Chicago IL - N-400 Timeline

I will! The officer did not mention anything about giving me a phone call in two weeks, so knowing you are on the same boat, would be definitely helpful. Thanks.
Yikes! I have my interview this Wednesday (April 21st). Do you guys know if it was a one day thing or a recurring issue? It does not seem to be a one day thing as people from other DO's have been facing this issue too.
Yikes! I have my interview this Wednesday (April 21st). Do you guys know if it was a one day thing or a recurring issue? It does not seem to be a one day thing as people from other DO's have been facing this issue too.

how did it go?
I have my interview in Chicago next week and was wondering how your went!
interview complete ; different results

Today we had our interview at Chicago. In Chicago first come first served seems to apply. Our friend had earlier interview time. We, self and spouse, reached early about 45min ahead of our time. What to do Metra reached 10 min ahead of schedule !!! We did not kill our time in train station and chose to reach earlier based on a post i read earlier in this forum.

We were called in earlier than our friend who was scheduled 15 min ahead of us, but reached 5 min after us.

I was called in first and the usual interview out in 10 min with N-652 saying " congratulations you application recommended for approval"

My spouse was called in by different IO later had usual interview her N-652 saying passed the tests and A decision cannot yet be made about your application. The IO said some problem with FBI.

On returning home we checked with FBI 304-625-5590 and they said FP done on 01/28/2010 and result sent very next day. We do not know what is the problem .

I had seen two earlier posts from Chicago from JCHICAGO and Mash_21 of same problem. Any idea how long we have to wait ???
My wife and I had our interview at the Chicago DO today. We had our appointment at 10:25. My wife was called in at 11:30 and I was called in at 12:30. Both of us got the "Decision cannot be made" option checked on our N-652. Here is the scoop on that. The IO who interviewed me was very friendly. Anyone who had their name check done between 1/11/2010 and 3/11/2010 will get this option checked. Apparently, the correct process was not followed to do the name check and so it will have to be redone. The IO who did my wife's interview said it may take about 8 weeks but the IO (friendly guy) who interviewed me said it may take only about one to two weeks.

I guess the name check is done before you even get fingerprinted because mine was done on 1/12/2010 as per the IO. My FP was done on 2/5/2010.

BTW, I do not remember anyone posting this but at the time of check-in we were given a card for Family Oath so that we could have our oath on the same day.
Thanks madh4 and NS_IL for sharing your experiences.
At least now we know it was a major problem and that may help to fix it really fast. Let's cross fingers for the two weeks deadline! Did the IO said two weeks from the interview?
Let's also keep each other informed while we have to wait!
I really do not understand . We both had FP 1/28/2010 . How come in my case the IO gave Congratulations letter and for my spouse case A decision cannot be made. We also submitted card for joint oath ceremony and i am sure they will not call me till my spouse's case is cleared.

Grateful if all people on similar boat update their posts.
Yes, JChicago, two weeks from the date of interview.

Madh4 - In my previous post, I mentioned that the name check may not be related to your finger print date but some date after you filed your N-400. The IO said my name check was done on 1/12/2010. I did my finger print on 2/5/2010. In your case, your name check could have been done before 1/11/2010 even though your finger print date was 1/28/2010.
US Citizenship Interview - Chicago

I had my US citizenship interview yesterday in Chicago and a decision cannot yet be made about your application was my result (similar to Jchicago, mah4, and NS_IL).

It was a fairly straight forward interview as described in details by multiple postings in this site and I cleared the US history, Civics, and English test etc. However, the CIS officer informed me that my backgrounds check have not come in. She mentioned that there was a screw up in the system and a bunch of people were in the same boat.

She said normally we were not supposed to get an interview notice before the background check is complete. She took all the info and we completed all the forms for the oath process and she told me that presuming the background report comes green I should get an oath letter from them. However, she did not know how long it will take to complete the background check. She told me that they were putting all the files for cases similar to mine in one location. And every week they will go through the list and see if our background checks are completed and release the oath letter accordingly.

The CIS officer in my case was a very experienced lady and was very apologetic and told me repeatedly not to worry about this as this was a screw up in their system and there were unfortunately many people like me who were suffering from this mishap.

Key dates for my case if you are interested:
Applied: 12/30/09
Finger-printing done: 1/24/2010
Interview date: 4/21/2010
Waiting for Oath Letter....

I would like to take this opportunity to thank everybody who submits and share there experience and expertise on this wonderful forum and Rajiv Khanna for hosting it.
I wonder what the common thread is for all the people who's name check hasn't yet come through. Did you by any chance go for your FP earlier than the appointed date?
Delayed decision

I wonder what the common thread is for all the people who's name check hasn't yet come through. Did you by any chance go for your FP earlier than the appointed date?

Yes, in my case I did do the fingerprint before the letter date. But from other posts, it seems that the name check is not related to the fingerprint date, so i am not sure if it is because of that.

Jchicago, to clarify regarding the two week deadline, in my case the officer said that she was unable to give a deadline, but based on my first name check it had taken two weeks, and so she expected a similar time-frame for the revised one.
I do not know how this f-up happened. More or less same time my friend filed her N-400. She did her interview yesterday and was offered oath on 04/29. She opted for later in June as she is going out of country in May .

Our friend had her FP in Cook county and we had ours in Lake county. My spouse feels the operator who took her FP in Waukegan was a novice and could be the source of problem. I cannot explain how i got Congratulations letter . We did everything together but FP by two different individuals. Can that be a problem????
Name check has nothing to do with your FP. Your name check could have been done outside of the date range I mentioned before. When did you file your application?
madh4. The problem does not have anything to do with FingerPrints. It is a different process where some of us (no all) were unlucky to get I guess on the same order path for Name Check which happens to have an issue. I guess out of multiple request lines, ours was broken!
Hopefully it will be solved in very short time!
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Name check has nothing to do with your FP. Your name check could have been done outside of the date range I mentioned before. When did you file your application?

Both of us filed application same date and our PD is same as yours 12/30/2009. I cannot find a suitable explanation for approval of my case and hold of my wife.

Yesterday i could see quite a large number of people attending oath ceremony. They seem to have had interview on 4/12 and 4/15. We seem to be unlucky ones.
Straightforward questions from the book.

1. Name one branch of government
2. What does the president's cabinet do?
3. Who will become the president if both the president and the vice-president cannot serve?
4. What did the Declaration of Independence do?
5. We elect a US Senator for how many years?
6. How many justices are on the Supreme Court?

English Reading - When is Columbus Day?
English Writing - Columbus Day is in October.

Reviewed the application. Signed the pictures and the application in cursive with my full name. For my wife, the IO asked to sign like she usually does, which is just her first name. Even I am used to signing only my first name but the IO insisted I sign my full name. I guess this signature thing really depends on the IO.