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CEAC data (Full) 9-1-2014

I didn't request the passport back. They returned it by courier and said to wait to be contacted to return the passport for issuance when a number has been found. I've tried contacting the embassy about extra information but all I get are those standard form responses that seem to be cut and paste. There also seems to be no way of contacting the embassy through a phone inquiry.

I know what they said about passports - but I don't think there is any technical reason why they would need to have the passport in hand in order to approve the case. However, Montreal may have their own standard in place which is more to do with logistics than rules.
I'm new here and I know maybe its too late now for DV2014 but I would appreciate any advise or help.
Here is my story:
I had my visa interview on 05/14/2014 and the consular officer told me that my case has been approved and I should receive the visa within three weeks.
On the 05/15/2014 I received a letter from the embassy asking for some additional information which I sent by mail and my case is under administrative processing since.

Additional information:
-Travel +work history in the last 10-15 years
-Siblings names
-Previous partners names
-All previous passports

When I had my documents checked at the embassy I have been asked if I have a permanent address in USA and I said I don’t have it with me now but I thought she meant the address where I want to receive my green card, and she told me I can send it after the interview. While I was waiting for my interview I found the address and I explained the misunderstanding to the Consular officer and she said it’s not a problem and she asked me to write the address where I want to receive my green card on my application form.

I emailed the embassy and I got the same reply:
Your application is subject to additional administrative processing, which is mandatory and cannot be waived or expedited.
We realize that these extended time periods cause frustration to many individuals. However, the Consular Officer must adjudicate visa applications in accordance with the provisions of the law, and, in some cases, this involves extensive administrative processing. Whilst we cannot predict when the additional administrative processing of your application will be completed, we can assure you that you will be notified as soon as it is.

I don't know what to do now, should I email the embassy again and explain the misunderstanding that happened at the embassy?

Case number: AS0006XXX
family of 3
wait for mr expert simon ,he will soon be here to answer your question...okay? Don't panic u will get your visa...which embassy u did you interviewied and where are u from?? If i mayed ask...
I had my interview at London US embassy.
Originally I'm from Palestine, was born in UAE, now I live in UK
no need to worry ,let pray and wait for the last days battle ,as u can see we have many here that were on the same boat with u...let wait and pray harder the ending will be victory for us in this fouroum inshaaAllah!!
ameen..Allah knows you're tired. Allah knows when
you're in difficulty. But you must also know that
Allah would never put you in a situation you
couldn't handle. That's His promise to you in the
Quran... Do we all know the Quranic verse which
talks about this?
I'm new here and I know maybe its too late now for DV2014 but I would appreciate any advise or help.
Here is my story:
I had my visa interview on 05/14/2014 and the consular officer told me that my case has been approved and I should receive the visa within three weeks.
On the 05/15/2014 I received a letter from the embassy asking for some additional information which I sent by mail and my case is under administrative processing since.

Additional information:
-Travel +work history in the last 10-15 years
-Siblings names
-Previous partners names
-All previous passports

When I had my documents checked at the embassy I have been asked if I have a permanent address in USA and I said I don’t have it with me now but I thought she meant the address where I want to receive my green card, and she told me I can send it after the interview. While I was waiting for my interview I found the address and I explained the misunderstanding to the Consular officer and she said it’s not a problem and she asked me to write the address where I want to receive my green card on my application form.

I emailed the embassy and I got the same reply:
Your application is subject to additional administrative processing, which is mandatory and cannot be waived or expedited.
We realize that these extended time periods cause frustration to many individuals. However, the Consular Officer must adjudicate visa applications in accordance with the provisions of the law, and, in some cases, this involves extensive administrative processing. Whilst we cannot predict when the additional administrative processing of your application will be completed, we can assure you that you will be notified as soon as it is.

I don't know what to do now, should I email the embassy again and explain the misunderstanding that happened at the embassy?

