a forum. Most people here, I believe, are not professional immigration law practioner. A lot of gurus here are trying their best to pass some information and they provide insightful information. Even in the time of without complete information, read the analysis also help you understand what could happen in any scenarios, so you won't be too suprised down the road. We all hope for the best. However good wish may not work all the time, so we also have to prepare, at lest psychologically, for the worst in this imperfect world.

As you may have already realized, most of the imcompleteness of the information is due to the imcompetence of darn DOL, which torture us for so long. So please don't blame people here.

If you don't like the opinion here, fine, there are plenty of legal service out there. You may soon find how much information they can offer you, in addition to the press release of DOL, which is BS and contradictory from time to time, by the way.

Anyway, if you folllow up in this forum for a while, you will have your own judgement.

Whyallthis said:
This is so annoying maan, what are we guys are doing? Assumptions , assumptions and assumptions.
If it has one que or two, have they reached 2001 or 2002, damn it's getting rediculous.
Guys like Icarus and those masters of information, why you guys give incomplete information, either you guys give complete information or don't give atall. Why show hopes and then torture us. I have seen few people sinseourly asking few question and no answers. Then why these masters first of all visit these forums. Is that you guys get pleasure by troubling people.
If you guys don't have any information , why cann't you masters come out and say sorry guys , currently we don't have any information or won't have any information for days or weeks or months. So atleast guys like us who are waiting for our turn of approval won't spend everyday getting bothered about what happens next day.
And I think all the guys like me who are waiting for our approvals, I think sometimes I guess we have to just leave everything to our destiny.
So if anybody has good news kindly let us know but anybody has depressing assumptions just don't worry, something good will come up.
And these Masters of Information like Icarus, write in detail if you have any information and answer to people when they have genuine questions but if you don't have anything just say so.
"Whyallthis" Hit the Bull Eye

"Whyallthis" I couldn't agree with you more.
DOL / Immigartion has a job to do and as long as we all working in the US under whatever status, we all pay taxes and therefore we are the DOL's personnel's "bread and butter".
So, why should't we all be entitled to accurate information and to a "speedy" process of immigration issue? The longer these people take to approve labour, the longer they get paid - paid by our taxes!

This is just my 2 cents to this forum.

PD 2001 Michigan
RD Chicago 3-2004
Love letter - still waiting
Does anybody have any idea how they (BEC) organize all the cases?? By priority dates or State or both (State and priority) ? The reason that I asked is some state doens't have a lot of cases in queue. So would they process that state first?
Hey guys thanks for your feedback on my earlier post
Some people got irritated and some found it ok. Well thanks to all.
I just want to tell few who said about these gurus or masters as some call them, that kindly don't make these gurus your gods.
Who knows if the information we get is true or false. I can BS by saying hey I know freind whose PD is 2002 got approved and keep quite for a while and trouble everybody by making them think whats going on.
My point is simple when somebody has information or gets information kindly don't play with peoples mind. Either say you have information or you don't have, don't just sit in the dark when somebody ask you their queries and see people pulling their hair out. Thats all.
offcourse I am one of you guys who is just waiting, waiting, waiting to hear some good news. I am not hear to say I am different.
:) it look like you are looking for only favorable info. if you don't like any info Please ignore that and move on. thx.

Whyallthis said:
Hey guys thanks for your feedback on my earlier post
Some people got irritated and some found it ok. Well thanks to all.
I just want to tell few who said about these gurus or masters as some call them, that kindly don't make these gurus your gods.
Who knows if the information we get is true or false. I can BS by saying hey I know freind whose PD is 2002 got approved and keep quite for a while and trouble everybody by making them think whats going on.
My point is simple when somebody has information or gets information kindly don't play with peoples mind. Either say you have information or you don't have, don't just sit in the dark when somebody ask you their queries and see people pulling their hair out. Thats all.
offcourse I am one of you guys who is just waiting, waiting, waiting to hear some good news. I am not hear to say I am different.
antonioa77 said:
i have few questions:

1-so u r saying that in either case the RIR cases will be cleared in few months compared to traditional?

No, not in terms of completing every RIR in next few months
What I mean is they will also take up RIR and TR seperately. Since more there are more TR cases there will be more analyst working on those cases comapred to RIR cases. So in the end both will get adjudicated eg. 3cases of RIR against 7 cases of TR.

