Cherry Hill Processing Times for N400

Online Status now available!!

Congrats to the recent citizaens, especially livelovelaugh, must have been an agonizing wait.

It was somewhat concerning to see that the processign dates were not updated this month. But the good news is that the online status now has our cases (my wife and me) and they seem to have updated it today.

Hopefully interview letter soon. :)


PD 01/12/2005
FP Feb 2005
DO - Cherry Hill
Hey sraj55,

That's pretty interesting about your case appearing in the automatic system online..I check to see if they had my case but they didn't; However, now the message saying that the case number is not in the system appeared in BLACK instead of RED. Do you think that means my interview letter is on it's way? Oh, and by the way we have the same PD January 12, 2005. Who knows maybe we'll get our interviews on the same date. Please let us know as soon as you get your interview letter.
The Sign is good


I do believe that based on the experience posted on this forum that your case appearing in black is a sign of something has changed. Hopefully that will mean an interview letter.

good luck and keep posting any changes on your side.
Interview scheduled


I got my interview letter today. If anyone has any experiences not already posted for Cherry Hill, please do so.

DO: Cherry Hill
PD 1/12/05
FP Feb 2005 (Newark)
Interview Date: 01/19/2006
Finally received my interview letter!

Hey everybody,

Just received my interview letter today...Interview date is January 23, 2006.

I guess that those who said that when the no case found status appears in black instead of red means that the interview letter is on it's way, were right.

Here's my time table:

PD 1/12/05
FP was done sometime in March/05
ID 1/23/06

It seems like the process takes about 1 year.
Cherry hill PRocessing time

I just checked the processing time for cherry says they are processing cases from 16th priroty date is feb 23rd 2005.I call customer service they told me I have to wait 30 days past the processing time before they can look into my anyone else having same situation i am little worried right now.any help will be appreciated.
manraj2600 said:
I just checked the processing time for cherry says they are processing cases from 16th priroty date is feb 23rd 2005.I call customer service they told me I have to wait 30 days past the processing time before they can look into my anyone else having same situation i am little worried right now.any help will be appreciated.

You should be getting a letter soon....That's what happened to me and when I called I was told that they mail the interview letter six weeks before your scheduled interview date...since my priority date was Jan. 12, 2005 and my interview on Jan. 23rd ...I think you might be receiving a letter in a few weeks. I'm no expert but something tells me that your interview is going to be either by the end of Feb, or the begining of March.
No I haven't got mine as yet. The online status font is still in red. Did you get your interview call. My PD is March 7th 2005.
cherry hill

my status never been updated after 3/3/ priority date is feb 23/05.when was your case last updated please let me know.thanls.
cherry hill

hi suvenu did u get your interview letter pd is before you but my case never got updated so far.please let me know.thanks
Haven't gotten it yet. I think it should be around the corner, hopefully in a couple of weeks.

Cherry Hill - Interview Jan 19 2006

Hi all,

I had my interview today the time line is
PD Jan 12th 2005
FP Feb 2005
Interview Jan 19 2006

The interview went as follows.

1. I had to wait about 30 minutes after the appointed time to be called in.
2. The officer asked for all the following forms of identification Drivers license, SSN card, Green Card and passport.
3. The officer went through all the details in the application
4. The officer asked me to fill out the answers for 10 questions in writing.
5. One English sentence to be written.
6. I had 2 A files due to simultaneus 485 and Consular processing applications when I got my GC. I had communicated this to the Cherry Hill office. At this point the officer said that though I had passed all aspects of the Citizenship, she needs to verify that there are no "bad" remarks in the other A file. She said she would request it. May take about a month or longer. At that point I would be called for just the oath ceremony.
7. Due to some reason the INS had no middle name for me. Although my passport and other documents have the correct middle name. I was asked if I want to have a middle name or not. If I chose I could leave my middle name out. I choose to "enter" my middle name in the Citizenship file. This will lead to a delay of about 2 months from the time I complete my oath ceremony to the time I can apply for a passport.

Overall, just a few months more of delay. If anyone has experiences in the CH office of havinga second A file requested, do share. Also anyone know about the name change process?

Overall, smooth process, I did see people being called at 3:00 pm for the oath ceremony if all their citizenship requirements were completed.

Sraj55, glad to hear that you passed, sorry to hear that you still gotta wait another two months...

I have a question, does anybody knows how long it takes if i decide to change my last name to my married name? I don't have anything with my married name on it except my marriage certificate...please let me know since my interview is on Monday....
Time to change name


I did have a conversation in some detail with the immigration officer about the name change. Basically you get an opportunity to change your name at the time you are granted citizenship. This will mean that it will take 2 months after your oath ceremony before your passport can be issued.
You do have to make a decision during your interview if you need to do that.

Hope this answers your question

Cherry Hill or Newark?

Hello everyone,

can someone please tell me how VSC determines whether to send your file to Newark or Cherry Hill? I suppose it's based on where you live - but what's the determining factor (the county you live in?). Also, how will I know it? At what point (and how) do they inform you?

thanks in advance for your help. I really appreciate it.

Citizenship at last!

Hey everybody...just wanted give an update on my case...I had my interview on Monday and it was great...

Arrived a few minutes late because of the rain and since i'm about an hour and 10 minutes from Cherry Hill....Gave my letter of interview to the guard and waited until they called my name...The interview took less than 10 minutes, it was more the wait than the actual interview...
1. I was sworn in by the Immigration officer, he was very nice.

2. He ask me for my Drivers License, Green Card and Passport.

3. We went over the application, everything was correct except one little detail...but no biggy!

4. He asked me if I would like to change my name if I happen to passed, I told him that I wanted to adopt my husband's last name but that I didn't wanted to wait since I was traveling in about 7 weeks. He said that it was done the same day since changing my maiden name to my husband's name wasn't consider a name change. I gave him a copy of my marriage certificate.

5. He asked me all the questions that are at the end of the application itself.

6. Then he asked me if I was ready to take the written exam; I said yes and he print out 10 questions. I answered all the questions in a one two was so easy, all from the 100 sample questions from the website.

7. He told me that I passed the exam by 100%, asked me to write a sentece and then proceded to asked me that if I wanted to take the oath the same day if he approved my case and I said hell yeah (well inside my mind I did, it was such a long wait to get the interview that I wouldn't wait another day for the oath not even if they were willing to pay me) so I said of course. He gave me an apt. letter for 3:15pm the same day, came back at 2:45pm and the ceremony took place right on the lobby. I received my Certificate of Citizenship and I became a Proudly American Citizen.

If anybody has any question feel free to ask, and I will try to answer it the best I can.

Also, I would like to thank all those that answered my questions along this long guys made the process much easier. Thank you w/all my heart.
sam_c said:
Hello everyone,

can someone please tell me how VSC determines whether to send your file to Newark or Cherry Hill? I suppose it's based on where you live - but what's the determining factor (the county you live in?). Also, how will I know it? At what point (and how) do they inform you?

thanks in advance for your help. I really appreciate it.


Sam, It depends on where you live, for example, I live in Ocean County and this County is cover by Cherry can find out by calling the USCIS office and asking them if your case belongs to Newark or Cherry Hill. Also, I know that the process time difference between Newark and Cherry Hill is not that big, but I was glad that my case belong to Cherry Hill, since the office is less crowded than Newark and you don't even have to pay for parking or park three blocks away from the building. Oh, and they have same day Oath. Hope my answer helps.
sam c

sam, a simple way to test your location is to type in your zipcode on an infopass application. It will tell you where your office is.