CHENNAI-MAY 2003- Experiences

CP Exp May 21 Part 1

We completed the consular interview on 21st May at Chennai. Details follow..

1. Stay in Channai: We stayed at Hotel Crystal Residency, right across the street from the consulate. Nice room and very good service. Rent Rs. 1050 + tax (15%) for AC double room. The hotel address is

Crystal Residency
51/22, Model School Road, Anna Salai, Thousand Lights, Chennai 6
Phone: 044-28291305.

I had reserved rooms in adavane by sending a mail to Rooms go pretty fast there.

2. Medicals (May 16):
a) Lister Lab: 3 miles from the hotel on Nugambakkam road. Rs 20 for auto. Go to the corporate services office.
Reached there by 9:00 am. Already had filled forms with one passport size photo. Filled another form and paid Rs 600 each for me and my wife. Waited for 10 min or so.. gave blood and then they took the X ray. 20 to 30 min at the most.

Collected lab report by 4:30 pm. Overall very straightforward process. Got X rays in big envelops with the lab report sealed inside (to be opened by the doctor).

b) Medical Check up with Doc.: Took an appointment the same day with Dr. V. Rajkumar. His office is the closest to the consulate and hotel, 10 min from Lister (Rs 20 auto). He is very nice (I am sure all of the panel docs are). He accepted our vaccination records from US. Check up fees Rs 600 each. He does a routine physical check up and completes all the forms. It took 40 mins.

3. Immigration Style Photos (May 19): Camera city (Konica), walking distance from the hotel. They have all the details of the photos. They take digital prints. In half an hour you can get the prints ( a whole bunch of them). Rs. 126 each (including photos in floppies).
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CP May 21 Part 2

4. Interview (May 21). Appointment was at 8:00 am. Went to consulate (by walk, 2 min) at around 7:50. Met Sri_iL. Already there was a small line. People with 8 O clock appnt were let in to the consulate by 8:15 or so. They check the appnt letter and passport for each applicant. File folders are allowed. No bags, backpacks, electronic items etc are allowed. There is a security screening with metal detectors and X ray scanners.

Directed straight to the immigrant and non-immigrant interview area once inside the consulate main building. All the immigrant visa applicants are asked to sit on the left extreme section of the seating area. An indian officer came out and gave an address sticker and asked us to fill in the local address where the visa packet is to be mailed. We used the hotel address. He asked us to arrange the docs in the same order as in the appointment letter and put all the docs inside the passport for each applicants seperately. He instructed us to wait till called at counter no 7 or 8. He also wanted us to change all the N/A to NONE or NEVER. He made us fill a form with SS number and authorization for the issuance of a new one (similar to the SSN section of DS 230 part 2).

By 8:30 they started calling people for doc collection. There was no line. Applicants are called by name. The PA system is not that good so you need listen carefully. We were called around 8:50 (fourth or fifth) to counter 8 and an indian lady officer collected our docs. Only the docs listed in packet 4 with one photocopy each is to be submitted. I used down loaded DS 230 forms. She kept most of the photocopies and some originals. The docs which she kept are,

DS 230 part 1 and 2
Marriage Cert + invitation letter + wedding photos
Birth Cert (Non-availability + affidavits from parents)
Notarized employment letter
Affidavit of support duely notarized in the US.
Bank statment (in the form of a letter from the bank with our names, account numbers and account details on bank letter head).
PCC (from NY consulte of India)
2002 Tax return + one photocopy
Recent payslips (from Jan 2002) + photocopies
I had my latest H1 approval notice stapled to the passport. She kept that as well.

All other docs and copies were returned. We were asked to sit to be called for the interview. Just after we left the coutner, she again called us. This time she wanted me to
sign a statement which said I will inform the consulate in case I lose my job after the interview and before we leave for the US.

