The ombudsman's report is familiar to me, as was murthy's bulletin.
Quite frankly, I paid more attention to the phrase "no specific dates or deadlines were provided." in other words, "we'll see".
I do not hold out much hope in the name check backlog issue since there are now so many new cases to pick from.
I'm sure as a victim of BEC, you should know that even iron-clad promises/guarantees to work down the backlog mean nothing. Vague references to doing something about it, mean even less.
In any event, No one will be getting GC after tomorrow, until at least October, so there is n't even any pressure to look at cases for the next 2 months. And when they do, they will be looking at the june/july/august filings, not the oldie-moldies.
I fully expect to be part of the same ">33 months" crowd in next years report, except that iot will now be ">45 months."