CHENNAI-MAY 2003- Experiences

Except there is an added confusion in my case, that my case number did not appear in the list published on the web site. However, I got an email confirmation abot my interview date.

Originally posted by aronline
my interview is on 06/26. Since I am staying in a hotel in Chennai do you have an idea if I can give the chennai consulate my home address in Delhi as the address to post my sealed Visa and passport or is it necessary to give local South India address only?
How much time it took for you to get back your sealed packet?
Suggestions welcome from everyone!


I belive you can give your address wherever it is. Since I have given my hotel address in Chennai I got it around 12.00 noon
the next day. It is one day service to Hyderabad and B'lore also.

It may not be the next day for Delhi, and it is my guess.

Re: Congrats & a q!!

Originally posted by kumar_sam
Hi Raju, DMN, Puliraju, Sri_IL,

Congratulations for successful interviews and all the best for POE. Enjoy your vacation in India.

Can somebody clarify this question regarding DS 230 II. (This question already there in two more threads..but no reply yet from experienced gurus. Hence I am asking again here).

In DS 230 II, what should we right for item # 29??

It is : Name and Address of Petitioner.

Should we write our employer name and addresss or Applicant's name and address? (before replying please see Rajeev comments in Thread DS 230 II thread).

Thanks & Regards,

If your's is an employment category you should mention your
employer's name and address as petitioner, with the following

( I-140 Petitioner for Mr/Ms. xxxxxxxxxxxx)

( I-140 Petitioner for spouse)

( I-140 Petitioner for father )

Re: may not be needed

Originally posted by getMyGcCp
As fas I know you need to carry ticket details only if you are involved in drunken driving or if you involved in any offensive drving (going 30 mph more than what the allowed speed limit) or if any criminal charges are made. Getting normal traffic ticket is not offensive crime.

The question in DS 230 Part II asks:

Have you ever been charged, detained or arrested for any offence?

Traffic tickets for minor traffic offenses come under the category of
charges. For major offenses you may be arrested also.

So, if one has received a traffic ticket then the answer should be
'Yes'. We carry the relavant documents since we said 'Yes'.

It is better to carry instead of trying to judge something on which
we are not an authority.

Anyway at the Consulate they know what is what and do not
even question about it.

Re: Re: may not be needed

I got a ticket, 83 in 65mph zone. That was 6yrs ago and i don't have the ticket. Plead guilty, paid extra fine so that it does not go on record.
Should i answer yes for the charges question? If yes, i will still not be able to show the ticket and supposely it's not on my record.
What do i do?
Re: Re: Re: may not be needed

Originally posted by chencp2003
I got a ticket, 83 in 65mph zone. That was 6yrs ago and i don't have the ticket. Plead guilty, paid extra fine so that it does not go on record.
Should i answer yes for the charges question? If yes, i will still not be able to show the ticket and supposely it's not on my record.
What do i do?

Say 'yes' and in an attached sheet state the facts of the case and
also that you do not have any related documentaion.


Just keep quite. It should not be a problem.

Break your silence guys....

Raj_kt, Virginia Boy, SRS,

May I have the pleasure of knowing that all of you got your

Re: congrats dmn,sri_IL and Raju!

Originally posted by Rajeev Kumar
Enjoy your post CP euphoria- but stay cool in the sultry chennai weather!

kant, you can just tell the consular official the truth-you had your marriage registered on a different date and had a ceremony on a different day. I would not worry about it.


Thanks for addressing my concern. Are you planning to take your immunizations shots in the USA ? If so, do you know what they are ?

POE on 24th may.

Hi all,
My interview went well and i entered into usa on 24th may.
The interview was quite simple.The officer asked some formal questions and played with my kids and approved the GC.
I wish all best of luck.
Thanks for CPers and Rajiv Khanna.

Congrats on getting thru with ur interview.

quick question for u as usual :)

was your employment letter notarized? is it necessary to get it notarized ( I received my employment letter from the company but it isnt notarized)

Originally posted by spulapak

Congrats on getting thru with ur interview.

quick question for u as usual :)

was your employment letter notarized? is it necessary to get it notarized ( I received my employment letter from the company but it isnt notarized)



I am planning on getting titres drawn for all of the necessary immunizations- they are:
chicken pox

If the titers are low, I will get shots here before I leave.

Good luck.;)
Originally posted by spulapak

Congrats on getting thru with ur interview.

quick question for u as usual :)

was your employment letter notarized? is it necessary to get it notarized ( I received my employment letter from the company but it isnt notarized)


It is mandatory to have the employment letter notarized. Mine
was notarized. Request your company by appraising them about
the necessity.

successful interview

hi all,

entered the consulate by 8.15 (reached there much early though)
was asked to sit by the counters 6,7,8 -
change 'not applicable' to nil,,, but i agree the lady was rude..

was called to give the docs by 9.15 or so - the peson was cool)

later the officer called by 10.35 -
1. how long u 've been working ?
2. company name
3. salary
4. to my wife: how long u 've been there -
later he canceled the existing US NIVisas and asked to sign DS230 Part 2 for both of us -

Said ' your visas are issued' - docs will reach by courier..

all the best to all folks waiting there..

believe me - it is very cool if you have the documents intact - and we all must carry standard support docs just in case they ask..