By 9:00 am, an american consular officer appeared at counter 6 and started calling people (by name) for personal interview. We were called second by around 9:15. A transcript of our conversation with him follows. He was very nice and polite.

dmn: Good morning, how are you ?
co : Good morning, how are you doing?
with this the CO started scanning through our docs going back and fourth several times.
co : Where do you work ?
dmn: company name
co : How long are you working for this company ?
dmn: Since year xx
co : When did you go to the US first time ?
dmn: month and year
co : On what visa did you go ?
dmn: student F1
co : when did you move to H1 ?
dmn: month and year
co : what do you do for this company?
dmn: research
co : what type of research ?
dmn: blah blah..
co : How long are you married for ? and wedding date ?
dmn and wife (chorus) : X years, day,month and year.
co : How did you find this job ?
dmn: campus recruitment

The officer read a statement that the info in the DS forms are true to the best of my knowledge and asked us to sign DS 230 part 2 and certifies it.
He gave our original marriage cert back and kept copies.
co : What is your current salary ?
dmn: xxxx
co looked at the employment letter.
co : Any children
dmn : No.
co : when are you planning to go back to US ?
dmn : date
co : where are you staying in channai.
dmn: crystal residency.
co : I dont see any problem with your case. Your immigrant visas are approved and you are free to leave the consulate and go home. Your visa and passports will be mailed to the hotel address in two to three days. Good luck to your travel back to US.
dmn: Thank you very much.

And that was it.. simple and efficient.... it was over by 9:30. .. took hardly an hour..

Received the visa packet next day (May22) at the hotel around 12:30. The blue dart guy wanted to see a lot of identification.. he took a copy of my passport and driving lisence.
Single packet with passports and two seperate visa packets for myself and my wife. Visa is stapled to the sealed envelope. Everything was printed correct.

Will post the details of POE by 10nth of June.

Will be glad to answer any questions.

Good luck to everybody.

Interview Over- Visa Issued

Hi Guys,

Raju from Chennai - 23rd May '03 - 1.05PM.

Attended the interview and Immigrant Visa is issued.

Main points:

If you have the required documents the CP process is a breeze.
I did not anticipate any problem and my hunch proved right.

I endorse CP route whole heartedly.

Now for some details:

Reached the consulate at 7.30 AM. There were about 10 people
waining beneath the neem tree at the start of the Gemini Fly Over. The Police in the check post is not allowing anyone to go
to the gate till about 7.50 AM. At that time they allowed us to
form a line at the gate.

The security guard checked the interview letter and the passports and allowed us in. Today I noticed they allowed bags
and ladies purses. But I went prepared with a transparant bag.

Once inside, we were made to sit infront of counters 6,7 and 8.
At about 8.30 a lady( Indian) came to the counter # 8 and started
calling the candidates by name. Speaker was good.

I was the second person to be called. Only I approached the counter and submitted all the documents along with the passports.

She seperated them and after noting gave back the following:

1) Original I-140 approval notice.
2) DSD 230 part I
3) Marriage Certificate
4) Birth NAC
5) Birth Affidavits.
6) Marriage Photos.

The same for my wife and the birth certificate for my daughter.
She made me sign a declaration to inform in case I cease to work
to the sponsor, then made me fill the address slip for the courier and collected the DD for Blue Dart... Very professional and smooth. Absolutely no confusion if you have all the documents in order.

Then I was asked to sit and wait. At about 9.10 AM I was called
to counter # 6 by an American. Yound and very polite. He was
leafing throught the papers and started some light conversation.

The Questions:

Why are you moving to America ? I said something about work
environment and quality of life.

Who do you work for? I gave my employer's name and current
client's name.

He asked about the number of employees in the company. I gave the number and he followed it up with, how many of them are Indians? I gave the number which is about 10%.

He asked my wife about how long we have been married and some light humour followed. He also had some light and easy
talk with my daughter.

He then said , OK I am issueing the Visas to you, I will be cancelling the earlier H1B visas. He made us do through the
swearing in process and later made us sign the DS 230 II.

That's all there is to it. He said we will get our visas by courier.


Met, Raj-kt, Virginia Boy , SRS. I finished first and hence I do not
know what happened. But they would have got it too!
Some more details

I remember another question posed by the Americal consular

This is important for all those who are concerned about their
salary not being equal to the LC salary.

He asked my present salary and I gave the true figure which
is about 10% less than the figure mentioned in LC. He said OK.

