Consular Processing (New Delhi)

Case Completed

NVC AVM says "case completed on April 20th".

Am i correct in assuming this to mean that the case is going to be forwarded to the US Embassy in New Delhi?

Also, will the NVC AVM let me know the date the case is sent to New Delhi? If not, how do I obtain this information?

KD and Raju, thanks to both of you (in advance) for your replies.

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This is great news. IT means that NVC has completed the review of your case. In about a week the message will change to: "NVC has completed the review of your case and file has been forwarded to NEw Delhi consulate". 2-3 weeks from this message you can call NWD to confirm the receipt of your case. And expect interview in about 2.5-3 months from the time your case has been PHYSICALLY mailed to the consulate from NVC.
Interview Date Publication Schedule:

Like Pitambar, my case has also been completed @ NVC yesterday (DS230 review).

Folks, I was wondering if someone has a good time line on when Delhi publishes the interview dates. My short experience has been that they do it very close to the month; the April’s list was put up on either March 31st or April 1st. I see that Chennai and Mumbai have their May lists up and Chennai even gives a hyperlink to April!

I’m not finding Delhi to be very communicative; I sent 2 emails to the embassy to clarify the PCC requirements and have not received any responses. Have others had better luck?


This truly is good news! Expect interview in about 2.5-3 months from the time the P3 was mailed to NWD.

Email may be a formal means of communication but in this scenario not the best or the fastest means of getting an answer. Consulates generally publish the interview schedule around 15-20th of the month for the next month. I know NWD and Chennai in a few cases have published 2 weeks late.

If i were you i would not wait for the list to be published. I wold try calling the NWD consulate around 5-7th of the month (about 10 days prior to publishing the list). Coz around 5-7th of the month the interviews are generally finalized and packet 4's mailed.
Hi KD,

Appreciate all your support and constructive suggestions. Will follow up in mid-May with NWD. My lawyer indicated that once the case is at the consulate, they respond to lawyer queries more attentively and that sometimes they have given some preferred dates based on travel schedule. My wife will be in India from mid-June to mid-Aug so I’m hoping to finesse the interview for July-end if possible!



I also sent an email to the US Embassy in ND regarding the PCC but did not receive a reply from them. However, my lawyer's paralegal told me that PCC for me would be valid for one year, if i don't go back to India for a visit. The general consensus on this forum, however, seems to be 6 months. Anyways, it seems that our interviews will be some time in July, so the question on the time validity of the PCC is moot.

Coincidently, I am also trying for a late July CP interview. And the paralegal told me that postponing the interview to a date in the scheduled month is not a problem. I hope he is correct.

Keep us updated on your progress.


PCC validity is 6 months. You dont have to wait for the consulate to respond. You can take my word for it ...not sure what value my word has but 6 months is the validity for indian pcc's.

REscheduling is possible ONLY with valid reasons. What are valid reasons are debatable but some examples would be medical reasons, family reasons, exams and so on. Business project delivery reasons are definitely not valid enough to reschedule. If giving such reasons you should be prepared to provide documentation to that effect if asked for!!

I value your suggestions which is why i have been posing all these questions on this forum. I followed your suggestion of having the P3 submitted the very day the lawyer received it (for a July/August interview), and i am glad i did. In fact, i have been using the knowledge gained here to press my lawyer to do certain things.

Now i have to cook up some valid reason (with documentary proof) for a July end interview. I will post my experience if i have to postpone the CP interview date.

Hi KD,

I had also discussed the interview date adjustment question with my lawyer, she mentioned that there is some leeway in changing the dates similar to Pitambar’s counsel. In my case, we are trying to finesse the vacation time my family would be in India in the summer. The lawyer mentioned that stating that family vacation travel dates in India might work! Hopefully we’ll get convenient dates and not have to resort to adjustments in the dates.

On the PCC front, since there is no formal e-mail confirmation from NWD (both Pitambar and I had zero luck), my lawyer has strongly advised to get LPC from the police stations in India as a precaution. She has had experience of some clients in similar situation who where told to get so before the visas were issued! I’m getting these organized seeing that these may be easy to obtain and make peace between my lawyer and me. I’m 99% sure based on experience of everyone in the forum that these may be superfluous but I see no harm in carrying extra paper.



I think by turning in p3 immediately you have definitely saved 2 weeks as compared to other folks.

As far as cooking up stories, I would suggest not to for 2 simple reasons:

1. One lie will lead to another lie and you are so close to getting your GC that you dont want to wager your GC unless it is a medical or family reason or some valid reason which you can prove if asked for documentation.

