Dallas Backlog Elimination Center Tracking

Labor Approved

All -

Got the much awaited news today. :) Not sure if the attorney has recieved a hard copy of the approval letter yet. I benefitted immensely from this forum. Now off to the I-140 forum!

Here are the details -

PD: 10/27/2003
RD: ???
ETA Case number: D-05005-XXXXX
45 Days Letter Reply: 03/01/2005
Labor Approval Date: 11/08/2005

Did you get the letter to your home or company?
PD: 10/21/2003

nidday said:
All -

Got the much awaited news today. :) Not sure if the attorney has recieved a hard copy of the approval letter yet. I benefitted immensely from this forum. Now off to the I-140 forum!

Here are the details -

PD: 10/27/2003
RD: ???
ETA Case number: D-05005-XXXXX
45 Days Letter Reply: 03/01/2005
Labor Approval Date: 11/08/2005
Congrates nidday. Good luck to your next stages.

ravib and UG, be ready for the BIG NEWS!

Good to see oct 27' 2003 approval. Cooooooooooool :D

nidday said:
All -

Got the much awaited news today. :) Not sure if the attorney has recieved a hard copy of the approval letter yet. I benefitted immensely from this forum. Now off to the I-140 forum!

Here are the details -

PD: 10/27/2003
RD: ???
ETA Case number: D-05005-XXXXX
45 Days Letter Reply: 03/01/2005
Labor Approval Date: 11/08/2005
RIR and TR case statistics

Just curious as to of the 350K+ cases
how many could be RIR and how many TR ?
Also any idea of total number of approvals,45 day letters generated so far.

Promotion or LC


I first filed for my LC under the EB2 category from CA in Jul 2001. To cut a long story short, this application is yet to be adjudicated upon :mad:

So, I filed under PERM in Sep 05 and that application was approved a couple of weeks ago.

I now have a chance to apply for a manager position in my company (I am an engineer now) but my HR tells me that I will have to file a new LC application. Do I have any options? Is it possible to write the job requirement of the new position in such a way that I can use the old LC application?

It sucks because I have been waiting so long, and now, I am constrained even from the career perspective :mad: :mad: :mad:
Keeping Prioity Date and filing for PERM????

My attorney just told me that I (my company) can go through the PERM process and I CAN KEEP MY PD IFFFFFFFFFFFFFF...--> ALL the information is EXACTLY the same. Same job. Same me. Same job description. Same location. Same underware from March 2001 that I was wearing at that time, ...

Gurus - is this true???
PD 02/003 still no approval

Any one out there like I am.

State michigan approved - pending at chicago - them went to Dallas Elimmination center - case in system 45 day letter sent by the employer in dec 04.

screen shot in the last month said - status - data review.

where can I check my status ? how will I know that there is not anything wrong with my application ?

I am MS for US in EB3 category - but unforfunately i do not work for a big company.

Lawyer is dead against sending out another request for a screen shot.
do they even send one out ?

also I am not doing anything as the PD current dates have retrogressed significantly.

please advise.
true except the last one :)

cacanuk said:
My attorney just told me that I (my company) can go through the PERM process and I CAN KEEP MY PD IFFFFFFFFFFFFFF...--> ALL the information is EXACTLY the same. Same job. Same me. Same job description. Same location. Same underware from March 2001 that I was wearing at that time, ...

Gurus - is this true???

may also include same job title (designation) , salary (I doubt this).
The term "same job " is not very clearly elaborated, as per my lawyer !
What is screenshot?

I heard people using the term screen shot alot recently. Is it something new? Is that how people can check the status of their case? If that's true, could anyone tell me how I can get one? What is the requirement to do that? Thank you alot.

Deficit Reduction Omnibus Reconciliation Act of 2005 (Placed on Calendar in Senate)


(a) Recapture of Unused Employment-Based Immigrant Visas- Section 201(d) of the Immigration and Nationality Act (8 U.S.C. 1151(d)) is amended--

(1) in paragraph (2)(C)--

(A) by striking `is the difference' and inserting `is the sum of--

`(i) the difference'; and

(B) by striking the period at the end and inserting the following: `; and

`(ii) the lesser of--

`(I) the number of immigrant visas that were available in any previous fiscal year to employment-based immigrants (and their family members accompanying or following to join under section 203(d)) and that were not issued for that fiscal year or for any subsequent fiscal year, excluding those immigrant visas reserved for employment-based immigrants for an occupation listed in schedule A of section 656.5 of title 20, Code of Federal Regulations; and

`(II) 90,000.'; and

(2) by adding at the end the following:

`(3) Immigrant visas issued on or after October 1, 2004, to spouses and children of employment-based immigrants shall not be counted against the numerical limitation set forth in paragraph (1).'.

