CHENNAI-MAY 2003- Experiences

Re: Request for your opinion

Originally posted by cp_chennai_hyd

Can you please give me your thoughts about my case....:

I had applied for my Greencard through my employer 3 years back and due to the lay-off's, my case was stuck at the labor department for a long time.

But luckily, last year they found a substitute labor certificate for me and my case started moving forward. And now I am waiting for my interview date from Chennai.

But in the mean while, I had applied for Canadian immigration, after I gave up hope for U.S greencard. As of now, I have a "entry" stamp on my passport from Canada. Do you think that that could cause some problem for me at the interview?

Also, since I am using a substitute labor certificate, do I need to take any additional documentation to my interview?

Thanks a lot for your time!!!

Your status with the Canadian Immigration would not have
any negative impact on your CP.

You don't need to carry any additional documentation with regard to your LC substitution. Just carry the earlier experience letters
and educational certificate. Even these will not be asked for.

Mine was a LC substitution case and I was not asked one single
question about this.

Couple of quick questions...

hi Raju

Sorry for bothering you with all these questions.

I was going through all the discussions posted and had some doubts:
1) You mentioned that you took your MMR & Tetanus shots in the U.S. Can you take them anywhere we want or does it have to be from a specific list of clinics?
Are there any other shots which are to be taken in Chennai during the medical exams?
Or is that the complete list?

2) What is Birth NAC? I though we would be taking our Birth Certificate. Do we still need to take Birth affidavits from parents in addition to that? Is there a format available anywhere to take this affidavit.

thank you for all your help!!!
Question regarding affidavit of support


A quick question regarding affidavit of support (I-134). Here are my questions. Mine is a employment based GC (EB2) (Sorry I might have asked this question earlier)

1. Does my wife require I-134?
2. If so should I fill I-134 and get it notarized in USA?
3. If I need to fill I-134 I need some pointers for the the following questions:

Question:....... am I the person who executes the affidavit of support?

Question No. 3: Should I fill my name here?

Question No. 8: Should I Just fill my wife's name with relationship, age and mark "wholly dependent"?.

Question No. 10: what should I fill in here?

Anything else that I should take care?

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Re: Couple of quick questions...

Originally posted by cp_chennai_hyd
hi Raju

Sorry for bothering you with all these questions.

I was going through all the discussions posted and had some doubts:
1) You mentioned that you took your MMR & Tetanus shots in the U.S. Can you take them anywhere we want or does it have to be from a specific list of clinics?
Are there any other shots which are to be taken in Chennai during the medical exams?
Or is that the complete list?

2) What is Birth NAC? I though we would be taking our Birth Certificate. Do we still need to take Birth affidavits from parents in addition to that? Is there a format available anywhere to take this affidavit.

thank you for all your help!!!

If you are taking them here in US , you can have them anywhere.
Based on this record and the lab tests done at Chennai, the physician would determine whether you need any further shots.

2) Birth NAC is Non-availability certificate for birth. This is needed only if you do not have a birth certificate. In that case you would also need the affidavits of birth from parent(s).

I have earlier posted a copy of the birth affidavit.

Re: Question regarding affidavit of support

Originally posted by bvganesh

A quick question regarding affidavit of support (I-134). Here are my questions. Mine is a employment based GC (EB2)

1. Does my wife require I-134?
2. If so should I fill I-134 and get it notarized in USA?
3. If I need to fill I-134 I need some pointers for the the following questions:

Question:....... I am the person who executes the affidavit of support?

Question No. 3: Should be my name?

Question No. 8: Just my spouse name with relationship, age.

Question No. 10: what should I fill in here?

Anything else that I should take care?


I will answer the first 2 questions:

1. She would if she is filing for her Green Card .

2. You will be the one executing the I-134, and you would
do it before a notary.

To answer the rest of the questions, I need to refer to the
I-134 I executed.

Probs again with PCC..I could get a PCC from US..well and good..

But I was travelling to Jamaicaand US for the last 8 months on business.. I never stayed there at a strech more than 2.5 months.. Shud I get a PCC certificate from here.. I know I cannot now ..but how shud I prepare myself for any questions from the consular..
The reason I am worried is my passport has Jamaica immigrations stamp.. But since I dint' stay there for more than 6 months at a strech I did not feel the need to get a PCC..I used to come back to the US every month...(except for a 2.5 month period)
Can you pls tell me what I shud do..
PCC from Jamaica


You don't need a PCC from Jamaica. I hope you have not done any major misconduct/offense there in the eyes of law.

Firstly, the consular officer willnot ask for a PCC from Jamaica in your case as s/he is also aware of thier requirements. But if s/he does ask then you may reply saying that there is no such requirement as per the US immigration rules/regulation/laws and hence you have not tried to get a PCC from Jamaica.

Re: PCC from Jamaica

Originally posted by cpDelhi

You don't need a PCC from Jamaica. I hope you have not done any major misconduct/offense there in the eyes of law.

Firstly, the consular officer willnot ask for a PCC from Jamaica in your case as s/he is also aware of thier requirements. But if s/he does ask then you may reply saying that there is no such requirement as per the US immigration rules/regulation/laws and hence you have not tried to get a PCC from Jamaica.


thanks for the reply dude...

The reason I am worried is according to P4 it states that we need a PCC from every country that we stayed for more than 6 months.. I don't know if it means 6 months straight...In case they ask me for one..I was worried what to tell them..
Anyways thanks for the reply dude

May Chennai CP Part 3 : POE

Hi Friends:

I came back to the US via JFK yesterday after CP interview on 21st May ( details posted earlier). The process at the airport was very smooth.