The documents as I submitted:

Interview appointment letter
DS 230 Part I ( She gave this back to me)
DS 230 Part II
Marriage Card + Copy ( She returned the card)
Marriage Certificate + Copy ( She returned the original )
Marriage Photos + copies ( She gave back both the original and copies)
Federal Tax filing copies + copies of W-2 ( She gave back all of them)
Birth NAC + Copy ( She gave back original )
Birth Affidavits ( She gave back the originals )
Employment Letter + Copy
PCC + Copy
Traffic ticket + copy ( She gave back the original ticket)

I have already filled my forms correctly so she had no issues about how they were filled or anything.

So my advise is just submit what was called for.

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dmn1, Raju,Sri_IL,

Congratulations for a successful CP interview.

Enjoy and celebrate your remaining days of stay in India. Nothing much will change in America, apart from the more secure feeling.

I am new to this discussion forums.

I am not sure whether I am posting my issues in the right place, if not plz guide me.

My concern is:

I am in the process of filling my I-140. I have all docs except last two yrs W-2 (Tax returns), would it be a major setback for my GC process. Are there any cases of rejections based on this issue.
If I opt CP and if I won't produce Tax returns what happens.
Which would be better for me to opt either AOS or CP. Experienced CPers, please suggest.

Re: Some more details

Originally posted by Raju595
I remember another question posed by the Americal consular

This is important for all those who are concerned about their
salary not being equal to the LC salary.

He asked my present salary and I gave the true figure which
is about 10% less than the figure mentioned in LC. He said OK.

The documents as I submitted:

Interview appointment letter
DS 230 Part I ( She gave this back to me)
DS 230 Part II
Marriage Card + Copy ( She returned the card)
Marriage Certificate + Copy ( She returned the original )
Marriage Photos + copies ( She gave back both the original and copies)
Federal Tax filing copies + copies of W-2 ( She gave back all of them)
Birth NAC + Copy ( She gave back original )
Birth Affidavits ( She gave back the originals )
Employment Letter + Copy
PCC + Copy
Traffic ticket + copy ( She gave back the original ticket)

I have already filled my forms correctly so she had no issues about how they were filled or anything.

So my advise is just submit what was called for.


Congrats dmn1 and raju !
I have a question - My marriage registration took place on 18th May and traditional wedding took place on 22nd may. The marriage invitation card has 22nd may on it and the marriage certificate has 18th may on it. Is this discrepancy ok ?

congrats to ppl who got through the interview. a favor - anybody returning from chennai by lufthansa in the 2nd week of june? my wife might be coming to usa by 2nd week of june. help will be appreciated. my cp is on hold until she comes here.
Traffic ticket

Originally posted by Raju595
I remember another question posed by the Americal consular

This is important for all those who are concerned about their
salary not being equal to the LC salary.

He asked my present salary and I gave the true figure which
is about 10% less than the figure mentioned in LC. He said OK.

The documents as I submitted:

Interview appointment letter
DS 230 Part I ( She gave this back to me)
DS 230 Part II
Marriage Card + Copy ( She returned the card)
Marriage Certificate + Copy ( She returned the original )
Marriage Photos + copies ( She gave back both the original and copies)
Federal Tax filing copies + copies of W-2 ( She gave back all of them)
Birth NAC + Copy ( She gave back original )
Birth Affidavits ( She gave back the originals )
Employment Letter + Copy
PCC + Copy
Traffic ticket + copy ( She gave back the original ticket)

I have already filled my forms correctly so she had no issues about how they were filled or anything.

So my advise is just submit what was called for.


Hi Raju, Congratulations
Why did you take traffic ticket as one of the document? Is this a required document?
congrats dmn,sri_IL and Raju!

Enjoy your post CP euphoria- but stay cool in the sultry chennai weather!

Sai, Obtain tax transcripts from IRS for the past 3 years. It is a simple process-you can request it on the phone. If you want more security, you may request copies of your tax returns from the phone line and/or your local IRS office. Try this # 18008291040. Good luck.;)

kant, you can just tell the consular official the truth-you had your marriage registered on a different date and had a ceremony on a different day. I would not worry about it.

