CHENNAI-MAY 2003- Experiences

Originally posted by bvganesh

Question to people who are married and had included wife in the GC process as dependent:

1. Did you have to file I-864 or I-134 is enough?

The reason I ask the question is that the packet 4 mentions that I-864 as one of the documents required.

Let me know if you need them and if so, what are things to keep in mind while filling it up.


Since your's is an employment category, carry only the I-134 for your wife. And the same thing for children if any.

Packet 4 addresses the needs of both employment category candidates and the family sponsored cases for whom the I-864 is relevant.

Last Minute Questions


Congrats for your successful CP and POE. Also, Congrats to all successful CPers.

I have couple of questions unanswered just b4 we go for our interview...would really apreciate if someone could answer my questions:

1. Do we have to carry any immunization records when we go for doctor's appointment? What exactly are these reports? How to get them? Do we have to take immunization shots b4 we go for Lister Labs or do they give the required shots in Lab? Can we take these shots in Hyderabad?

Please kindly shed some light on this....we will be going to Chennai from Hyd on 22nd and have an appointment with Dr. V on 23rd evening.

2. Just curious how far is Dr. V from Regency hotel?

3. talking about regency, howz the hotel and its comfort level?

4. Also, can you please share your personal exp with the hotels you resided in chennai at the time of your interview? I am not able to decide which one should I get into that makes everything convenient and make my stay comfortable.....please advice


Re: Last Minute Questions

Originally posted by ramsi_2000

Congrats for your successful CP and POE. Also, Congrats to all successful CPers.

I have couple of questions unanswered just b4 we go for our interview...would really apreciate if someone could answer my questions:

1. Do we have to carry any immunization records when we go for doctor's appointment? What exactly are these reports? How to get them? Do we have to take immunization shots b4 we go for Lister Labs or do they give the required shots in Lab? Can we take these shots in Hyderabad?

{ Do not worry too much about the immunization records. Carry
them if you have, otherwise just take it easy and let the lab and
physician take care of this at Chennai.

This is how it works:
a) You go to the Lister labs and they test blood for your immunization levels. They also take an x-ray.
b) Then you carry the report of the lab to the Physician and he
determines the shots that you should take.

You cannot have this done in Hyderabad. You have to
choose the doctor from the panel approved by Chennai Consulate. }

Please kindly shed some light on this....we will be going to Chennai from Hyd on 22nd and have an appointment with Dr. V on 23rd evening.

2. Just curious how far is Dr. V from Regency hotel?

{ No idea. Does it matter. You will be going around in an Auto
or a Taxi. Relax and they will take you. }

3. talking about regency, howz the hotel and its comfort level?

{ No Idia because I have not stayed there. }

4. Also, can you please share your personal exp with the hotels you resided in chennai at the time of your interview? I am not able to decide which one should I get into that makes everything convenient and make my stay comfortable.....please advice

{ This is fun. I stayed at 3 different hotels, because of my
Tirupathi trip in between:

Crystal Residency: PLUSES: Rates are reasonable, Very close
to the Consulate, close to a good vegetarian restaurant (
Saravana Bhavan ) ( It is funny but now in Madras you have
to search for a decent hotel serving south indian style
vegetarian meal).

MINUSES: Rooms are small and ventilation not so good, Saw
cockroaches roaming around on tables. Needs better

Park Hotel: Upscale, Rooms start at Rs.3800/- per day.
Neat, Breakfast is good, Very close to the consulate, only the
Gemini flyover in between the consulate and the hotel.

ABU PALACE: Poonamalle High Road, OK as far as neatness
is concerned, Rates : about Rs.2000/- a day. Not so great



{My responses}
Hi Guys,
Just got my Lister labs and medical done at matthai T..all done in one day....matthai Thomas is really good....
Couple of Qs...
My wife is not included in my IV application. Actually we were not married at that time..But now I am appearing to the interview along with my wife..Chennai IV asked me to send them all the supporting MC etc that they know well ahead that I am appearing with my wife..
But in my appt letter her name is not indicated.. Mattayya T said that it cud be a probelm at the gate as her name is not indiacted in the appt letter..
Anyone had similar probs? Please advise...
As of now i am carrying the e-mails from chennai IV...
hope evrythnig goes fine..
p.s: pls reply by interview is on 25th :-(
People in the other threads had mentioned that they took a photocopy of the appointment letter for the spouse and was able to get through.

If you had got an email from the consulate indicating the inclusion of your wife, take a printout of the same along with the photocopied appointment letter.

Hope this helps.

CP Interview experience at Chennai

Hi All

This is my CP interview experience at Chennai on May 23rd. Sorry for the late posting.


I reached chennai on 21st May early morning. As soon as we reached we went to the Lister Labs and got our tests done. They gave a receipt and told to come back around 4:30 pm.We collected out reports around 4:30 pm and went from there to Dr. VijayLakshmi. She filled out some forms and gave me and my wife chicken pox vaccine. She was a very nice doctor. Remember to take any past vaccine records to the doctor. If you do not have them you have to take the vaccines from them. She gave two envelopes one for me and one for my wife. We need to submit only these two envelopes in the consulate. We need not carry the HUGE X-ray reports from Lister Labs.


We arrived at the consulate around 7:40 am, we were let in around 8:05 am. Everyone is made to sit in a hall. There are several counters inside. SOme of them are Indian ladies and others are american consular officers. Around 9:30 am, the Indian lady at a counter called us and collected both mine and wife's docs. She also asked if we had our wedding snaps, but did not take them.
Around 10:15 am, the the conular officer called us at the counter. He was a cool person. He just asked few questions like, what does your company do, how many people work. That's all. He also asked my wife when we got married and what she does. That's all. The interview took around one to two minutes.
And he said approved.

It was a tense but nice experience.

Virginia Boy
May Successful CPers -Details of Welcome Letters and PC

I have created a new thread in "AFTER THE GREEN CARD" under seperate sub thread "The Physical Green Card", for All May and June CPers to know the details of Physical Green card received, Welcome Letters received, New SSN received etcc...
If you can post your detials, the would help everyone.

Thank you,
Originally posted by dallasdude
Hi Guys,
Just got my Lister labs and medical done at matthai T..all done in one day....matthai Thomas is really good....
Couple of Qs...
My wife is not included in my IV application. Actually we were not married at that time..But now I am appearing to the interview along with my wife..Chennai IV asked me to send them all the supporting MC etc that they know well ahead that I am appearing with my wife..
But in my appt letter her name is not indicated.. Mattayya T said that it cud be a probelm at the gate as her name is not indiacted in the appt letter..
Anyone had similar probs? Please advise...
As of now i am carrying the e-mails from chennai IV...
hope evrythnig goes fine..
p.s: pls reply by interview is on 25th :-(

We are eager to know whether your wife was permitted entry along with you. Either way, post your experience as this would help future CPers.
