Dallas Backlog Elimination Center Tracking

But this way turns out to be favorable to the employers since you are stuck with them for longer time and keep extending your H1. The way Microsoft and other companies lobbied for extra H1s or other issues in Congress, no one is going to make noise about this issue except the applicants like us.

WhyThisDelay said:
I agree with Jnpr here.

It definitely looks like a nightmarish news in the first go. But we really need some nightmarish scenarios to happen for bills to go through Congress.
Otherwise if the cut-off date is stuck somewhere in early 2002 and moves 1 month in 3 months - it would be almost equally bad, but wont generate much heat - because it may not look that bad on the face. So it might turn out to be good ultimately.

Anyway - the whole immigration system/process sucks big time.
activex111 said:
Received this information from my lawyer's office. As per him the cut off date for EB3 is going to be JAN 1, 2001. HOLY SMOLY..!! THATS SUCKS...

===========[/list]Third-preference immigrant visa retrogression. According to the State Department’s September 2005 visa bulletin, the agency will set cut-off dates for third preference (EB-3) professional and skilled workers from India, China, the Philippines and possibly Mexico as of October 1, 2005. The agency is expected to announce that foreign nationals from these countries with priority dates falling after January 1, 2001 will be unable to apply for an immigrant visa or submit an application to adjust status to permanent residence until their priority date once again becomes current. Due to exceptionally heavy demand, worldwide cut-offs in the EB-3 professional/skilled worker category could occur by December 2005, though earlier worldwide cut-offs are possible. In addition, FRAGOMEN has learned through discussions with State Department officials that the “other workers” subcategory of the third employment-based preference could experience retrogression as well, with cut-offs affecting those with priority dates in 1999 and beyond.[/list]

Retrogression in other employment-based preference categories. In addition to anticipated cut-offs in the EB-3 category, the State Department is projecting the possibility of visa retrogression in the employment-based first and/or second preferences for foreign nationals born in India and China. These retrogressions may occur as early as October 1, 2005, but are expected to occur no later than December 2005.
Other employment-based categories are expected to be current for the first six months of FY 2006, but it remains to be seen whether these categories will remain current after that time.
case status

I gave up and requested a case status from Philadelphia Backlog Elimination Center. I got a reply today with the following details.

Can some one help me decipher this?



ETA Case Number : T-05220-90***
Priority Date: 08/16/2004
Case Received Date: 08/08/2005
Case Status: Incomplete
Processing Type: RIR
Case Source: Region

[The last I heard my case was with California SWA, so I am amazed it says Regional...]
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California 45-day letter

If someone could help me I would appreciate it. I have downloaded the ~250KB XLS file (tracker). Then I sorted on state to find my own (California) and looked at the column to determine who has and has not received a 45-day letter. It looks to me that unless you are from San Francisco, virtually NO ONE in California (on this list) has received their 45-day letter. Please correct me if I'm wrong. What's going on here???

grantb4 said:
If someone could help me I would appreciate it. I have downloaded the ~250KB XLS file (tracker). Then I sorted on state to find my own (California) and looked at the column to determine who has and has not received a 45-day letter. It looks to me that unless you are from San Francisco, virtually NO ONE in California (on this list) has received their 45-day letter. Please correct me if I'm wrong. What's going on here???


Cases that were sent to BEC from San Francisco Regional office were entered and have been processed for several months.'

If your case was transferred from California SWA directly and never made it to the Regional office then it is likely that 45-day letters have not been sent.

We have just VERY recently started seeing 45-day letters for State cases.

Did anybody figure out that what does “Date Submitted” in data review section of screenshot stand for?

In my case date submitted: 5/20/05 and status is still “Data Review”.

Can I assume that they did something on my case on 5/20/05?

To me looks like that they did some update with my case on 5/20/05, which give my hope that they have received the response to 45 day letter (sent in Jan 05) otherwise they would have closed the case on 5/20/05.

Icarus if you could provide some info that would be great. this is not just for my case, there are lots of other guys waiting for any help.

All expert comments are welcome.

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I received my labor cert today finally

I have started reading the posts for last couple of weeks, and i have been a silent reader. But today i received an email from my attorney that my labor cert has been approved. So i thought i should contribute this back to the community :)
I am so happy, that finally after all this long wait i received the labor cert.

My case details:

PD: 1/15/2003
CA / RIR / EB2
Attorney recd. 45-day letter on 2/10/2005
Attorney sent response back to BPC on 2/10/2005
Another Data Point

Another Data Point

45 day letter was answered in April 2005 (approximately). The following snapshot was obtained on Aug 25, 2005. Yet to receive the hard copy.

