Cherry Hill Processing Times for N400

Oath ceremony!

I do think that Oaths take place daily because I check it out on the Cherry Hill Web Site and this is what they have to say. "Citizenship Ceremonies:
Occur daily. I obtained this quote straigh from their web site. Here's the link if any one wishes to check it out. I will try calling the service center to ask when I get a chance...if there's any one who has a little more time available out there maybe you might like to call and find out for all of us who wish to know. Scroll down all the way to Citizenship Ceremonies.
Oath ceremonies may take place everyday, however your interview and oath may not be on the same day. This is my understanding of how Cherry Hill functions based on postings on this web site as well as talking to my lawyer.


Can anyone provide a check list of documents to carry at the time of interview?

Same day Oath at Cherry Hill!

Hey everybody, I just find out from a friend of mines who's friend got her citizenship about 3 months ago...she said that Cherry Hill has same day Oath! That after passing the interview, she was told to come back in 3 hours for the Oath. So is settle people, there is same day Oath Ceremony @ Cherry Hill!

Here's a check list of documents you might want to take (if applicable)

1. IRS tax transcripts for last 5 years
2. Marriage Certificate
3. Documentation on any traffic tickets
4. Lease documents or property papers
5. Green card
6. employment records

just a few that come to mind and am planning on taking.


Did you get your interview call
Cherry hill processing time

PD feb 17th 2005
FP may 2005
Waiting for interview
I just saw the notice they send me it has recived date feb 17th but when i check status online it says feb 23rd.I call 800 number but she told me she dont have any idea why its like that.
even date for last update on my case is 3/3/05 any one has similar situation
Cherry Hill Infopass - Not helpful

Today I had an InfoPass appointment for CH. MY PD is Jan 12th 2005 and FP in Feb 2005.

I asked the officer if they have my file. They said the file is with VSC.

I asked on when to expect the interview, they said there is no option but to wait.

I asked them that there was no status report on the 800 number or the website for my case, they would not comment on these methods to get status.

Felt like I got absolutely stonewalled on any question, and there was no information provided at all. :(

Any idea on what this means or what can be done now, besides wait?



Any word on Oath in CH?

Same day as Interview? Were u able to get any info?

No Info on Oath


It would have been a good question to ask, did not think of that.

No info sorry.
I heard they stopped infopass appointments at CH office. Were you still able to get it.

So bad, you were not able to get any specific answers to your questions. It's very frustrating. When the officer said, the file is with VSC, did you actually check first and then told you or he jsut made an assumption?

Hope you get your interview date soon. All the best!

Please keep us posted on your interview date when you get one. You should be receiving one shortly.

CH seems to be a slow DO for N400 processing :(
and looks like we don't have many people filing thru CH (so what could be the basis of it moving so slow.. :(

anyway, guys, let's keep each other posted as much as we can.

If we can find out whether or not CH does oath the same day as interview, it'll be great!! I guess someone on this thread mentioned his/her friend got it done thru CH and interview/oath were the same day. Is that true?? If so, it'll save us a lot of time.
Anyone any update on CH processing times? We have very little information available on CH.. so let's please share as much as we know.

Still waiting. PD is March 7th 2005. There are a few people in this thread who are ahead in the line. Please post any update in statuses.


any update on your interview notice. I think your PD is ahead of srivenu's

I hope CH shows some good progress...

Also, has anyone been able to get any info on whether or not interview and oath take place the same day in CH.

I guess for someone on this thread (NJ-CH??), interview is in nov sometime.. i guess we'll find out soon if interview/oath are indeed on the same day. NJ-CH, please keep us posted.

Check this site out to find out procesing that... and as far i know for FP you have to go to Philadelphia..there are two offices one is on 8th street and the second one is on i am not sure which one you have to go for it...

srivenu said:
Priority Date - March 9th 2005
Finger Print - May 30th 2005 in Newark
Waiting for interview call.

Does anyone here have an idea on how long it takes to get an interview call from Cherry Hill, New Jersey. Also for Cherry Hill applicants is the Finger Print always done in Newark ?