Not filled I94..just the customs form.. went to US citizens line.. Officer checked the visa packet.. and stamped the passports (myself and wife).. sent to the secondary inspection area.. submitted passport and other docs.. called after 10 min for fingerprints.. took one set of fingerprints and a signature and that was it..

Overall CP is very smooth and efficient . .will recommend taking this path to anybody.. From the date of my 140 Application it took exactly one year for stamping at POE and from LC application just two years even with all the LC delays in NY..

Will be available to answer any questions..

Good luck to everybody..

Thanks a bunch to all!!

Congratulations to all MAY cpers and also my special thanks to all those who posted their experiences.

Thanks Raju for initiating the thread!

This is for everyone.....

As a recap I want to give some details about my case:

Members who are in doubt about the process can take comfort from several hurdles that I overcame.

1. The time line:

An LC was in process with my employer even before I joined them. It came through roughly 3 months after my H1 was done.
When the LC came through they started thinking about using it
for me.

The attorney though wanting to go ahead with this was very sceptical about the outcome, because my experience as on the date of filing the LC was short by 6 months.

On the plus side, I had a Master's Degree and my experience was an exact match to the requirements.

So, we took the risk and applied for it. There was an RFE for detailed experience letters and on submission of these the approval came in 13 days.

So, if I count the time period between the day I filed my I-140
and the day I got my CP Interview it was exactly 1 year. From the date of I-140 approval it was exactly 6 months 15 days to the date of interview.

Day I filed the I-140 - May 24th 2002.
Day I attended the interview at Chennai: 23rd May 2003.

So, that was pretty fast.

Everything went very smooth all along. This is mainly due to the
knowledge I gained through the forum and my preparations. By the way the salary that I was drawing at the time of interview was also less by 10% as compared to the LC salary.

This is a whole hearted recommendation about the CP process
for everyone.

I also take this opportunity to thank Rajiv Khanna for offering this
facility and the moderators for maintaining it.

Last but not least,I thank all the members who are making it so useful by their valuable contributions.

Thank you and God bless

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Question regarding endorsing Spouse on passport!


A quick question. When I was browsing through the fourm, one of the thread mentioned that the spouse name *MUST* be endorsed on the passport.

Here is my case:

I got married on 26th Nov 2002. Got my name endorsed on my wife's passport as spouse.

I don't have my wife's name endorsed as spouse on my passport.


Is it absolutely necessary that I should get my wife's name endorsed on my passport?

Other question(s):

1. Did the consulate asked for "Audited/Unaudited" financial statments of the company?
2. Did they ask for the latest payslips?
3. Did they ask for the receipt of the fee paid to NVC?
4. Could the courier fee paid by cash? ( I guess Rs. 300 + Rs. 50 * no. of applicants)

1. Does the stamp at POE bear the A# or is the A# specified in the documents give by the Chennai Consulate after the successful interview?

We have our interview scheduled for JULY and your valuable input is most welcome. Thanks a bunch.

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Came in and got the temp 551 stamp in the passports.
POE was Newark-NJ. No questions asked except 'what are you working as ?'.
The officer did not mention anything expet - 'you are good to go' so i believe it is matter of time for the welcome letters / card..

So in the may May interview list we had who all have entered and where are the letters so far.. pl. update when u get time...

Re: Question regarding endorsing Spouse on passport!

Originally posted by bvganesh

A quick question. When I was browsing through the fourm, one of the thread mentioned that the spouse name *MUST* be endorsed on the passport.

Here is my case:

I got married on 26th Nov 2002. Got my name endorsed on my wife's passport as spouse.

I don't have my wife's name endorsed as spouse on my passport.


Is it absolutely necessary that I should get my wife's name endorsed on my passport?

{ I am not sure whether this is mandatory. Look for other posts
on this question }

Other question(s):

1. Did the consulate asked for "Audited/Unaudited" financial statments of the company?

{ No. In fact I did not carry any financial information of the
company. But carry the financial statements to take care of
just in case scenario ( audited / unaudited, does not matter) }

2. Did they ask for the latest payslips?

{ They did not. But carry them to show if asked }

3. Did they ask for the receipt of the fee paid to NVC?

{ They did not. But carry it }

4. Could the courier fee paid by cash? ( I guess Rs. 300 + Rs. 50 * no. of applicants)

{ No idea. Take the DD . Atleast saves you the trouble of going
to the cash counter at the Consulate. }

1. Does the stamp at POE bear the A# or is the A# specified in the documents give by the Chennai Consulate after the successful interview?

{ The VISA document ( OF 155B ) stapled to the visa packet
will have the A # ( Alien number ). The same is copied into
your passport at the Port of Entry }

We have our interview scheduled for JULY and your valuable input is most welcome. Thanks a bunch.


My responses in flower brackets.

Successfull Interview on May23rd

Had a Successfull interview on May 23rd. Interview went very smooth. Just entered U.S Yesterday(June 15th). I will post detail experience soon.

Congradulations Raju595, Sri-IL, PulliRaju, dmn1, sriram2003 and all on Successfull interview.

Thanks to all members for providing valuable information and their experiences.

Question to people who are married and had included wife in the GC process as dependent:

1. Did you have to file I-864 or I-134 is enough?

The reason I ask the question is that the packet 4 mentions that I-864 as one of the documents required.

Let me know if you need them and if so, what are things to keep in mind while filling it up.

If your case is employment based....

You don't need I864. If your wife is gainfully employed and can show evidence that she can support herself, you don't need a I134 either. To be on the safe side I am carrying a I134 for my wife- but my attorney told me not to bother.;)