Well-Known Member
Sloner https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet...TU1uTURYYmJoNU82dzZNaEJyMWc&usp=sharing#gid=0
You still can't see any increase in refusals ?
You still can't see any increase in refusals ?
There is not the correct data in 2013.You still can't see any increase in refusals ?
Although in 2013 there is no half embassies, okay.What is it Sloner - what is your concern?
There is not the correct data in 2013.
Although in 2013 there is no half embassies, okay.
Africa, 2014 ISSUED 2897 REFUSED 327
2013 ISSUED 7476 REFUSED 1337
I think it's the effectiveness of the new software. Dropping fraudulent records going back in KFC.
+ Reduction in quotas.
Vladek, quota increases in Oceania and South America, it's my idea.
Good catch BritisimonI think your first point about correct data in 2013 OC refusals is correct - 2013 CEAC data is missing data - particularly from the first 3 months, so I wouldn't jump to conclusions from the 2014 refusal rate to the 2013 refusal rate based on the first three months. Good catch Sloner.
disqualification of that?However, we know that there are 62k AF selectees - that number being after disqualifications.
Now you invented this figure.There are around 30k cases in AF region
Why then sit workers and check form? Many do not send the form because they do not know about winning.The software will have NO FURTHER IMPACT on those cases because KCC will not disqualify them after selection and notification.
Good catch Britisimon
mijoro, have you heard?
disqualification of that?
Now you invented this figure.
you do not know it.
Why then sit workers and check form? Many do not send the form because they do not know about winning.
Why then sit workers and check form? Many do not send the form because they do not know about winning.
I do not understand your words.Exactly sloner now its all about human job the software is out for the futher processing !!!!!
I do not understand your words.
There is not the correct data in 2013.
Although in 2013 there is no half embassies, okay.
Africa, 2014 ISSUED 2897 REFUSED 327
2013 ISSUED 7476 REFUSED 1337
I think it's the effectiveness of the new software. Dropping fraudulent records going back in KFC.
+ Reduction in quotas.
Vladek, quota increases in Oceania and South America, it's my idea.
i know its your idea but simon also said the same thing from the begenning he even insisted after the nacara thread !
that increase comes from there probably after notiecing over 1000 extra visas in the previous years NOT 2012!
and talking about that you remeber that simon mentioned that oc might be the only one that can go current i even argued about it !
only a fraction of winners. Mediator can not be removed. With him fighting other methods. I gave a link. I think you have not read it. So you have many questions.The software has an impact when they select winner for the lottery and he gives the case numbers and he disqualifies fraudulent applications right?
After that he has no work to do ! Its the embassies that selects and choose to refuse or to issue the visas... Right?
No, not necessarily. Look at the statistics and compare visa-winners in the past.Sloner, do you believe that the selectee split is related to the final quotas?
No, not necessarily. Look at the statistics and compare visa-winners in the past.
just one thing to add ; the visa quotas are determined every year by us immigration law and therefor they are subject to change from one year to an other. there was a link on this forum where it was clearly stipulated... so in this case it might interfeer with our final estimations.
just one thing to add ; the visa quotas are determined every year by us immigration law and therefor they are subject to change from one year to an other. there was a link on this forum where it was clearly stipulated... so in this case it might interfeer with our final estimations.
Here is the link:
They determine the quotas from the previous 5-fiscal-year period statistics for which data are available.
I agree with Simon the quota follow a smooth transition from one year to another.
Thanks for link it the one yes.
I agree its not a brutal change,Smooth transition yes buy for oc and as make quite a difference, i think..
Yes agreed. OC and SA might get a good increase = they might have been underperforming against their quota and that would be why (in the case of OC) their quota of selectees was increased so much...