ETA Case Number: D-05006-XXXXX
Priority Date: 01/28/2003
State: Michigan
Processing Type: RIR
Case Received Date: 01/06/2005
Processing Center: Dallas Backlog Elimination Center
Case Status: Certified

If anyone can throw light on NSC (Nebraska) related Questions / Issues to consider for those approaching certification / just certified. May be to Puhrince, Kanjoos, ....

1.) From a previous posting in this thread, it seems like separate filing of 140 is better than concurrent at NSC, especially if it is EB2 and it is unlikely to retrogress upto Jan 2003 or become unavailable. In such a case, how about filing CP.
2.) Apparently it would take 3 to 6 months for I-140 approval. This could be followed by a Attorney Certified CP in less than 2 months. Any pros / cons would be appreciated. This seems better than the uncertain AOS / I-485.
3.) Or is the I-140/485 close to attaining 6 months approval time, atleast for new filings. In such a case would you recommend concurrent filing..

Last but not the least, thanks a lot to Icarus and several others providing information. This is of immense intangible value, in the absence of information from the Govt. Please keep up the good work.


P.S.: If this posting has pushed anyone of the edge: I could not find a better thread to post issues related to the bridging period between Labor and 140/485. Neverthless, I thought the postings to these issues would be useful to several others. If you disagree, please excuse.

Hello all,

I've been mostly silent reader of this forum. I just got good news about my case. My lawyer had to request details on my case from BEC since I was going to file 7th H1-b extension and screenshot lawyer recevied shows my status CERTIFIED.

My case details:

PD : 02/26/2003
RD : 01/something/2004
45day letter received/replied: 01/05/2005
Screenshot shows 08/15 as "data entered". I believe it's the same as "certified date".

Have not received a hard copy yet.

Thanks all you guys, especially those who put so many efforts into LC date tracking and spent so much time in this forum replying to our questions. Special thanks to Icarus.
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Attached Screenshot

Can someone please look at my attached screenshot and tell me where my future lies?
I'd appreciate the response with a lot of blessings.
GC - don't worry about posting in the wrong thread - this thread in particular one has become a free for all although you might get more and better responses by modifying ur query and posting it in the Nebraska I-140 as well as the CP forums. At the same time do browse the Nebraska I-485 forums too

Regd the AC I-140, i think that used to help in the older days i.e. when the I-485 process used to take 2+ years...not sure if anyone gets any advantage out of it anymore.

The regular CP process was an advantage until early this year..now the I-485 process has speeded up for the new Nebraska filers and USCIS is also working towards the goal of approving all concurrent cases within 6 months by Sep 2006..only hitch here is that they have dumped all the refugee cases at the Nebraska center sometime back, and this might slow the processing time there. The only guarantee with the CP process is that it will be done within 6-7 months..my friends who went for CP had their non-concurrent I-140's approved within 1-2 months..now i don't know if thats the same for non-concurrent filers in the AOS process too

Is ur case EB2? if so,just file it concurrently and get the EAD benefits..yes the new filers this year have had their cases approved within 6 months or so,but u never know when the processing times slow down again..am guessing it will bcos all the backlog labors will cleared soon and people will rush to file for I-485 now..if u rather want the GC instead of EAD,file it the CP way.

GC_2002_2005 said:
Another Data Point

45 day letter was answered in April 2005 (approximately). The following snapshot was obtained on Aug 25, 2005. Yet to receive the hard copy.

ETA Case Number: D-05006-XXXXX
Priority Date: 01/28/2003
State: Michigan
Processing Type: RIR
Case Received Date: 01/06/2005
Processing Center: Dallas Backlog Elimination Center
Case Status: Certified

If anyone can throw light on NSC (Nebraska) related Questions / Issues to consider for those approaching certification / just certified. May be to Puhrince, Kanjoos, ....

1.) From a previous posting in this thread, it seems like separate filing of 140 is better than concurrent at NSC, especially if it is EB2 and it is unlikely to retrogress upto Jan 2003 or become unavailable. In such a case, how about filing CP.
2.) Apparently it would take 3 to 6 months for I-140 approval. This could be followed by a Attorney Certified CP in less than 2 months. Any pros / cons would be appreciated. This seems better than the uncertain AOS / I-485.
3.) Or is the I-140/485 close to attaining 6 months approval time, atleast for new filings. In such a case would you recommend concurrent filing..

Last but not the least, thanks a lot to Icarus and several others providing information. This is of immense intangible value, in the absence of information from the Govt. Please keep up the good work.


