Connecticut SESA Tracker

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Re: CT sent LC to Boston on 12/16

Originally posted by hdixit
My PD at CT was 05/29/2002

Congrats,good luck for Regional ,I-140 & 485.My PD is also may 2002.How do we get to know if my state labor has cleared & sent to Boston DOL?

CT is Processing June 2002

I called CT Sesa and they said they are processing June 2002 but their website still showing May 2002.
did they tell u when they would finish june 2002 and why dont they update their website and if so when they would..........

also whats your filing date
something fishy................jharkhadi u gotta throw some light..................i just spoke and they say still may 2002
ran123 - you asked and I am here.


They are sleeping. They got drunk during holidays. Couple of them are on leave and rest are waiting for them to come back it seems.

Jokes apart here is the situation:

I feel that these people are not being very co-operative to Boston DOL guys. If you get a chance - ask them how come it is possible that even though Boston DOL people are helping - CT SESA is still running so late? And believe me - their expression will tell you the story.

Nowadays Frank is not the only one who is picking up calls. Sometimes it is Lisa and sometimes it is Rodney.

Lots of April cases are still with CT SESA - they are piling it up. In other words it is big mess. However they had published dates of May 2002 so they are maintaining it. I have not seen even one case of May 2002 being approved till now, which is surprising cause cases from CT SESA cross Boston DOL in maximum of 4 weeks. I do not think they have really cleared April cases. I personally know cases which are hanging there.

Also many analysts were on leave - that could have affected processing.

Just an update:

I am not sure - but someone told me that Boston DOL is concerned over Non RIR cases in CT SESA whihc are pending since last century. Maybe CT SESA is working on non-RIRs now - most of those cases are such that company does not exists or that applicant has left etc. You may like to verify it.

If that be the case then, I feel, perhaps they are trying to show that they are working - non RIR dates will jump ahead soon etc. If this be the case then expect for 2-3 months - dates for RIR won't change. Hope this is not the case.
Thanks for the latest are the BOSS..........and have uptodate info ............

used to thing govt offices in india are slow..........but yahan par its worse...................

patience patience patience

JULY 2002... I mean JULY 2002????

So Jharkhandi, do you mean to say they update the dates just for the heck of it? A lot of us are confused, can we really count on the date they have on their website or not? Please enlighten these poor souls.

I would have felt very happy seeing July 2002 hadn't I read the messages here.. I want to be happy.

I just want to be positive and think that maybe nobody filed for LC for June 2002.

hdixit, what is your status right now? You said your PD is 5/29/2002. We greatly appriciate any update from you. this some kind of a SANTA Present.................guys with april , may , june 2002 dates pls confirm that ur cases have been sent to Boston


and keep this thread live and rocking

Enquire randomly any 5 cases of April 2002 cases. Tell me what they tell you! They maybe processing case from July - but they have not cleared many of April 2002 till now.

For good measure: find out your SESA case number and match with anyone one else you know. You will find how many number of cases are in CT SESA and how many roughly they process in a month! It will give you a better understanding. If you know those numbers you may be shocked. Around 6 months or so ago - they were processing/approving not more then 30-50 cases in entire month. You can find thru lcstatus01 email ID to find out about these case that are forwarded to DOL. You will find in one month CT SESA processes(and approves) not more then XX cases(number is based on what reaches Boston DOL). XX is double digit number. Is this really a satisfactory number for you?

Thank Boston DOL guys who are in CT SESA to fix up problems.

I am telling all this with conviction - cause my case has PD of Mid April 2002 and is still not worked on. It is haphazard if you can understand it. And I know few more cases in CT SESA of April 2002, which have not been worked on.

For enlightenment side: Go with CT SESA website.

Sorry to have made you feel sad. I know a good lie could have made your day, especially if you believe your LC date 26-Jan-2003 was a working day. I thought it was Sunday. I would not ask you for enlightenment - you can save it for yourself.

See, even without such a hard hitting post you could have made the point. Who told you that I cannot be wrong? But pointing it out in a better way could have reflected nice on you too. However, I tried my best to share info - won't you agree? Atleast I did not pop after one year of hibernation, using info without sharing. What is that called in your language - please enlighten me.

I have faulted many times in my life and I accept it - it makes me feel a little comfortable in my own eyes. Hopefully CT SESA will prove me wrong too - I wish so.

I think you need to trust more on CT SESA then anyone else.

For everyone else - trust CT SESA website - no question of more or less then anyone. It is official and hopefully quotable.

By the way I am waiting for your emails to people who told you that 7th year extension is not stamped, including Colin Powell on interpretation of 106(a) and (b) of AC21 along with others. Keep updated.

Cheer up dude - this is my last post for you - and feel free to ignore me. I would appreciate your gesture and hope you get this message in entirety, unlike H1b extension for 7 year. I don't know a better way to drop communication without leaving dignity.

P.S. I guess I did not give you heart attack today. Also reproducing what is one home page:

Disclaimer: We take no responsibility for accuracy of information provided. Please use at your own risk.

Cheer up ran123 - you are closer now. Wait for update from hdixit.
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Thanks for the insight


Cheer up man, I never wanted to make you feel bad or anything, all I wanted to know was whether to go with CT DOL website or not. I am very sorry if I sounded harsh/rude in my previous message.

Thanks to you again for all the information.

jhakrkandi...................maaaf kardooo burgu bacheee kooooooooo....................

na samajh hai.....................
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