Chicago Regional DOL Tracker - Old (Archived on 09/22/2004)

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bazuka6 said:
mine was moved on april 17 and avm is updated. now i can hear the "has been received " message for a long time :mad:

When did your case moved to DOL and when the AVM updated your case. Please let us know.
chic-dol said:
Normally the operator will tell the exact date of processing (like now they say Dec17th ,for more than a month) .Also, you can check the random case numbers in AVM .
Looks like they have not yet passed Dec 17yh ....a god 2/3 months before they reach January .

Where can I get the case number from? I am assuming that it is not the same case number as the one with SESA. Please advise.

I called the DOL nad got the sake date Dec 17th .I asked why is it stuck in that date.She told me now DOL is NOT processing new cases until they are done with all the pending cases(cases for which they sent RFE) ...Upon asking how long it will take to clear those pending cases,she said she does not know.depends on how soon each analyst work on their cases.

lets take it easy for 2/3 weeks and see if they clear the pending cases by then.
DOL updated their processing times for July and no surprise here...still processing Dec.... It doesn't look like there is anykind of hope
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chic-dol said:
I called the DOL nad got the sake date Dec 17th .I asked why is it stuck in that date.She told me now DOL is NOT processing new cases until they are done with all the pending cases(cases for which they sent RFE) ...Upon asking how long it will take to clear those pending cases,she said she does not know.depends on how soon each analyst work on their cases.

lets take it easy for 2/3 weeks and see if they clear the pending cases by then.

Ref usualy requir 30 to 60 days to get come back . By that time are these guys just site at there desk and wait for mail ?? :confused:
No Mahendra ,They will catch up with their paid vacation,beach trip and what not.Those are bunch of hard working guys ,remember.....give them a break.
See...first they sent RFE to most of the cases...and then they have to process those cases again...give them some credit man...

Atleast they are doing something case forwarded to DOL on May 27th was finally updated in AVM with received date of June 1st.
kothari_rupesh said:
Atleast they are doing something case forwarded to DOL on May 27th was finally updated in AVM with received date of June 1st.

He He ...wrong again... The updating in the AVM machine is done by contractors.... :D ...
We are also hard working people... we also deserve a break from this prolonged nerve racking process , don't you agree ;)
Hi guys,
Some real bad news,
Chicago is going to slow down,
temporary labor certs are back, so relax, don't bother analyzing,
just wait for the magic day.
Just spoke to a very high level person in Chicago,
they just don't have the needed staff and labor certs are not important and there is no need or statutory requirement to complete them in specific timeframe.
So if you get certified, you are lucky, or else
God help us.
I predict Chicago is going to advance maybe one month in 3 months, so plan ahead,
a bit of planning always helps,
no point in getting mad.
Come on guys, lets plan a lawsuit or something,
but judging from the support for the other suit, i guess we all want our cards but are not willing to do anything.
We do deserve this treatment I guess.
Those who get approved don't bother and the response is pathetic, so maybe its not worth trying.
For a change, let us see whose is the longest pending case, mine is DEC. 2001.
RFE cases are being processed!

I think it is true that Chicago DOL is processing those cases against which they issued an RFE or NOF earlier. I used to keep track of the cases starting Oct 2003. I just went back and checked them. Surprise! Lots of cases that received RFE/NOF during the period Oct 2003 to Dec 1, 2003 have been CERTIIFIED. The certified dates are from June 2004 to July 12, 2004! ( Yes, One Dec 1, 2003 case which was remanded to employer in May 2004 was responded back in June 24, 2004 and it was certified yesterday July 12, 2004 !)

Looks like they are really processing the "remand to employer" cases. Remember couple of months ago, all of a sudden, DOL started remanding cases that had B.S. + 1 year epxerience. Most of the employers must have retested the market by placing more Ads and must have sent it back to DOL. I think those are the cases they are working on now.

In a way it is good that they don't want to just keep on issuing RFE/NOFs and don't bother about them. Atleast someone up there is thinking of clearing them!

Our fellow forum users can tell us if this is what is happening in DOL. If any of you know that your case received an RFE and it was certified recently, can you please post the details?


LongestLabor said:
Mine is NON-RIR, come on let's start the competition.


I beat you by 9 months mine is march 2001, and I am still stuck with this unfair treatment of waiting. Guess we all will get old and grey by the time we get through.
but judging from the support for the other suit, i guess we all want our cards but are not willing to do anything.
We do deserve this treatment I guess.
Those who get approved don't bother and the response is pathetic, so maybe its not worth trying.

Strange for me... I would guess somebody who suffered this unfair treatment would do his/her best to lessen it on others... I know, if I ever become a citizin "a very very big if"... I will always vote for the person who makes immigratio easy
charlesmighty said:

I beat you by 9 months mine is march 2001, and I am still stuck with this unfair treatment of waiting. Guess we all will get old and grey by the time we get through.
Hi CharlesMighty,
You made my day,beat me by 9 months?
Man, you are really patient,
think you will get yours in the next 3 months,
well, no one has come forward on the lawsuit,
which means all of us don't mind waiting?
RAKADH said:
Is AVM the only method to get a status update on one's case? I just found out that my case was moved to DOL sometime during April last week. I called the AVM number (312-353-1059) and keyed in the emplyer's tax id. However, the automated rep. says that there has been no cases attested in the last 30 days. I am a bit clueless on this process. I understand that it takes at least 2 months since the time your case has been moved to DOL for the AVM to get updated. If I assume that AVM would be updating my status in the next few weeks, shouldn't it still provide an update of all the cases that it has processed in the recent past? Please advise. Also, please let me know if this is the only way to find out your status? Thanks.

Hello friends,

My case was transferred to Chicago from Michigan in Mar. 5th, 2004. However, by checking my employer's phone number, I can only find one case received by Chicago regional office in April 12th, 2004. I am not sure whether or not it is mine. I have two friends (same employer), one of whose case was transferred at exactly the same date of mine, the other one of whose case was transferred in April 7th. I talked to my attorney asking him why it seems my case was not in the system while it only takes a couple of days for Chicago to receive the cases from Mi. state. he told me:

1) Mar. 5th - transferred date means nothing. Depend on God, received date can be in April, May or even June July.
2) there is no way to get my case no.
3) I can only wait and see.

If my case is not in the system, does it mean Chicago hasnot received my case? what should I do now?

Thank you for your advice
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