Consular Processing (New Delhi)

Hi Alren,

Loved you quotes and literary bent of mind! Pitambar and I are anxiously waiting the dispatch of the package to NWD and are just attaining the escape velocity needed to pull out of NVC’s processing grip! Our case processing is completed @ the NVC and I guess the next message will be “…. Case has been forwarded to embassy or consulate in New Delhi…”. Are there any other messages updates after this one that the NVC will provide or we reach the non-communication zone of the Delhi Consulate?


I am confirming alren's belief. The last message at NVC AVM will be "Case reviewed and file sent to the consulate @ NWD/ BMB/ MDR"
Successful CP interview in ND in April - Some Details!!

Thanks to all the folks (esp Kd and Raju) who helped me in this mentally agonizing process of getting the GC.
Boy, What a relief!

I think my interview was very similar to what paragm had experienced in Dec 2003.

The interview was a cake walk (I might have over-prepared or was lucky, I guess). My perception (or prejudice) is that they know employ based are more prepared and educated folks, so notarized employment letter is the only imp doc except the regular stuff like birth certs, DSxxx forms, photos, etc..

Anyway...don't get carried away by my after-thoughts; always prepare for the worst by remembering what Murphy wrote in Golden words in a law written FOR ME, "The thing which might go wrong will go wrong and at that moment when you expect least." and it should also be added to it that "and When you desperately need it."

b2b (back to business):
If possible, better ask for a pick up and drop at Embassy rather than taking your own conveyance (Parking was pain in the butt; I had to park 1 km away and walk to the place with folders in 4 plastic bags). Even in the evening it was terrible to park the car. Thesedays they tow the car away. Anyway...I didn't have any other choice as I was coming from Noida (40 Km) with my family and it was darn hot on that day...Dilli ki polluted garmi.

There was no separate line for Imm based at the entrance--everyone was treated equal under the sun--one long line irrespective of time of interview or category (Delhi believes in justice for all, at least in public). Inside, it was a diff story. Imm based were allowed to sit while non-imm were standing in lines.

Were called at around 12:15 pm after 3 hr wait to the counter 16 (different than 12-15 for most of the folks; coincidence, I guess).
As I observed and noticed, I think I was the only Emplo based on that day among ~100 Fam based from Punjab.

The guy who collected the docs was courteous (addressing by saying sir all the time) but in a great hurry; in less than 180 secs, he asked for:

1) Latest DS230 Part 1 and 2 forms (I had hand filled the embassy sent forms in P4),
2) PCC from US (he only asked for PCC)
3) Copy of Birth certs (as I had the NO Availabiltiy cert and Affidavits he asked for High School Cert for DOB)
4) Employment letter,
5) 3 Imm Style photos (docs says 2 but he asked for 3rd one),
6) I-134 (I volunteered before he asked, as he wanted to wrap up everything quickly; commented that the guys from US always bring a lot of unnecessary docs)
7) Medical reports (no x-rays)
8) Approval notices, as our visas had expired (he kept originals and never returned those again, even after interview)

After an hr we were interviewed by American-Desi Lady Imm Officer. First thing asked was to sign the DS230 Part 2 (I knew that it is over now, as the rest is only a formality). Afterwards, She asked questions about overseas travel & duration (less than 6 months everywhere), Job function (Current job), how many jobs changed (2), wife's job (n/a on H4)--no serious stuff basically; in less than 3-4 minutes it was over.

Collected the passports and Visas the same day at 5:30 after a wait of 45 mintues inside.

NO Local PCCs were asked although I had pain stackingly obtained those by camping in Sarkari Offices and using the ever prevalent Nepotism in Delhi and local places in UA. Although, I had known that "CP James Bond KD1403" has said it many times on this forum that local PCCs were not asked for to the US residents, yet I wasted 10 days in getting the local PCCs because my company attorneys were adamant on getting those before interview and also Remember! Murphy's law FOR ME. No regrets in the end!

Thanks KD!! I would not overlook your other suggestions--esp the king size one. I would certainly try to "LIVE LIFE KING SIZE from NOW ONWARDS." I guess, I have already felt it a little bit. HOPE to see you some day, in person!

Also, Thanks! all the folks on this forum - esp Raju, KD, Paragm, cpdelhi, and ABOVE ALL "Rajiva Khanna--Immigration.COM"

As a repayment of some of the volunteered services rendered by my seniors like Raju, KD and et al., I would try my best to continue this tradition of leading the followers by coming back on this forum and helping the CP seekers (who are in the "line of hope") in their Q&A's.


Congrats on getting through your GC process. I had a couple of quick questions based on your recent experiences @ NWD:

1) After you go through security – the TT service guys are sitting right in front of you. Did you have to pay him Rs.400 for courier; or do they say that courier is only for NIVs?
2) This leads form #1, do they give a choice to collect visa in the afternoon or that’s the only way they return it. I read in some Chennai threads that they couriered the documents back. Would appreciate your clarification.
3) Please recommend the doctor, lab, photographer, etc. that you used and any experience details with them.
No hurry, I’m still 2-3 months away from the interview but thought of tapping your brains since you have the recent most Delhi experience.

