CHENNAI-MAY 2003- Experiences

Originally posted by ram1329
What is the best mode of transport to Tirupathi and back from Chennai - ram1329

The best not including air is the trains Tirupathi Express and
Chennai Express in their AC Chair Cars.

The journey time is 3 hours and it costs roughly Rs.200 per
person. The train numbers are 6053 and 6054 ( I believe)

The one going from Chennai leaves at 1.55 PM and from
Tirupathi the train leaves at 9.55 AM.

Re: Congratulations to everybody on succesful CP Processing !!!

Originally posted by dbsraju
Hello all:

I am very glad for every one of you for the succesful completion of the Greencard process through CP. I am also glad that this thread has lot of info regarding the process (Thanks to Raju 595).

My Labor Certification got cleared last week (Chicago DOL) and I am preparing to apply for I-140. I am thinking of taking your route (CP..). I am actually concerned about two three issues that may be particular to my case. I appreciate if you could answer them here or send me an e-mail <> .

1. My company is a small software consulting company. (4 or 5 employees). Financially it is doing alright (Little profits, but not in losses etc). Would that be problem for CP. My concern is could there be a discretion against small companies ?

2. I did not re-validate my passport stamping (My H1B is extended in US). So, if something goes wrong in Chennai

(Unforeseen ofcourse, as I have all the documentation), could that be a problem to re-enter USA on my H1B (stamping ?).

Thanks in advance for the advises.

Best Regards,
Rama Raju. Dutta.

Hi Rama Raju,

I do not see the need to repeat what cpdelhi said and I concur
with him.

You need not worry about the stature of your company since
it was able to negotiate the LC and I-140 process with positive

Once you prepare yourself well and carry all the documents it
is 99% certain that you will get your Immigrant visa. The reasons
that would bar you from entering US on H1 visa ( if necessary)
are major like fraud, mis-representation or major illnesses. So
you need not worry.

Go with confidence.

Good luck.
Police report when involved in accident.


Today I was involved in a small accedent with my car. When I was driving in a small street( private property), an old lady hit my car at rear left side of my car without yielding .(She was coming from the parking lot). 100% it is her fault. Still that old stupid lady started arguing with me that it is my fault. Finally I called police but he said they can't come to the scene when accident happens in private property(nobody was hurt..) and he asked me to come and give the report in nearest police station if needed.
He also said that, he can't figure it out who's fault it is, because he is not coming to the spot.

Finally we exchanged the information and she said, she is going to give a complaint in the police station against me.

Later, I went to the police station, and reported the accident.

Now my question is:
If she gives any complaint in police station, What kind of complaint is it?? Is it nothing but reporting an accident??will it affect me in charged/offense..??

Should I say yes for the Item #31 ( Have you ever been charged, arrested or convicted on any offense or crime?) in DS 230 II.

How can I know if she filed any complaint on me r not??

Please clarify me.

Coinsidently, today only I completed my DS 230 form, by answering "NO" to all questions...I think I have to change it now...

Don't worry Sam,

You don't have to change anything yet. Most traffic violations are not criminal in nature. From what you are describing, You may have a complaint lodged against you- but you have not been charged(by the police) of any wrong doing. More than that, the 2 parties involved have differing accounts- you will have to sort it out between the 2 insurance companies involved. If you can't, the matter may go to a civil court-only if one of you takes it there. That is not something you have to mention in DS230 either. You may have to bring documentation to CP only if you are ticketed by police for reckless driving/DUI or some other serious charge. Good luck;)
Re: Don't worry Sam,

Originally posted by Rajeev Kumar
You don't have to change anything yet. Most traffic violations are not criminal in nature. From what you are describing, You may have a complaint lodged against you- but you have not been charged(by the police) of any wrong doing. More than that, the 2 parties involved have differing accounts- you will have to sort it out between the 2 insurance companies involved. If you can't, the matter may go to a civil court-only if one of you takes it there. That is not something you have to mention in DS230 either. You may have to bring documentation to CP only if you are ticketed by police for reckless driving/DUI or some other serious charge. Good luck;)

Thanks for your answers. Good to know that I don't need to change anything in my DS 230, because of this incident. Hopefully such complaints won't create any problem for me..(if at all they make any complaint).

Local PCC

May CPers,

Congratulations on completing your CP interview!
Did any of you carry local PCC from district police office?
Did the consular officer ask anybody regarding this?

Re: Local PCC

Originally posted by nadan
May CPers,

Congratulations on completing your CP interview!
Did any of you carry local PCC from district police office?
Did the consular officer ask anybody regarding this?


As you may be aware the PCC requirement is driven by where
the person lives presently and where he/she has lived earlier.

In my (our) case I and my wife carried only 1 PCC from the
Indian Consulate, S'Francisco. We are living in US for the last
5 years barring brief visits for a period of 1 month on two occassions.

I did not face one sigle question about PCC or any other document.

successful CP

Sorry about all the delay in mailing this info. Raju, pulliraju and others have already put all the details needed for CP. Let me put in my 2 cents.

1. Reached chennai on 16th May. For first timers to chennai, if
you have gone by train. you will find a prepaid auto booth
outside chennai central. Please go there and get your auto,
otherwise you will get ripped.

2. Stayed in a hotel called Savera (very decent and nice hotel)
close to sarvana bhavan and couple other hotels. Cost about
Rs 2200/- per night.

3. Went to lister labs on 17th May morning with P4, passports.
Charged about Rs 600/- per person and children are not
subject to xray and blood test Done in 15 mins.

4. Auto fellow dropped us at the first lister lab in that street,
when we mentioned immigration we were instructed to go to
the other building about 5-6 buildings apart.

