Consular Processing (New Delhi)


I have to say that your attorney is correct about NWD consulate being aware of such errors but that does not mean you should not try to rectify. When you send your passport for PCC, inform SFO about this and see if they are willing to take care of it!

Yes, I have to get those mistakes corrected.
The PCC would not even be valid without a signature.
I just hope CGI SFO is considerate and does not make me run around.

St. Louis status tracking


I had a couple of quick questions surrounding the St.Louis part of the fee processing.

St. Louis status tracking


I had a couple of quick questions surrounding the St.Louis part of the fee processing.

1) How does one know that St.Louis has cashed the money order.
2) Is there any receipt issued ot the agent.
3) Does the NV AVM announce the receipt of fees?

Re: St. Louis status tracking

Originally posted by Rjain2

I had a couple of quick questions surrounding the St.Louis part of the fee processing.

1) How does one know that St.Louis has cashed the money order.

1. Call the authority (bank/PO) to find out if your instrument(cashier check/Money order) has been cashed.
2. Or you hear the message on the AVM that packet 3 has been generated for your case.

Note: It takes about 3 -5 weeks after St. Louis receives the packet inwhich you enclosed your payment instrument.

2) Is there any receipt issued ot the agent.


3) Does the NV AVM announce the receipt of fees?

No. But the AVM will change after the fees is received and NVC is informed about it. This happens when NVC creates packet 3 for your case. So wait about 3-5 weeks before you hear the message from the day the payment was probably received at St. Louis.


Hi ,

I had filed my I-485 concurently with my I-140 application and accordingly had sent I think $ 265 for each family member as the processing fee of I-485. Now that I am planning to go in for my AC-140, would I need to deposit my full fee of $ 335 per family member at the US Embassy at the time of interview or merly $ 70 ( as the difference).

Moreover, since prior to filing 485 application a medical examination is needed to be done, do we still be needing to have a medical examination redone prior to the AC140 interview. Please advise.


Yes you will need to pay the full $335 fee per head for CP since your previous payment was towards 485.

If you have documentation from he doctors around the vaccination you had done for 485, you should be able to carry it for the CP medicals and get some of the vaccines waived. But this waiver decision is entirely the doctor's you would see when you go for CP medicals. In other words you cannot avoid the cp medicals even though you have done your medicals here in usa for your 485 process.
Format of Employer Letter

Could someone please provide me with a format of the notarized letter the employer must write for Consular Processing.



Thank you for your prompt (as always) reply.
However, my job title is "Asst Prof". This is a tenure track position but is not permanent till i get tenure, which is still some ways off. And my university does not want to give me a letter stating that I am a permanent employee.
What wording would you suggest for the notarized letter from the university?


Originally posted by Pitambar_Lal

Thank you for your prompt (as always) reply.
However, my job title is "Asst Prof". This is a tenure track position but is not permanent till i get tenure, which is still some ways off. And my university does not want to give me a letter stating that I am a permanent employee.
What wording would you suggest for the notarized letter from the university?



All the documents presented (including the employment letter) should be as true as possible. So if the University sponsored your GC, then let them give a letter with your current position.

Immigration officer just wants to make sure that you will work on a job agreed on I-140/labor cert. on your return to US and will not become a liability on the government resources.

Thanks & Good Luck.

cpdelhi is correct the word 'permanent' is not a must. AS long as you get the notarized letter from your employer stating job description as per your LC with other relevant details you should be fine.
cpDelhi and KD,

Thanks for your replies.

Could you please answer another of my questions.
What documents (e.g. birth certificates, PCC's) need to be filed with Packet 3?

I expect to receive packet 3 within the next week and have not yet been able to obtain the PCC from SFO.

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Normally packet 3 means ds 230 part i completed for each primary and derivative applicant plus ds 2001 form and barcode sheet that attornyes get from the blank packet 3 mailed by nvc to your attorneys. In some cases NVC requests additional documents such as pcc.

But in most cases it is barcodesheet, ds 230 part1 and ds 2001 that comprises packet3
NCC service

I'm filling out the DS230 and had a question on the military service -- is NCC particiation @ college considered military service!
Re: NCC service

Originally posted by Rjain2
I'm filling out the DS230 and had a question on the military service -- is NCC particiation @ college considered military service!


Probable Interview Date


My Packet 3 has been mailed by the NVC on 5 APR 04.
I am aiming for a July or August interview, NO EARLIER.
By when should i turn in my Packet 3 if I am aiming for a July/August interview.

My details are
I140 Approval MAR 1
Case Created MAR 16
Fees Receipt issued MAR 22
Fees Receipt recd at St Louis MAR 31
NVC P3 Sent APR 5

I think that your guess would be more informed than mine.

Right now


I estimate that now is the right time to send your packet 3. It takes about 3 to 4 months to get the interview, if everything is OK.

Thanks & Good Luck.

I would advise you to fill out ds 230 part 1 for each candidate and mail it to your attorneys in advance to save a week or two. If NVC receives your completed P3 by 4/20 then assuming it takes about 4 weeks to review your case and another 2 weeks to mail to the consulate you have hit the June 1 date already. And from this it is 2.5 months for the interview. So expect August interview assuming you follow the above timeline. Also may be a good time to apply for pcc if you have not done so. It is going to be india trip for indian independence day.!!
PCC from Embassy of Indian, Wash. D.C.

I don’t recollect seeing any post on getting PCC from Indian Embassy in D.C. so thought of posting my experience. It was a relatively straight process.

1) Downloaded the Miscellaneous Services form.
2) Filled the form for myself and for my wife requesting PCC service. Attached one photo on each form.
3) Wrote a cover letter explaining the reason why we need the PCC and attached a sheet showing all our residences in India and the US since age 16. (Extra step, not really needed).
4) Went to the Embassy @ 10ish, and submitted the forms. Our passports were issued by the Embassy so she said to come in the afternoon and pick up the certs.
5) Got the certs, actually they stamp a page in the passport and also give a 4 line statement on their letterhead stating that “There is no adverse information on the records of Embassy of India against xxxxxxxxxxxx holder of Indian Passport # xxxxxxxxx issued at Washington DC, USA on xx/xx/xxxx which would render him/her ineligible for the grant of travel facilities including visa for USA.

I was quite happy with the whole process, as the operator had told me earlier that it takes 15 days but I got it wrapped up in a day! Hopefully the other Consulates in the US are as efficient.