Chicago Regional DOL Tracker - Old (Archived on 09/22/2004)

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Need help/advise on Labor substitution


One of my friend has joined a company who promised him to file GC based on labor substitution. Now company and its Lawyer are saying that labor substitution will take 2-3 months at least
before they file 140/485. They are saying that they will send the application for labor substitution to Labor department and it takes around 3 months to get a response from Labor departemnt and only after this response 140/485 would be filed.

Is it true that it needs to send some application to Labor department? I was under impression
that I-140/485 could be filed using the certified labor without any wait or Labor department's
intervention. My friend's profile is exactly matching to the labor approval this company holds.
what is the process for Labor substitution.

Please help. Any help or adivse is appreciated.


....I wanted to make a sad face in my above posting, don't know how that damn smiley came about....well there isn't anything to feel happy about while dealing with labor department.

DOL Phone number

Hi Guys,
I am trying to reach DOL chicago office by dialing 312-353-1059, and it says the number is disconnected. Can any one let me know what is th enew number for finding the status with my employers phone number.

Re: DOL Phone number

The number is correct. I just tried it & it works. Maybe you would want to try again.


Originally posted by Ravikc
Hi Guys,
I am trying to reach DOL chicago office by dialing 312-353-1059, and it says the number is disconnected. Can any one let me know what is th enew number for finding the status with my employers phone number.

Hi guys,
My case has been moved to DOL, chicago on 07/31/2003. I haven't yet received the DOT code and the case number. Can anyone tell me how long will it take for the DOL, chicago to send the DOT code with the case number.
Hi Svenug

How do you know that your case moved to DOL chicago?
Did you get any letter from IL SESA? (Hope you applied in IL SESA)
When did you apply at state level (IL SESA)?
I appreciate if you give me above information. Why bcz me too in same boat, without any information. My attorney says he did not get any type of information from IL SESA? Waiting for your help.Thanks..........
Hi GC Pain,

My attorney has sent the letter received from SESA, Michigan office. That letter has the information about the date my case has been sent to DOL, chicago. My PD is August, 2002. The question is how long will the DOL, chicago need to inform the case number.
Chicago DOL...

....Does Chicago DOL aknowledges receipt of a case from state SESA by sending a letter to the attorney? If yes, then how long does it take for them to send the letter?

My case was forwarded to Chicago 2 weeks ago but it does not show up on the AVM. I know it may take a little longer than that but just wanted to share experiences with other folks if anyone waited longer, before the case showed up on AVM.

Is there anyone in the same boad as me?


Now, I hear that few RIR cases received in July 1st week are also getting certified and the AVM says my case is still Received on Jun 3rd, 2003.

Should I be concerned?

Thanks in advance.

My details
Applied at MI SESA on May 3, 2002 (RIR)
Moved/Received at Chicago DOL on June 3, 2003

Please ask you attorney to contact DOL and find out the details o the case and what is going on with it ...
Processing Jul 15 2003

I punched in Random numbers found that there are cases from Jul 15 with DOT code 030.162.014 being Certified update posted at AVM on Sep 05 2003


Today i checked AVM and was happy to know my case was certified.

My case was recieved in Chicago DOL on July 10th 03. Mine was a RIR\EB2 from Ohio.

Labor Certified

I learned that my labor is certified. My labor was applied to IL SESA in the first week of april . Even though we got the initial receipt for my case after two months, we haven't gotten any notice of my case forwarding to Chicago DOL and I couldn't find it on the AVM even now. But, my HR notified today that they got the hard copy sometime last week.

I wish you all the very best!.

Congrats on you 140/485. Was it EB2/EB3 what was the exact receipt date at DOL if possible update
Hi Abalusu

Mycase was applied to IL SESA in firs week of June. Till now my attorney did not receive any kind of response. Even we do not know weather it moved to DOL or not? Should I be concerned about this? Please Gurus advice me. I did not understand what to do now? Your help is truely appreciated. Thanks.........
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