2. For you to get July interview, your P3 needs to be reviewed and mailed to the consulate by 1st week of May which is being too optimistic.

I do not mean to dishearten you or anything, I am just trying to be realistic.
rjain, pitambar:

I think what your attorneys are suggesting is possible but again one needs to provide a VALID reason. Which to some people means cooking up stories which i personally do not agree with especially when one is so close to the interview. Family trip does not seem to be a good enough reason for me but it MAY convince the consular officer to prepone/ postpone the case. Again as i mentioned in my previous posting since valid reason is a relative term, it is a matter of convincing the consulate as why to you wish to prepone/ postpone.

You are on the money!!

I’ve seen throughout the immigration process from H1B, LC, I-140 and now CP that many times we are at the mercy of the officials. We’ve quite a few people in our office in the GC pipeline and do see a lot of variations in their processing. One only hopes that your case is not made the exception by some rookie officer’s interpretation of the rules or that we avoid an officer who is having a bad day and is being unnecessarily mean to everyone.

Anyway, we are starting to see a small light at the end of the tunnel and it seems to be getting slightly bigger every week!



PS: Sorry for the philosophical rantings!
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Tax Transcripts


I called the IRS number 800-829-1040.
I was surprised to find that there was a tax transcript option.

First, you get a welcome message and then are asked that if you have questions about personal a/c to press 2.
Then if you have a question about personal tax a/c to press 2.
Then you are asked to enter your Social Security OR Employer Identification number. If you are entering SS# press 1.
Then of the many options choose 'request a transcript of a/c' by pressing 3.
If it is a joint a/c you might be required to enter the SS# and last two digits of birty year of spouse.
Then you are requested to enter the numbers in your street address e.g. if your address is 4321 Jhumritallaiya, Apt 1, you must enter "4321".
Then choose option 2, tax return transcript.
Then enter the tax year you would like the transcript for.
It will confirm the year and then give you the option of requesting the tax transcript for some other year.

If you require transcripts for 3 years for yourself and your spouse, that is a lot of number pressing.
I hope i am not incoherent above, i am recalling these points from memory.


I agree with you about the cooking. However, i am in an ugly situation. If i go for CP interview (ie take a vacation) before the 20th of july i will probably get fired. I am the first one being sponsored for a GC in my organization, so the people do not understand what the GC process entails, much less CP.

Tax Transcripts

Hi Pitambar,

If you have time to request the IRS transcripts then you can also use the request form they have for this purpose – I used it earlier this year and the transcripts came in a fortnight. I’m waiting for the C2003 data to be uploaded to their system to request the 2003 transcripts also. Will do so in mid-June.

Hello RJain,

I was not aware that the 2003 data was not yet uploaded.
Guess i will have to request the 2003 transcript again at a later date. Is it mid June that the IRS data will be uploaded? One would have thought that once the tax refund clears means that theirs data is up to date.

Hi Pitambar,

I was thinking more of my own case as the 1040 was submitted at the nick of time (due to CP distractions bogging me down)! I had read somewhere that IRS might have a time lag between processing the taxes and uploading their central systems. Thus, it may be possible that the 2003 tax data may not be immediately available for generating transcript reports. But wait and see, if it is available then there is no issue as you have already requested it, if not, then just resubmit the request as there are sufficient # of free requests one can make.


Good job with the IRS transcript options details. I am sure it will help other folks.

Dont get stressed out over getting fired. Simply tell your manager "Your interview has been scheduled on xx/xx/xxxx and if he think it should be changed he needs to send a written letter to the US consulate in Mumbai with a valid reason and this should be on company letterhead and signed by him." Tell him it is difficult to reschedule dates related to usa immigration interview.

The moment you thell them words such as signed letter and usa immigration is involved...they will take a step back and will let you go for the interview without any ramifications as you think.



It is normal to get philosophical especially when one gets so close to the cp interview. I remember my days! :D
I tried my 2003 transcripts, It said it is not available.

On being philosophical , Intitially it was
To do the CP or not do the CP,

but then was it Socrates or Confiscious
Of the GC, by the CP, to the GC

But then as D Q said
(alren - During the GC process) What a terrible thing to have lost one's mind. Or not to have a mind at all. How true that is.

and again quoting him ... (alren - During the interview) Verbosity leads to unclear, inarticulate things. (So shut up unless asked)

But at the end when U get the card ....
You ought to get out of those wet clothes... and into a dry martini
(Mae West)

:p :D