5. 18th being sunday went around chennai. Make sure you stay
in a A/C hotel as the temperatures in chennai are too high.
Got immigration pix taken at camera citi, they are open from
9am to 10 pm. I preferred to get there at 7pm for pix taken.

6. Visited Dr. Vijaylakshmi on 19th May. Apptmt was at 12.30 am
but went at 12 noon and was called in 10 mins. She took
about 1 hour to complete the process. Gave shots and
returned the sealed medical envelope and mentioned not to
take the x-ray to the consulate.

7. Interview on 21st May. Reached consulate at 7.55 am and
got in immideatly. All non immigration ppl will also be in the
line. so you can ask about that and go ahead and join the
queue where immigration ppl are waiting. As non immigration
ppl will have interview starting at 8.30 am

8. People are allowed to take docuemnts in plastic folders,
transparent or non transparent. Ladies can take small
purses, but do not take cosmetics, floppy, cd etc. it will not
be allowed.

9. Immigration people were asked to sit in one section of the
seats. At least the day i went we were attended to in the last
2 counters. so we were made to sit in the section right in front
of those counters.

10. You will be called by names, you can take your documents
and present it to the indian officier. He will take documents
for each person. If you have a copy of documents you will be
given the original back. This takes about 20 -25 mins.

11. Once your documents are taken by the indian officier (clerk)
you get back and wait till your name is called again. This time
if everything is ok the american officier will call you, in a
different counter.

12. Some questions he asked were,
--Where do you work ?
--What is your salary ?
--When are you planning to go to US ?
--Why dont you have H1 stamping (in my case as i had only
L1 stamping and changed my status) ?
--Why did you quit your previous company ?
--What is your job descreption ?
-- Do you have an office in <place you menton to be going> ?
--Swear all the information in DS-230 II is true.

13. Then he said all paper work seems to be ok. you will receive
your visa with passports in 2 or 3 days.

14. my passport reached home before i did.

15. There was a packet sealed with a temporary visa I 155 B
attached in the front of the envelope. Make sure names are
correct, every person has a different A number.

Hope this helps,
All the best to you.
Local PCC & Doctors

My congratulations to all May CPers!!!

I have to get a local PCC from chennai, since i'm currently residing in India. Anyone know if i should get it from the commissioner's office or from the local police station?

Also, what has everyone's experiences been with the doctors.
I hear Dr V. & Mathai are good. How about the others? Do all of them force you to take vaccine even if you have got the illness during childhood(eg: Mumps & Chicken pox) ?

Congrats once again and thanks for sharing your experience.

Parallel Processing


I got my LCA yesterday. I have to now decide on the Consulate processing. The questions i have are the following.

1. Can I follow the CP route with I140 & 485 parallel processing?

2. Can I get EAD if I am doing the CP?

If any one has followed the parallel processing with CP route please advice me.

Parallel Processing


I got my LCA yesterday. I have to now decide on the Consulate processing. The questions i have are the following.

1. Can I follow the CP route with I140 & 485 parallel processing?

2. Can I get EAD if I am doing the CP?

If any one has followed the parallel processing with CP route please advice me.

Re: Parallel Processing


I got my LCA yesterday. I have to now decide on the Consulate processing. The questions i have are the following.

1. Can I follow the CP route with I140 & 485 parallel processing?

2. Can I get EAD if I am doing the CP?

If any one has followed the parallel processing with CP route please advice me.

Re: Parallel Processing

Originally posted by mygcnews

I got my LCA yesterday. I have to now decide on the Consulate processing. The questions i have are the following.

1. Can I follow the CP route with I140 & 485 parallel processing?

No you cannot have CP and advantages of 485 at the same time.

2. Can I get EAD if I am doing the CP?

No. EAD only come with AOS (I-485). You cannot lose your job or change jobs in CP but can be done in AOS route.

If any one has followed the parallel processing with CP route please advice me.

No body can do CP and AOS at same time. You have to choose one of the option.

Re: Parallel Processing

Hi cpDelhi & nkm-oct23

Thanks for your quick responses.

1. What is the current CP processing time after getting the I140 approved in California?

2. How much time it is taking for I140 approval in CA?

I appreciate if you can give me some idea on the timeframes.

LPR now.....

HI folks, Entered chicago on june 2nd. it was a breeze. No Q's asked at POE. There was some change to be made on my sons Visa and when i told Inspector abt it, he said not to worry abt it( his marital status was typed as married ).

Now awaiting Plastic cards. Any Q's reg CP process in chennai is sure to be answered.


Congrats sri-IL.
Can you let me know if the cosulate will mail the passport after interview to delhi?
Congratualtions to you all....

did some body has the consolidate list of doctors, labs, hotels, documents needs, list of things to take care etc. it is difficult to go thru each and every thread ....

or you can mail me at

Police certificates confusion


Congratulations! You must be really relieved.
One question....
Did you have to take a local Police Clearance Certificate from your home town or somewhere in India in addition to the one you get from the Indian Embassy in the U.S?

I got information from the forum that I don't need to get the local PCC, but my lawyer has been suggesting strongly, to get it from my home town in India.

Can you please shed some light on this.

thanks a lot!!!
Re: Local PCC & Doctors

Originally posted by chencp2003
My congratulations to all May CPers!!!

I have to get a local PCC from chennai, since i'm currently residing in India. Anyone know if i should get it from the commissioner's office or from the local police station?

Also, what has everyone's experiences been with the doctors.
I hear Dr V. & Mathai are good. How about the others? Do all of them force you to take vaccine even if you have got the illness during childhood(eg: Mumps & Chicken pox) ?

Congrats once again and thanks for sharing your experience.


My experience with Dr.Raj Kumar is very good. He accepted all
the vaccinations that we have taken in US. If the lab determines
that you do have the anti-bodies he would not force you.
