Cherry Hill Processing Times for N400

Hi UnitedStatesAk,

Are you getting your GC processed thru CH or your citizenship? If it's employment based, is it not done at the National Service Centers (eg Vermont)..

Hi Manraj2006
Have you gotten your FP done? If so, where was it? Newark or Philly?
NJ specific question for Interview

My interview in CH is next week. Will post the details. Meanwhile, just wanted to be absolutely sure for the NJ specific answers. Can someone please reply to this for NJ (Cherry Hill) only:
1) Capital of the state
2) Governor of state
3) 2 Senators of state
4) Local head of govt.


I just googled for some of these questions but it's good that you get these answers double confirmed:

1) Capital of the state

2) Governor of state
Jon Corzine (Just was elected as the governor on 11/8 (defeating doug forrester)

3) 2 Senators of state
See this link
but I am not sure how up-to-date it is.

4) Local head of govt.
sorry, I am not sure either.

Wish you all the best. Please keep us posted.
NJ_CH said:
My interview in CH is next week. Will post the details. Meanwhile, just wanted to be absolutely sure for the NJ specific answers. Can someone please reply to this for NJ (Cherry Hill) only:
1) Capital of the state
2) Governor of state
3) 2 Senators of state
4) Local head of govt.

Please explore the following site, it is rich with information you need about your state's heads :

good luck and let me know how do u like it!

These answers might help.

NJ_CH said:
My interview in CH is next week. Will post the details. Meanwhile, just wanted to be absolutely sure for the NJ specific answers. Can someone please reply to this for NJ (Cherry Hill) only:
1) Capital of the state
2) Governor of state
3) 2 Senators of state
4) Local head of govt.

Hey NJ_Ch,
I wish you luck with ur interview... As someone else mentioned...the Capital of the state is Trenton, the Governor is Acting Governor Richard Codey, not Jon Corzine, at least not yet, he doesn't get inaugurated until January...the two senators are Jon Corzine and Frank Lautenberg and the local head of goverment is your town's mayor...if you log into your town's/city web page u will be able to find out who the mayor is.
Thanks for all the replies. Here is one more ?
the chief justice of Supreme Court ???


Thanks for correcting me on the 'governor' question. You're right.. Jon Corzine isn't the governor yet.


All the best for your interview. Please keep us posted.


Did you get an interview call from Cherry Hill. I understand you are earlier in the queue than I.

srivenu said:

Did you get an interview call from Cherry Hill. I understand you are earlier in the queue than I.

Nope Srivenu, I have not received my interview letter yet....I was told that I should be receiving it either at the end of November or the begining of Dec. Hope the lady from USCIS was right. And yes my ND is 01-12-04. I will keep ya posted as soon as i get my interview notice. What's ur ND Srivenu?
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thanks Srivenu

If I understand it right , CH is a very small office with much less traffic.. not sure why does it take so long to process N400 applications from there.

Was it a crowded office when you went for your interview/oath? Would you know roughly how many ppl would they have interviewed that day? Just to get some statistics..
Finally had oath ceremony!!!

I finally had my oath ceremony on November 21st!!! There were people there who had been interviewed that morning and had the oath ceremony that same afternoon.

My timeline:

application date 3/04
interview date 6/05
fingerprinting again 9/05
oath ceremony 11/21

In December my file was transferred to Cherry Hill from Newark due to address change. At the interview the officer requesting more information regarding my maiden name, which I sent in within a week.

Congratulations!! and thankyou for posting your timeline. btw, was it a very crowded office?. It looks like CH isn't that busy (i don't see many ppl on this thread here from CH) but it still takes a long time to get an interview date from there..
There were about 40 people there for the oath ceremony. I do believe it is a very slow office as it took them almost five months from my interview date to get the oath letter out eventhough I had sent in the additional info they wanted within 1 week of my interview.

Good Luck to Everyone!!!!!
Congrats livelovelaugh on becoming a citizen.

Hey I have been to the Cherry Hill office a while back with a friend of mines who's husband had an interview for his green card and she asked me to come along for moral support. Back then the office was a little crowded since people used to bring their mama and dog along w/them; but since now everybody needs an appoitment and they may only bring one person w/them, I don't think it would be too pack.