Chicago Regional DOL Tracker - Old (Archived on 09/22/2004)

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Thoughts Please

Do i need to concerned about my case ... There are cases beyond mine dates which are approved as on 29 sep 2003
It seemed to me that DOL will process based on the DOT codes. That'why I notice the big difference when I hear about some cases and their receipt dates. Is it that way DOL will process?
Hi Nelabor,

I think DOT code makes difference. Please wait for 2 or 3 days or a week. There are few cases (ex: 05426001 and 05426002) are not certified which are received by DOL on 08/15/03

The following information I got it from previous postings:

-Seems there are two analysts working on RIR case
- Based on observation - when DOL officers review cases depends on DOT Code and RIR/Non RIR
for example if you are Prof / Teacher for some college/university it gets approved very fast , within 2 weeks after RD
if you are IT related jobs, it takes about 2 to 3 months for RIR
if you are chef, it takes about 3-5 months for RIR
if you are cleaner/gardener, it just take couple days after RD because they have to wait very long time in local and when they take RIR case, seems they follow the RD but it depends on the officer which case # he/she wants to review

Hope this helps.

My case have been moved to DOL on 08/28. When i tried to track the status by using my employer Phone number, it's bringing all the cases from 1998 onwards. Its taking lot of time( more than 500 cases are there) to reach Aug 2003.

Is theer any way i can jump directly to Aug 28, 2003 cases?
Remember i don't have case number.
Case # 05426200 has received by DOL on 08/25/03. By using the case #, you can find out your case #.

That is a good thought. I will wait for a week and see what happens. But little tensed about it ... Hoping for the best

Case # 05426200 has received by DOL on 08/25/03. By using the case #, you can find out your case #.


How will i know my case number??? Mine has been forwarded to Chicago DOL0n 8/28. That means they might have been received it on 2nd Sept, 2003. Is there any way i can know the case number for 2nd Sept, 2003???

Hi all

My attorney received my LC approved on mail today. It took 5 days to receive Hard copy from CHICAGO DOL

I appreciated all of you and best of luck. See you in the I-485 and I-140 threads

My case was received in DOL on 7/1/2003, still not certified.
The lawyer also hasnt heard anything from DOL.

Anybody else in the same boat?
Case# 054246xx
Notice Of Findings

My case (RIR/EB3) received at Chicago DOL on 6/3/2003. After waiting until 9/10/2003, our attorney called the DOL and requested the status of teh case. After calling daily for 4 or 5 days, the DOL contact told our attorney on 9/15/2003 that the case was delayed due to a Notice Of Findings and the information will be sent to our attorney office. But, we did not receive anything so far from the DOL and the AVM still says the case is pending (Received).

Does anybody know whether the AVM will be updated in case of NOF?
What is the average timeframe to receive the information from DOL incase of NOF?
Is there a possibility that my case is lost and the DOL is buying time to track it by saying that there is NOF? I am asking this because they could not give any information until 4 days when we contacted them and then on the 5th day they said there is a NOF.

All your ideas and suggestions are very well appreciated.

Thank you in advance.

I am in the same boat as you. I learned a NOF will be sent about 1 month ago. But I am still waiting until now. When I contacted the office, they just kept on saying the NOF will be sent soon. Don't know what is going over there. Don't know when I will receive it either. Pretty nothing we can do here except for waiting.
Hi Guys,

How long does it take to process DOL cases with EB2 /RIR.

I am new to this form, any updates appreciated.

Hi Vinay,

There is no difference at LC level.
Nowdays EB2 and EB3 are almost same. EB3 is safer than EB2 for the current market ( This what my lawyer told me)

Hi All,

Please update the latest DOL processing date.

Any Updates

Any Updates on Processing Dates ? My DOL RD is 18-Aug-2003 DOT 030.162.014 Case No 0542601* . Please update any dates that you may know
DOL UPDATE - 10/01/03
O5426084 8/19 030.062-014 Certified October 1, 03

Still there are many August 15, 18,19 and 20 cases to be certified
I am in a similar situation. My case went to DOL on May 21 st 2003. Still says received in AVM. My attorney called, they say it is still pending as per record and they will send a report soon.

What is NOF, what needs to be done in case of NOF.
DOL UPDATE - 10/01/03 (AUG 20 cases)
O5426111 8/20 030.167-014 Certified October 1,03
O5426115 8/20 020.067-018 Certified October 1,03
O5426116 8/20 189.117-030 Certified October 1,03
Thanks Ashkar for the info, Looking at the above messages, it looks like DOL cases are getting certified in 40 to 45 days for normal cases without NOF. Pl correct me if i am wrong.

Just learned today that my NOF was sent 2 days ago. They explained to me that they will send out NOF at the end of each month. So I suppose you should be yours pretty soon.

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