Charlotte, NC - N-400 Timeline


My suggestion would be:

Treat this as
"All for good"


"Don't rock the boat.........any more......Let it drift and keep going the way it does"

Good luck to you as well.


Aye Aye captain!
Advice taken! So far it has been full steam/speed ahead. I am not touching the boat at all any more. I even pulled in the oars:D to let the it drift along with the current! Hopefully the sailing will be really smooth:D:D.

God Speed,

My interview date was 11/2/2009 and the officer said as I did not complete 5 years (short of 7 days), a decision could not be made and he recommended for approval. He said I should get the OL in a few days. Now, I completed 5 years, and it has been 2 weeks now after the interview but no OL so far and status has not been updated too.

- Any one has any idea as to how long it takes to get the OL from Charlotte office if ID is before the 5 yr completion?
- Also, how often they administer the oaths?


Got the OL today....OD - 12/9/2009.

The online status has NOT been updated yet!!!!
Got the OL today....OD - 12/9/2009.

The online status has NOT been updated yet!!!!

Hey Congratulations!! Looks like it is going to be a nice christmas gift for you!!

How many days did it take you to get the OL from your ID?

Btw, are certain days marked as oath days in charlotte? Is there a way to find out on which days oath is given in Charlotte DO?

Thanks Speedy! Yes, Christmas gift!

About 3 weeks, between ID and OL receipt.

ID - 11/2/2009
OL (dt. 11/19) Recd - 11/23/2009

Good luck to everyone!
I am just another sailor buddy ! Not captain

Aye Aye captain!
Advice taken! So far it has been full steam/speed ahead. I am not touching the boat at all any more. I even pulled in the oars:D to let the it drift along with the current! Hopefully the sailing will be really smooth:D:D.

God Speed,

Hey Speedy.... hold on...
I am just another sailor buddy....and not CAPTAIN....its not an Advice though.

Look at there Speedy......There you see the lights ?.... that is the lighthouse.... We are almost there.... and will land shortly as US Citizens.... like how Columbus did 400 years ago:D

Thanks and good luck,

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Hey Speedy.... hold on...
I am just another sailor buddy....and not CAPTAIN....its not an Advice though.

Look at there Speedy......There you see the lights ?.... that is the lighthouse.... We are almost there.... and will land shortly as US Citizens.... like how Columbus did 400 years ago:D

Thanks and good luck,

Eventhough "seamen":D call each other as "mate", I am not going to address you as one:p.

In the excitement of seeing the light house, I think you are forgetting the treacherous coast line dotted with jagged rocks (read interview). But then, after navigating the USCIS ocean for years together in a small paddle boat, the best of us can end up like Jack Sparrow!!:)

Row my friend, row!!
Hi All,

09/28/2009: N400 Mailed to TX (self and Husband)
10/01/2009: Received in Lewisville, TX (self and Husband)
10/05/2009: Check cashed (self and Husband)
10/05/2009: Notice Date (self and Husband)
10/07/2009 : FP Notice (self and Husband)
10/24/2009 : FP Date - Done @boston field office (self and Husband)
10/26/2009 : Called FBI. Records sent to USCIS same day on FP date.
xx/xx/2009: waiting
xx/xx/2009: IL Letter
xx/xx/2009: IL date
xx/xx/2009: OD letter

Why did you have to do FP @ boston field office? just curious...

I'll just mention a few things
1) If you arrive at the DO (mostly in the morning) and see a long queue, dont assume they are all waiting to get in. In my case they were there for the oath and had formed a queue to get in. I went straight to the security and told them I was there for the Naturalization Interview and I was let in to the waiting room.

2) Most of the people who went in to the interview, came back to the waiting room after the interview to wait on the oath letter. 15-20 mins later they were handed the oath letter.

3) The civic questions were already printed out and the officer just asked them in sequence marking them correct ... so I guess each officer has a set of questions they pick ahead of time for that day or something like that

4) One question I fumbled a bit on was "Why do you want to become a US citizen?" ... the answer to that is the answer to the question "What rights does a US citizen have which others don't ?"