Re: successful interview


A question regarding filling "None". Since somany people complained about it, I just want to make sure...

Are they instructing to write "None" on each emptly line or one per empty item.
i.e for e.x question 19 (list names of Children). Since I Don't have children, is it o.k if I fill it like this...

___________ ______________ ___________ ___________

or should I fill all Lines. i.e

___________ ______________ ___________ ___________
___________ ______________ ___________ ___________
___________ ______________ ___________ ___________
___________ ______________ ___________ ___________

Re: Re: successful interview

In my offer letter( which was given by my company when I joined) my designation is writtern as "Sr. Software Engr". And my labour/I-140 applied with my designation as "Software Engineer".

So right now I am planning to take the Employment verification letter with my position as "Software Engineer" only . (To avoid any conflicts)

Do you think it is o.k?? or Is there a possibility that the CP officer may cross check with my offer letter??

I know that the offer letter is just a supporting document(will be submitted only if necessary), but I just want to make sure if it is an issue in case if he see my offer letter.

Thanks for clarifying it..,
Re: none / position

for children column ... just one NONE in the first line left corner is sufficient.

also if both parents are alive, mark NIL in the deceased box..

regarding Sr.Software Engr / Software Engr - It does not matter the function is basically "Software Engineer" that is enough - Many people get promoted later after filing labor to the next level -
in your case you joind as Sr. sw Engr and letter states Sw Engr which is also a no problem situation - Just the function matters.. it must not be Marketing Engr in a letter.. for eg.

All the best.

The people who look at the docs are very familiar with our cases and it is a breeze with all our meticulous preparations..

Congratulations to everybody on succesful CP Processing !!!

Hello all:

I am very glad for every one of you for the succesful completion of the Greencard process through CP. I am also glad that this thread has lot of info regarding the process (Thanks to Raju 595).

My Labor Certification got cleared last week (Chicago DOL) and I am preparing to apply for I-140. I am thinking of taking your route (CP..). I am actually concerned about two three issues that may be particular to my case. I appreciate if you could answer them here or send me an e-mail <> .

1. My company is a small software consulting company. (4 or 5 employees). Financially it is doing alright (Little profits, but not in losses etc). Would that be problem for CP. My concern is could there be a discretion against small companies ?

2. I did not re-validate my passport stamping (My H1B is extended in US). So, if something goes wrong in Chennai (Unforeseen ofcourse, as I have all the documentation), could that be a problem to re-enter USA on my H1B (stamping ?).

Thanks in advance for the advises.

Best Regards,
Rama Raju. Dutta.
Re: Congratulations to everybody on succesful CP Processing !!!

Originally posted by dbsraju
Hello all:

I am very glad for every one of you for the succesful completion of the Greencard process through CP. I am also glad that this thread has lot of info regarding the process (Thanks to Raju 595).

My Labor Certification got cleared last week (Chicago DOL) and I am preparing to apply for I-140. I am thinking of taking your route (CP..). I am actually concerned about two three issues that may be particular to my case. I appreciate if you could answer them here or send me an e-mail <> .

1. My company is a small software consulting company. (4 or 5 employees). Financially it is doing alright (Little profits, but not in losses etc). Would that be problem for CP. My concern is could there be a discretion against small companies ?

Immigration[Green card] is a non-discretionary item. Consular officer cannot deny visa on their discretion, if you have successfully gone through the process of labor, I-140 and CP/AOS stage. (assumption: You have fullfilled all the requirements, not done andy fraud, not disclosed/hidden correct info, does not belong to terrorist organization, etc). Small company or a big company doesn't matter as far as you go through the GC process (three stages) successfully.

2. I did not re-validate my passport stamping (My H1B is extended in US). So, if something goes wrong in Chennai (Unforeseen ofcourse, as I have all the documentation), could that be a problem to re-enter USA on my H1B (stamping ?).

Once you go for the CP interview, if there is any document missing, you will get a chance to resubmit the docs within 364 days. Consular officer cannot deny immigrant visa on his discretion. There is a lot of info on the US consulate websites and on this forum, which gives reason for visa denial. But if the immigrant visa is denied to you, all other types of visa will be cancelled. You will be all by yourself in your home country. This is a drawback of the CP process. Speaking statistically, 99% of the immigrant visas applicants have been successful

Thanks in advance for the advises.

Best Regards,
Rama Raju. Dutta.
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