(b) Supplemental Petition Fee- Section 204(a)(1) of the Immigration and Nationality Act (8 U.S.C. 1154(a)(1)) is amended--

(1) in subparagraph (E), by adding at the end the following: `Such petition shall be accompanied by a supplemental petition fee in the amount of $500.'; and

(2) in subparagraph (F), by adding at the end the following: `Such petition shall be accompanied by a supplemental petition fee in the amount of $500.'.

(c) Adjustment of Status-

(1) IN GENERAL- Section 245(a) of the Immigration and Nationality Act (8 U.S.C. 1255(a)) is amended to read as follows:

`(a)(1) The status of an alien who was inspected and admitted or paroled into the United States or the status of any other alien having an approved petition for classification under subparagraph (A)(iii), (A)(iv), (B)(ii), or (B)(iii) of section 204(a)(1) may be adjusted by the Secretary of Homeland Security or the Attorney General, in the discretion of the Secretary or Attorney General, and under such regulations as the Secretary or Attorney General may prescribe, to that of an alien lawfully admitted for permanent residence if--

`(A) the alien makes an application for such adjustment;

`(B) the alien is eligible to receive an immigrant visa and is admissible to the United States for permanent residence; and

`(C) an immigrant visa is immediately available to the alien at the time the application is filed.

`(2) If a supplemental petition fee is paid for any petition under subparagraph (E) or (F) of section 204(a)(1), an application under paragraph (1) of this subsection on behalf of an alien beneficiary of such petition (including a spouse or child who is accompanying or following to join the principal beneficiary) may be filed without regard to the limitation set forth in paragraph (1)(C). An application for adjustment of status filed under this paragraph may not be approved until such time as an immigrant visa becomes available.'.

(2) PENDING APPLICATIONS- An alien on whose behalf a petition was pending under subparagraph (E) or (F) of section 204(a)(1) of the Immigration and Nationality Act (8 U.S.C. 1154(a)(1)), on the date of enactment of this Act may, upon the payment of the supplemental petition fee set forth in such section, apply for adjustment of status under this subsection without regard to the limitation set forth in section 245(a)(1)(C) of the Immigration and Nationality Act (8 U.S.C. 1255(a)(1)(C)), as amended by paragraph (1).

(d) Recapture of Unused H-1B Visa Numbers- Section 214(g) of the Immigration and Nationality Act (8 U.S.C. 1184(g)) is amended--

(1) by redesignating paragraphs (9) through (11) as paragraphs (10) through (12), respectively; and

(2) by inserting after paragraph (8) the following:

`(9)(A) If the numerical limitation in paragraph (1)(A) for fiscal year 2006 or a subsequent fiscal year has been reached, such numerical limitation shall be supplemented in a number equal to the lesser of--

`(i) the cumulative total number of visas that were available in all prior fiscal years subsequent to fiscal year 1991, and not issued for each such fiscal year or any subsequent fiscal year; and

`(ii) 30,000.

`(B) Any petition filed after the numerical limitation set forth in paragraph (1)(A) has been reached for that fiscal year, and seeking an H-1B visa number recaptured under subparagraph (A) of this paragraph, shall be accompanied by an H-1B recapture fee in the amount of $500.'.

(e) Conforming Amendment- Section 286(m) of the Immigration and Nationality Act (8 U.S.C. 1356(m)) is amended by inserting `, including those fees provided for in subparagraphs (E) and (F) of section 204(a)(1) and subsections (c)(15) and (g)(9)(B) of section 214,' after `all adjudication fees'.

(f) Expenditure Limitation- Amounts collected under subparagraphs (E) and (F) of section 204(a)(1) and subsections (c)(15) and (g)(9)(B) of section 214 of the Immigration and Nationality Act, as amended by this Act, may not be expended unless specifically appropriated by an Act of Congress.


Section 214(c) of the Immigration and Nationality Act (8 U.S.C. 1184(c)) is amended by adding at the end the following:

`(15)(A) The Secretary of State shall impose a fee on an employer when an alien files an application abroad for a visa authorizing initial admission to the United States as a nonimmigrant described in section 101(a)(15)(L) in order to be employed by the employer, if the alien is covered under a blanket petition described in paragraph (2)(A).

`(B) The Secretary of Homeland Security shall impose a fee on an employer filing a petition under paragraph (1) initially to grant an alien nonimmigrant status described in section 101(a)(15)(L) or to extend for the first time the stay of an alien having such status.