5) The very first thing the officer noticed was that my interview was 3 days ahead of when I complete 5 years. So naturally he continued the application and gave a letter saying decision cannot be made and against that he wrote the actual date of when I would complete 5 years. There was another woman in the room watching the proceedings, and he was explaining to her the right way to update the system in such cases. He was telling her if the correct process is not followed then the system thinks that the application was continued because something was missing from the original interview. If done the right way, it will pop my name up in his processing queue on the date when I complete the 5 years and then all he had to do was approve, print the oath and mail it to me

6) I asked if I would make a december oath ... he said right now they were scheduling Dec 15th oath and the last one for the year is Dec 17th. He said there is a very slim chance that I could make the Dec 17th ceremony

7) Now to wait patiently for my case to popup next week in the officers processing queue so that he can schedule my oath

But I guess a Dec 17th oath will be wishing for too much ... however the officer was a very sharp, efficient , elderly gentleman, who knew what he was doing inside out ... so I will give him the benefit of doubt.

Filing based on 5 year LPR
DO: Charlotte, NC
09/16/09: Fedex N400 to TX lockbox
09/17/09: N-400 Received
09/21/09: Check cashed
09/24/09: NOA received (Notice/Priority Date of 09/18/2009)
09/29/09: FP notice received
10/14/09: FP appointment (completed)
10/16/09: Called FBI CJIS. Was told FP results were sent back on 10/14
10/24/09: LUD-This case has been sent for a standard interview.
10/26/09: LUD
10/27/09: LUD
10/30/09: IL received (mailed on Oct 26th)
12/03/09: ID (interview is 3 days before I complete 5 years ... doh!)
x/xx/09: Oath
CONGRATULATIONS_Thanks for sharing all details

I'll just mention a few things
1) If you arrive at the DO (mostly in the morning) and see a long queue, dont assume they are all waiting to get in. In my case they were there for the oath and had formed a queue to get in. I went straight to the security and told them I was there for the Naturalization Interview and I was let in to the waiting room.

2) Most of the people who went in to the interview, came back to the waiting room after the interview to wait on the oath letter. 15-20 mins later they were handed the oath letter.

3) The civic questions were already printed out and the officer just asked them in sequence marking them correct ... so I guess each officer has a set of questions they pick ahead of time for that day or something like that

4) One question I fumbled a bit on was "Why do you want to become a US citizen?" ... the answer to that is the answer to the question "What rights does a US citizen have which others don't ?"

x/xx/09: Oath

Thanks for sharing all the details of interview.
CONGRATULATIONS for completing the Interview process.

I have my Interview lined up on Dec14th.
Hopefully I get one of those 2 days (14th or 17th) to complete the Oath process.
Good luck to you to complete the last leg of the process.

Congrats....and question!

I'll just mention a few things
1) If you arrive at the DO (mostly in the morning) and see a long queue, dont assume they are all waiting to get in. In my case they were there for the oath and had formed a queue to get in. I went straight to the security and told them I was there for the Naturalization Interview and I was let in to the waiting room.

2) Most of the people who went in to the interview, came back to the waiting room after the interview to wait on the oath letter. 15-20 mins later they were handed the oath letter.

3) The civic questions were already printed out and the officer just asked them in sequence marking them correct ... so I guess each officer has a set of questions they pick ahead of time for that day or something like that

4) One question I fumbled a bit on was "Why do you want to become a US citizen?" ... the answer to that is the answer to the question "What rights does a US citizen have which others don't ?"

Thank you for the great feedback. It will help me and my wife scheduled on Dec14th and 17th. Good to know about the long line and also about the last oath day in this year.

One question though is, why were you asked the question "Why do you want to become a US citizen?" Was that question phrased that way? Wouldn't they phrase the questions as they are in the naturalizations question booklet which they gave during the FP?...I mean, aren't they supposed to ask the question as "Name one right only for United States citizens"?

Thank you for the great feedback. It will help me and my wife scheduled on Dec14th and 17th. Good to know about the long line and also about the last oath day in this year.

One question though is, why were you asked the question "Why do you want to become a US citizen?" Was that question phrased that way? Wouldn't they phrase the questions as they are in the naturalizations question booklet which they gave during the FP?...I mean, aren't they supposed to ask the question as "Name one right only for United States citizens"?


Thanks everyone!