Gopal, Raju probably took the traffic ticket as evidence of any violations he has commited in the USA. You don't need to; moving violations of a minor nature- e.g., speeding are not considered grounds for removal or rejection of CP. If you have anything more serious, consult your attorney.
Congrats dmn,sri_IL and Raju!

Hi CPers,

I am new to this forum. I have recently applied for I140 @ NSC and opted for CP (Chennai). I am amazed to see the amount of information being shared.

In the mean time, I am trying to get my documents straightened.

I am kind of having some issues with the Marriage & Birth certificates.

1. Mother's alias name is printed in the birth certificates. I got the Birth certificate from Chennai Corporation. But my Passport has the correct name.
What should I do in this case?

2. In the Marriage Certificate my wife's father name is mis-spelled. (Murthy is mis-spelled as Moorthy). and also mother's name (Mangala is mis-spelled as Mangalam).

FYI. Passport has Murthy and Mangala which is correct.

I asked my parents to approach the authorities and get it corrected, but they are having difficulties in getting the issues corrected.

I appreciate any input/suggestion in this regard.

Thanks & Regards,


you don't have to fret about that. You may feel safer by obtaining a sworn affidavit signed by both your parents with their correct names affirming the details of your birth. Good luck!:)

I had some issues with the correct names of my parents on my birth certificates. This is what i did..

get a sworn satement signed before a notary stating that the correct name of the said persons are such and such.. and attach it to the original birth certifiate.

During the interview this issue did not come up at all though the consular officer had read the entire affidavit with much attention.

My feeling is that minor spelling errors in parents names (esp long south indian names) are not an issue at all..

Good luck

Re: Traffic ticket

Originally posted by Gopal72
Hi Raju, Congratulations
Why did you take traffic ticket as one of the document? Is this a required document?

There was a minor traffic inicident for which I was issued a ticket.
I had to say 'yes' to one of the questions in DS 230 Part II and
I carried the related correspondence.

Received the courier packet which contained the sealed
Visa packets and the passports. Everything's OK.

Now I am leaving for Hyderabad.

may not be needed

As fas I know you need to carry ticket details only if you are involved in drunken driving or if you involved in any offensive drving (going 30 mph more than what the allowed speed limit) or if any criminal charges are made. Getting normal traffic ticket is not offensive crime.
Congrats & a q!!

Hi Raju, DMN, Puliraju, Sri_IL,

Congratulations for successful interviews and all the best for POE. Enjoy your vacation in India.

Can somebody clarify this question regarding DS 230 II. (This question already there in two more threads..but no reply yet from experienced gurus. Hence I am asking again here).

In DS 230 II, what should we right for item # 29??

It is : Name and Address of Petitioner.

Should we write our employer name and addresss or Applicant's name and address? (before replying please see Rajeev comments in Thread DS 230 II thread).

Thanks & Regards,
Originally posted by Raju595
Received the courier packet which contained the sealed
Visa packets and the passports. Everything's OK.

Now I am leaving for Hyderabad.

my interview is on 06/26. Since I am staying in a hotel in Chennai do you have an idea if I can give the chennai consulate my home address in Delhi as the address to post my sealed Visa and passport or is it necessary to give local South India address only?
How much time it took for you to get back your sealed packet?
Suggestions welcome from everyone!

Congratulations to one and all for your successful interview in the month of May. Of all our friends, did any of you receive P-4 to your US address? If so, could you please indicate how many days it took to reach you since the consulate mailed it, and if it is ordinary post of a speed post etc.

I am planning to leave next week (30th May), and so far I had not received the documents.


Originally posted by cpwaltair2
Congratulations to one and all for your successful interview in the month of May. Of all our friends, did any of you receive P-4 to your US address? If so, could you please indicate how many days it took to reach you since the consulate mailed it, and if it is ordinary post of a speed post etc.

I am planning to leave next week (30th May), and so far I had not received the documents.


Same situation as you though I am leaving on 06/12. Can anyone tell us the kind of mail US consulate uses for international mail and how much time it takes to get it in US. I am planning to request some of my neighbours to check my mail after I leave and scan it and send it me by email. If time is there may be FedEx it
In anycase from some posts it is clear that even if we do not get it, we can make without it. :(