2-second i have a question about PW. the requirement in my 750 form ask sfor MS with 0 exp, but my wage is slightly above level 1 although for civil engineering the typical requirement is BS, so i expect that DOl will come , when they process my case, and ask to change the wage to Level 2 which is much higher than my actual wage.
the thing is that i'm worried that my employer will not accept to pay me the level 2 wage. is there a trick to turn around that especially that GC is for future employement which means that PW should be paid after getting the GC? can u explain?and if the doesn't change it what will happen?

This is a very hard guess how they will adjudicate in future that too in BEC.
However from your question your 750 the requirement is MS + 0 , Do you meet this requirement. If not what is substitution they have written .
Bottom line Job requirement specified should meet your Qualification + experience. regarding priviling wage that should meet 95% .

Certain level1 jobs also requires higher qualification like Libririan requires MS but the job level need not be level2. In that sense priviling wage may be at level 1.

However if you have doubts better get this clarified with an immigration lawyer to have better understanding. Forum answers are only based on personal experience and interpretion.

I don't wana wait for yrs for a case that will loose at the end.
ICARUS do not care all this....keep sending good stuff

I want to hear ICARUS and his updates...they help me personally. Most of it was correct and maybe all of it...anyways...

ICARUS...keep it comming buddy.
Looks like we all here little frustrated. We have valid reason though!!!
My suggestion is, let's take us a break and go for a Florida vacation! And cricket fans of this board, let's watch some IND-PAK match and get our frustration diverted.
Anand_Mishra said:
:) it look like you are looking for only favorable info. if you don't like any info Please ignore that and move on. thx.
Good idea. Lets Go!!!

s_chicago said:
Looks like we all here little frustrated. We have valid reason though!!!
My suggestion is, let's take us a break and go for a Florida vacation! And cricket fans of this board, let's watch some IND-PAK match and get our frustration diverted.
S_Chicago, I am ready whenever you send me tickets ;-).
Just Kidding...mate
Whyallthis said:
Hey guys thanks for your feedback on my earlier post
Some people got irritated and some found it ok. Well thanks to all.
I just want to tell few who said about these gurus or masters as some call them, that kindly don't make these gurus your gods.
Who knows if the information we get is true or false. I can BS by saying hey I know freind whose PD is 2002 got approved and keep quite for a while and trouble everybody by making them think whats going on.
My point is simple when somebody has information or gets information kindly don't play with peoples mind. Either say you have information or you don't have, don't just sit in the dark when somebody ask you their queries and see people pulling their hair out. Thats all.
offcourse I am one of you guys who is just waiting, waiting, waiting to hear some good news. I am not hear to say I am different.

Everybody has right to his views in this forum like yours so also ICarus,

I dont disagree with your views but also i dont agree with your views on Icarus and others you said. Why he is called Guru is his earlier postings came true and he had better insights and views comapred to others like us.

Frustations do happen when you read what you dont like and also wait for ever.The main cause of this wait is Amnesty annouced during year 2001 which created a very large Back log. Regarding PD 2002 got approved may be that is RD, that news was incorrect but eventually we had several other correct postings saying PD 1999 and 2000 TR cases (9nos.)were certified.

This is like morning news paper headlines take it what you like leave it what you dont like. Dont get disheartned express your views
to antonioa77

antonioa77 said:
i have few questions:

2-second i have a question about PW. the requirement in my 750 form ask sfor MS with 0 exp, but my wage is slightly above level 1 although for civil engineering the typical requirement is BS, so i expect that DOl will come , when they process my case, and ask to change the wage to Level 2 which is much higher than my actual wage.
the thing is that i'm worried that my employer will not accept to pay me the level 2 wage. is there a trick to turn around that especially that GC is for future employement which means that PW should be paid after getting the GC? can u explain?and if the doesn't change it what will happen?
I don't wana wait for yrs for a case that will loose at the end.

my NOF was about my wage beeing too low for my job description. my company definetely didn't increase my wage. but they sent a response/letter to DOL stating that they will increase the wage when i get the green card. it worked: my case was cleared from state and sent to regional after that.

so don't worry :D ...this is not an issue :) ...since GC is for future emp. as you said, all your company has to do is agree to pay that salary after...