That question was not part of the 6 civic questions he asked me. He first went over the first 75% of the application, then adminstered all the tests, and then started going over the remainder of the application and popped that question (phrased exactly as I mentioned) just before he hit the Oath section of the application. The phrasing threw me off a bit, I started giving all kinds of reason why I wanted to be a citizen and he kept tapping at my green card saying that I already had all that through my green card. Then it struck me what he was getting at and said I will be able to vote, apply for federal jobs, visa free travel with US passport, petition immediate relatives etc
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THANKS NC2004gc__ I have one other question

Thanks everyone!

That question was not part of the 6 civic questions he asked me. He first went over the first 75% of the application, then adminstered all the tests, and then started going over the remainder of the application and popped that question (phrased exactly as I mentioned) just before he hit the Oath section of the application. The phrasing threw me off a bit, I started giving all kinds of reason why I wanted to be a citizen and he kept tapping at my green card saying that I already had all that through my green card. Then it struck me what he was getting at and said I will be able to vote, apply for federal jobs, visa free travel with US passport, petition immediate relatives etc
Thanks for your valuable feedback.
This will help others if they happen to get the same question.


Per what I heard from other locations (like Indiana and Oregon), as part of 'Oath process', a representative from SOCIAL SECURITY Provides a modified/updated SS card.
My wife went through the Oath process a week ago .......... BUT she did not go through any process regarding SS card in Charlotte DO.

So My questions to all (gurus who have gone through the Oath process) is
(a) Is this one of the usual steps every one normally goes through ( but was missed) on that 'Oath taking day' in Charlotte DO ?
(b) What do we need to do on completion of Oath taking process regarding SS card?
Do we need to go to SS office and get an updated SS Card ?

Thanks for the inputs.

Have a great week end all,

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Thanks everyone!

That question was not part of the 6 civic questions he asked me. He first went over the first 75% of the application, then adminstered all the tests, and then started going over the remainder of the application and popped that question (phrased exactly as I mentioned) just before he hit the Oath section of the application. The phrasing threw me off a bit, I started giving all kinds of reason why I wanted to be a citizen and he kept tapping at my green card saying that I already had all that through my green card. Then it struck me what he was getting at and said I will be able to vote, apply for federal jobs, visa free travel with US passport, petition immediate relatives etc

Once again thank you for the clarification and valuable feedback. Good to know that there can be a one off trick question popping up like that in Charlotte DO. None of my friends who went through the interview process in the last few months had such trick questions popped to them.

It will be helpful if you could let us know of any other such things to keep in mind.

Once again congratulations on your successfull interview.

My n-400 journey completed in 2 1/2 months

Here is a recap of my Interview experience.
My appointment was scheduled at 1.45 PM. Employment based.
I reached there at 1.40.
I was called in at 2.05 by an officer. He took me to his room.
First step is to take the Oath (with raised hands) and then he offered the seat.
Then he collected my Green card, Drivers license and Passport.
He went through every question in my N-400 application.
I confirmed the facts mentioned in the N-400.
He asked me to write in a sheet of paper one sentence and read a sentence from another sheet of paper……. To test my English language skillsets.
Then he moved to the quiz part.
He went through some pile of papers at the back of his desk and pulled one sheet of paper, that has some 6 questions.
Following are the questions.
These were the same questions my wife went through for her interview last month.
What is freedom of religion ? ( Answer: We can practice any religion or be without practicing any religion)
How many Senators ? (Answer: 100)
Name one state state bordering Canada? (Answer : Newyork)
Which year the Constitution was written? (Answer : 1787)
Eligibility for selective service registration ? (Answer: 18 years to 26 years)
Name of the Ocean in East coast ? (Answer: Atlantic)

On completion of the quiz, he was going through a big file that has all my papers..........he did mention that he was trying to trace my birth certificate. I was sitting very close to his table. I was able to see that he had all my papers right from labor.... it was big pile of not less than.....probably 200 sheets of papers. But he could not get that.
Then I intervened and told him that I have the original in the file I brought with me... and he can take a copy if needed.
For that he mentioned that "thank you.... I do have all your papers.....and trying to locate.... another officer will go through these things and verify the papers. It should be there in the file we have".

He said CONGRATULATIONS.... I will take you back to the waiting room... we have oath taking ceremony coming up on 12/17.
Another officer, after verifying all the documents, will come by and let you about it.
I went back to the waiting room... After 15 minutes, another officer stopped by and informed me about the Oath scheduled at 8.30 am on Thursday.