Congrats again on crossing the goal-line. Enjoy!!

Please look at the other thread 'likely march -april interview in N delhi" for questions on Doctors and Photos (answered by parag and other folks)


Congratulations on a succesful interview. And thank you for volunteering your time and your services.
How easy or difficult is it to get a PCC in UA?

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PCC from San Francisco

After 38 days I finally got a PCC from Consulate General of India, San Francisco.

My passport was issued in Houston.
I applied for the PCC in March, and I was told to call back after one month.
I called back every day for 5 days after the one month wait, and left voice messages but no one would take my call nor did i hear anything from CGI San Francisco. Finally, I called up one of my Indian Foreign Service friends posted at an Indian Embassy in Latin America and asked him to find out what was going on with my PCC. Within 10 minutes of my speaking with him I got a phone call from CGI San Francisco asking me to submit my passport for PCC stamping.
This experience is related to prepare future CPers. I hope they have a better experience.


I am sure cpnwd will answer this question but remember the trend says that it normally takes about 2.5 months to get the tinterview from the time the packet 3 is mailed by nvc to the consulate. In exceptional cases, it has happened in under 2 months and in few more cases after 4 months but overall average is 2.5 months! In my case it was 50 days aftre nvc mailed the p3 to mumbai but before it was published on the bmb web site i requested the following month due to a valid reason and hence my ultimate interview was scheduled about 88 days later.


Congratulations in getting through the CP process. The next thing, the real Green Card (though not green in color) will be yours very soon.



Thanks for doing a wonderful job[2000+ posts] to help/guide out the CPers with their questions. You are on top of each question and may be you will be on top of your dreams one day (if not already).

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Originally posted by cpnwd
Anyway...don't get carried away by my after-thoughts; always prepare for the worst by remembering what Murphy wrote in Golden words in a law written FOR ME, "The thing which might go wrong will go wrong and at that moment when you expect least." and it should also be added to it that "and When you desperately need it."


Heartiest congratulations and Thanks for your interview experience.

I whole-heartedly agree to the abvove. It's better to be overprepared then under.

Hey cpnwd...

Congrats....Party on....
I know...frikking parking near the embassy is a pain in the @**. Thank God my driver had a cell phone so I could call him when I was done with the interview. He had to park more than a km away.
Well..have fun in the 'dilli ki garmi' till you return to the US.


Tax Transcripts


I got the tax transcripts for the year 2003.
I had applied through the automated system on 22 April and received the transcripts on the 26th of April. Pretty impressive service by the IRS.

Hi Pitambar,

After reading your post, I did the same -- used the IRS request service to request year 2001, 2002 and 2003 tax transcripts -- yesterday I got just year 2002, hopefully the others are on their way.

Today (4/27) I received the C2001 transcripts.

I'm eager to see if the the Thursday update to the AVM has a new message! I also noticed that you finally got the PCCs from SFO so it seems like you are all set.....


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For Delhi CP seekers coming from South Delhi

--Dr Dawesar (Bhikaji Cama place) is good for medical exams (as per Paragm's recomendation I used him)

Take all the medical records. I was fully covered by US immunization, so no shots for me.

--Kumar photo Studios in South Ex II is also good (again paragm's recommendation)

Charges INR 100/person for 4 Imm style photos

--US embassy:
All the Imm VISAs with passports are returned the same day after 4:30 pm (no chioce of time). If you want these couriered than you need to pay the courier charges with a Draft. As far as I know, TT services are not involved for Imm Interviews.
Hello rjain,

why do you think Thursday will bring some news? Why not Wednesday or Friday? Just curious.
I too think Thursday, i figured the average time taken to go from case reviewed to case sent to consulate, 8 days.

CP Interview dates

CP Gurus,

The CP interview dates for May 2004 at the US Embassy New Delhi have been made public today. Are people who are called for May interviews informed earlier or is this the first time they come to know of the interview date.

Thanks for your answers.


Congratulations on a succesful interview. And thank you for volunteering your time and your services.
How easy or difficult is it to get a PCC in UA?


thanks PL, (thanks all others for your wishes)

As I said before, I used my contacts and friends to apply for the PCCs in India, and still it was painful experience dealing with Sarkari Officials. I deeply felt that everything, except the Sarkari attitude and officials, has changed in India in last 5-6 years (since I left). These govt officers still mistreat everyone and don't want to work.

My own experince and again my own opinion (everyone can disagree with it) is that the best way to deal with them, is to offer Suvidha Shulk (that's what they officially call now--bribe) and go home, come back to collect the PCC when you want. Because, they treat you very well when you get few thousand Rupees down their esophagus. Now you don't need any supporting document or affidavit as they work for you not against you.

It may not be true for everyone but that's what I experienced in getting the PCCs from Delhi and 2 other places in Uttar Anchal (UA) in India.

If you don't want to get the local PCCs you are still OK, if you are still living in USA for last 2-3 years or more.