P.S.: If this posting has pushed anyone of the edge: I could not find a better thread to post issues related to the bridging period between Labor and 140/485. Neverthless, I thought the postings to these issues would be useful to several others. If you disagree, please excuse.

LC_Ki_Kahaani said:
Can someone please look at my attached screenshot and tell me where my future lies?
I'd appreciate the response with a lot of blessings.
You should get some good news around oct'05 first week.
Tracker Update for tr CO case filed July 02

Hi Everyone:
I have got the status on my case pending with Dallas BEC. Please update the tracker.

ETA Case Number: T-05174-82***
Processing Type: TR
Employer Name: *****
Case Received Date: 07/23/2002
Case Status: Incomplete
Priority Date: 07/23/2002
Case Source: State
Processing Center: Dallas Backlog Elimination Center

(My state is Colorado where the labor was filed)

How much data entry is done and what the case status of 'Incomplete' mean?

Rest all other fields are blank. Can gurus in this forum guess how time it will take to get a 45-day letter for this case? Also how much time after receiving 45-day letter will it take for approval. I believe time after receiving 45-day letter has been around 6-8 months for actual approval of labor.

If we can guess this I think all people in Non-RIR will get some ball point figure.


Here is my Info too....

A day head of you...

PD: 08/12/2003 MI EB2
Processing type: RIR
EAT: D-05005-1****
In Dallas BEC
Received 45 day letter: 02/03/2005
Replied: 02/11/2005

Looking for : can anyone tell me what are probables to getting my labor approved?

late_twenties said:
Here is the info
PD : 8/13/2003 MI EB3
processing type : RIR
case status : RIR (in the snap shot received from BEC)
ETA : D-05075-5****
right now in Dallas BEC

can anyone tell me what are probables to getting my labor approved?
what kind of time frame I am looking at.
thanks a lot for any help or info........
IWannMyGC said:
Here is my Info too....

A day head of you...

PD: 08/12/2003 MI EB2
Processing type: RIR
EAT: D-05005-1****
In Dallas BEC
Received 45 day letter: 02/03/2005
Replied: 02/11/2005

Looking for : can anyone tell me what are probables to getting my labor approved?

Here is what i am hoping. See my signatures.
July 02

I am in the same boat like you. I have not received 45 day letter and there are tons of applicants are having the same problem.

When I checked the status a month back it was "CLOSED". So, I am in touch with my attorney and she says, still the case is opened. But not sure, when they will get to these. I hope, they will approve without asking any 45 day letter soon :(

vb1 said:
Hi Everyone:
I have got the status on my case pending with Dallas BEC. Please update the tracker.

ETA Case Number: T-05174-82***
Processing Type: TR
Employer Name: *****
Case Received Date: 07/23/2002
Case Status: Incomplete
Priority Date: 07/23/2002
Case Source: State
Processing Center: Dallas Backlog Elimination Center

(My state is Colorado where the labor was filed)

How much data entry is done and what the case status of 'Incomplete' mean?

Rest all other fields are blank. Can gurus in this forum guess how time it will take to get a 45-day letter for this case? Also how much time after receiving 45-day letter will it take for approval. I believe time after receiving 45-day letter has been around 6-8 months for actual approval of labor.

If we can guess this I think all people in Non-RIR will get some ball point figure.


GCin-waitng said:
I gave up and requested a case status from Philadelphia Backlog Elimination Center. I got a reply today with the following details.

Can some one help me decipher this?



ETA Case Number : T-05220-90***
Priority Date: 08/16/2004
Case Received Date: 08/08/2005
Case Status: Incomplete
Processing Type: RIR
Case Source: Region

[The last I heard my case was with California SWA, so I am amazed it says Regional...]

Hello GCin-waiting

they entered your case on 08/08/2005, which is 220th day of 2005.
its not fully entered, so the status is incomplete. That means your # is
i guess you filed RIR.
If you filed in CA, the case source might be a typo...not really sure coz CA SWAs stopped somewhere at FEB2004...
Did it also show the prevailing wage in the screenshot??

GURUS: Does presence of prevailing wage in screenshot indicate it went to regional, coz its SWA responsibility to fill in prevailing wages?

I have got the status on my case pending with Dallas BEC. Please update the tracker.

ETA Case Number: D-05220-91***
Processing Type: TR
Employer Name: *****
Case Received Date: 02/13/2004
Case Status: Data Review
Priority Date: 02/13/2004
Case Source: State
Processing Center: Dallas Backlog Elimination Center

(My state is Washington where the labor was filed)

So far I have not recieved 45 day letter. Why priority date and case recieved date same. Also what is Data Review means