`(C) The amount of the fee imposed under subparagraph (A) or (B) shall be $750.

`(D) The fees imposed under subparagraphs (A) and (B) shall only apply to principal aliens and not to spouses or children who are accompanying or following to join such principal aliens.

`(E)(i) An employer may not require an alien who is the beneficiary of the visa or petition for which a fee is imposed under this paragraph to reimburse, or otherwise compensate, the employer for part or all of the cost of such fee.

`(ii) Section 274A(g)(2) shall apply to a violation of clause (i) in the same manner as it applies to a violation of section 274A(g)(1).'.

Calendar No. 274


1st Session

S. 1932


To provide for reconciliation pursuant to section 202(a) of the concurrent resolution on the budget for fiscal year 2006 (H. Con. Res. 95).

source: http://thomas.loc.gov/cgi-bin/query/F?c109:1:./temp/~c109cEHObG:e957704:
Hi Boboxi

boboxi said:
I heard people using the term screen shot alot recently. Is it something new? Is that how people can check the status of their case? If that's true, could anyone tell me how I can get one? What is the requirement to do that? Thank you alot.

Please refer to this Sticky thread "Please read this FAQ before asking questions."


you will find answers to most of your questions.
Call to the members who have or had hotline connection to BEC ---

Can you please get some information on SWA cases?

USCIS Issues Guidance Memo on Recapture of H-1B and L-1 Time


As we have reported, USCIS recently changed its policy on the recapture of time that an H-1B or L-1 has spent abroad. Under the new agency policy, foreign nationals in H-1B or L-1 status can recapture all time spent abroad during the validity of the H-1B or L-1 petition and extend their stays for the recaptured period. USCIS no longer requires recaptured time to be "meaningfully interruptive" of the foreign national's stay.

Pursuant to the policy change, USCIS has recently issued a memorandum that sets forth procedures for recapture of time for H-1Bs and L-1s. According to the memo:

* Recapture is permitted for any trip of at least one 24-hour day outside the United States. A day is defined as a full 24 hours. Partial days spent outside the U.S. cannot be recaptured.

* Dependents in H-4 or L-2 status are given extensions up to the new expiration date of the principal's stay.

* Independent documentary evidence is required for each period that the foreign national seeks to recapture. Documentary evidence can include passport stamps, I-94s, plane tickets and the like.

* USCIS will not grant recapture of any time that is not supported by independent documentary evidence. In addition, the agency will not issue RFEs for any claimed periods of time that are not supported by evidence. As a result, the foreign national may not be granted the entire amount of recaptured time contained in the extension request if each period of time is not supported by documentary evidence.

Source: http://fdbl.com
cacanuk said:
My attorney just told me that I (my company) can go through the PERM process and I CAN KEEP MY PD IFFFFFFFFFFFFFF...--> ALL the information is EXACTLY the same. Same job. Same me. Same job description. Same location. Same underware from March 2001 that I was wearing at that time, ...

Gurus - is this true???


couldn't hold my laugh non stop for 10 full minutes....that was a good one...!!

I heard the same thing in murthy.com..do some r&d before u go ahead...
Help needed on "Permanent Disclosure Data"

I just downloaded the Permanent Disclosure Data on the website: http://www.flcdatacenter.com/CasePerm.aspx

But I couldn't find my case in that database. Does that mean that my case was not entered into DBEC's system yet??? Or DBEC didn't receive my reply to 45 days letter ??? Is my case closed by some mistakes??? Anyone has some idea? please give me some information. I really appreciate it. Thanks!

My information is:
PD: April 2002,
RD: May 1st, 2003,
45 days letter received and replied: Jan. 17, 2005
the rest of the IFFFFFFFFFFFFFs

cacanuk said:
My attorney just told me that I (my company) can go through the PERM process and I CAN KEEP MY PD IFFFFFFFFFFFFFF...--> ALL the information is EXACTLY the same. Same job. Same me. Same job description. Same location. Same underware from March 2001 that I was wearing at that time, ...

Gurus - is this true???

Partly true, the Attorney missed the most important part. You can do that IFFFFFFFFFFFFF -> the attorney is the same :) (so he can make money) & IFFFFFFFFFFFFF -> the computer used to enter the online PERM application AND the DOL server that receives the application has EXACTLY the same amount of dust as your LC file pending in the dungeons of the Dallas BEC. These are in addition to the original conditions stated by your attorney. BTW did he mention star aligmnents also also being the same :) ?