Chicago Regional DOL Tracker - Old (Archived on 09/22/2004)

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Case # 05426007 (030.162.014) was approved on Oct 3rd 2003. What are you talking about?

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DOL UPDATE - 10/03/03 (Aug 25 cases)
O5426199 8/25 381.137-010 Certified October 3
O5426200 8/25 030.062-014 Certified October 3
Re: july 8th 2003 Cases

Mine was recd Jul 15 and not yet approved.

Originally posted by psam05
My case has transferred to Chicago DOL on July 8th 2003. One interesting thing, there are three cases reached same time from my employer. I also checked couple of other cases that were reached same time, for these cases also AVM system says “has received on July 8th 2003". I am just worried about this.

Gurus >> Do you guys have any idea how should I get some kind of response form DOL? Should I ask my lawyer to call DOL?

Is there anyone else in the same boat?
Re: Re: Notice Of Findings - good news

The AVM says my case is certified on Oct 3rd.

Please see below for the details...

Originally posted by rravipati

Here is the latest update on my case (kind of good news for me). My attorney contacted the DOL again and this is what she just emailed me...

"I just spoke with an analyst at the Department of Labor. We were misinformed the first time I contacted them. Your Application DOES NOT have a Notice of Findings. Your Application is being assigned to an analyst at this time. We will keep you informed of the progress.

I apologize for the alarm. I am glad, however, to be the bearer of better news this time. "

I am hoping for the good news this time.
Re: Fax of Approval

I wonder if it works at all. I've tried it a few times but never got a fax of my case status.


Originally posted by nelabor
Any idea how the fax option work at DOL
Any non-RIR approvals recently?

Have there been any non-RIR approvals recently? Chicago DOL seems to be processing Jul 2002 cases for the past several months.
Non-RIR has been stalled on Jul ,2002 for about a year.

If you do a research on the archives of processing times, you will find it hasn't been moving since last Oct, however, I do find some cases have been approved based on "Limited Review" process.

I am on the same boat with you.
Document for Approval

What is the time it takes to received the printed document from Labor Dept After Approval
- Case certified at DOL -

Hi guys,
My case was certified at DOL and the status has been updated on 3rd Oct, 2003.

Case# : 054258xx
DOT code# 030.162-014
SESA sent to DOL: July 31st, 2003
DOL Receipt Date: August 11th, 2003
Certified date and status updated : October 3rd, 2003.

Iam yet to receive the hard copy of the certificate from our attorney. Guys, anyone know how long will it take to receive the hardcopy of DOL approval after the case is certified.

Re: - Case certified at DOL -

Svenug and nelabor,

It takes approximately two weeks to get the hard copy from DOL after the case is certified.

Hope this helps.

Originally posted by svenug
Hi guys,
My case was certified at DOL and the status has been updated on 3rd Oct, 2003.

Case# : 054258xx
DOT code# 030.162-014
SESA sent to DOL: July 31st, 2003
DOL Receipt Date: August 11th, 2003
Certified date and status updated : October 3rd, 2003.

Iam yet to receive the hard copy of the certificate from our attorney. Guys, anyone know how long will it take to receive the hardcopy of DOL approval after the case is certified.

IL SESA case status?

Hi Gurus,

Anyone's case approved with

SENT TO IL SESA: <between 2nd and 3rd week of MAY'2003>
Re: Re: Re: Notice Of Findings - good news

Originally posted by rravipati
The AVM says my case is certified on Oct 3rd.

Please see below for the details...

rravipati -
How long did it take for your case to approve after an analyst was assinged?
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