DO: Charlotte, NC (Employment based)
10/01/09: N400 FED EXed to Lewisville,TX
10/02/09: N-400 Received
10/06/09: Check cashed
10/20/09: FP notice received
10/27/09: FP Done (I walked in earlier and got it done - no questions were asked)
11/09/09: IL received
12/14/09: ID (Done today)
12/17/09: Oath date scheduled on at 8.30 AM


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Here is a recap of my Interview experience.
My appointment was scheduled at 1.45 PM. Employment based.
I reached there at 1.40.
I was called in at 2.05 by an officer. He took me to his room.
First step is to take the Oath (with raised hands) and then he offered the seat.
Then he collected my Green card, Drivers license and Passport.
He went through every question in my N-400 application.
I confirmed the facts mentioned in the N-400.
He asked me to write in a sheet of paper one sentence and read a sentence from another sheet of paper……. To test my English language skillsets.
Then he moved to the quiz part.
He went through some pile of papers at the back of his desk and pulled one sheet of paper, that has some 6 questions.
Following are the questions.
These were the same questions my wife went through for her interview last month.
What is freedom of religion ? ( Answer: We can practice any religion or be without practicing any religion)
How many Senators ? (Answer: 100)
Name one state state bordering Canada? (Answer : Newyork)
Which year the Constitution was written? (Answer : 1787)
Eligibility for selective service registration ? (Answer: 18 years to 26 years)
Name of the Ocean in East coast ? (Answer: Atlantic)

On completion of the quiz, he was going through a big file that has all my papers..........he did mention that he was trying to trace my birth certificate. I was sitting very close to his table. I was able to see that he had all my papers right from labor.... it was big pile of not less than.....probably 200 sheets of papers. But he could not get that.
Then I intervened and told him that I have the original in the file I brought with me... and he can take a copy if needed.
For that he mentioned that "thank you.... I do have all your papers.....and trying to locate.... another officer will go through these things and verify the papers. It should be there in the file we have".

He said CONGRATULATIONS.... I will take you back to the waiting room... we have oath taking ceremony coming up on 12/17.
Another officer, after verifying all the documents, will come by and let you about it.
I went back to the waiting room... After 15 minutes, another officer stopped by and informed me about the Oath scheduled at 8.30 am on Thursday.

DO: Charlotte, NC (Employment based)
10/01/09: N400 FED EXed to Lewisville,TX
10/02/09: N-400 Received
10/06/09: Check cashed
10/20/09: FP notice received
10/27/09: FP Done (I walked in earlier and got it done - no questions were asked)
11/09/09: IL received
12/14/09: ID (Done today)
12/17/09: Oath date scheduled on at 8.30 AM



Hey Gee,

Congratulations. Glad to know the details of your interview. Also congratulations for making it to the 17th oath date.

My wife also completed her interview today (at 8 am). She said it was an easy process. I am getting ready for my interview on the 17th.

hey gee,

congratulations. Glad to know the details of your interview. Also congratulations for making it to the 17th oath date.

My wife also completed her interview today (at 8 am). She said it was an easy process. I am getting ready for my interview on the 17th.


good luck tou speedy,

Thanks every one for their inputs

My citizenship process was successfully completed and i attended the oath ceremony today.... It was a simple one..........of course the hard part was we had to wait in cold for about 3o minutes before we were allowed inside.

This is mainly to thank every one for their valuable inputs in this forum..........they were really helpful...

Good luck to every one for speedy processing

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My citizenship process was successfully completed and i attended the oath ceremony today.... It was a simple one..........of course the hard part was we had to wait in cold for about 3o minutes before we were allowed inside.

This is mainly to thank every one for their valuable inputs in this forum..........they were really helpful...

Good luck to every one for speedy processing

Congratulations once again...

My interview experience today..

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congratulations once again...

My interview experience today..



I had the same set of 6 questions last week..............and my wife had same set of questions last month.

Just a word of could just be co-incidence.......i don't want to mislead any one AND SO.... PLEASE DO NOT assume that these are the questions for every one.

Thanks to every one in this forum for all their inputs.

Good luck to all,