Case number: AS0006XXX
family of 3

I strongly believe the reason for your AP has nothing to do with the address issue, so writing the embassy to explain that isn't going to achieve anything. Your AP has to do with background check I'm afraid. And like they told you in their previous email response, this is something that cannot be rushed.
I'm new here and I know maybe its too late now for DV2014 but I would appreciate any advise or help.
Here is my story:
I had my visa interview on 05/14/2014 and the consular officer told me that my case has been approved and I should receive the visa within three weeks.
On the 05/15/2014 I received a letter from the embassy asking for some additional information which I sent by mail and my case is under administrative processing since.

Additional information:
-Travel +work history in the last 10-15 years
-Siblings names
-Previous partners names
-All previous passports

When I had my documents checked at the embassy I have been asked if I have a permanent address in USA and I said I don’t have it with me now but I thought she meant the address where I want to receive my green card, and she told me I can send it after the interview. While I was waiting for my interview I found the address and I explained the misunderstanding to the Consular officer and she said it’s not a problem and she asked me to write the address where I want to receive my green card on my application form.

I emailed the embassy and I got the same reply:
Your application is subject to additional administrative processing, which is mandatory and cannot be waived or expedited.
We realize that these extended time periods cause frustration to many individuals. However, the Consular Officer must adjudicate visa applications in accordance with the provisions of the law, and, in some cases, this involves extensive administrative processing. Whilst we cannot predict when the additional administrative processing of your application will be completed, we can assure you that you will be notified as soon as it is.

I don't know what to do now, should I email the embassy again and explain the misunderstanding that happened at the embassy?

Case number: AS0006XXX
family of 3

Yep sorry to read that. As Mom says, the reason for your AP and delays is most likely the background check. The later questions they asked you were clearly trying to build a picture of your personal and family network and your possible contacts over the last few years. It is probably that your name is similar to someone one a list and in these days of geo political fears and problems, that is something they take seriously. With only two working days left to clear your case, and huge demand for the last few visas, I think the reality may not be as rosey as our friend TYT believes - but I think you already know that.

You can try again - and hopefully the process would be smoother next time.
@Simon pls don't be mad ..okay? I want u to give me the latest statistic reserch on ceac data about the Ap cases in sierra leone , please mr expert!!!
like what u did for me the last time ,u tell me how many cases are in progress and how many are still in Ap ,u did that for me the last time ,can u please do it for me today again mr expert ??please!!

I need Your help, so I am addressing to You.
I am Green Card winer (with past medical exams and paid visas for two adults and two small children. On the interview appointment in the Embassy, one month ago, they told us that they are not available visas. Yesterday I got information from the Embassy that they can issue us only two visas, because only two visas are available.
They told us that we can ask issuing visas for our children in the future (F2A VISAS). I don't know is that possible, because me and my wife can stay in USA only ten days without our children, because they are very small.
I am asking you to tell me is it possible to issue us only two visas instead of four, because our application is for four persons (me, my wife and my two children)
Please give us idea what should we do
Thanks in advance

I need Your help, so I am addressing to You.
I am Green Card winer (with past medical exams and paid visas for two adults and two small children. On the interview appointment in the Embassy, one month ago, they told us that they are not available visas. Yesterday I got information from the Embassy that they can issue us only two visas, because only two visas are available.
They told us that we can ask issuing visas for our children in the future (F2A VISAS). I don't know is that possible, because me and my wife can stay in USA only ten days without our children, because they are very small.
I am asking you to tell me is it possible to issue us only two visas instead of four, because our application is for four persons (me, my wife and my two children)
Please give us idea what should we do
Thanks in advance

I've never heard of that scenario. But if I were you I would go and say yes to the visas they have got. I wouldn't be surprised if they magically found an extra two visas, because the numbers are not as finite as they seem to suggest - and what they are saying sounds like a mistake anyway. You have until the end of the month - so if you have to sit in the embassy for two days - that would be worth it.

What embassy is this?
like what u did for me the last time ,u tell me how many cases are in progress and how many are still in Ap ,u did that for me the last time ,can u please do it for me today again mr expert ??please!!

OK - one last time.

Issue - 433
AP - 112
Refused - 652
Ready - 273

But I think you need to learn how to do this yourself - the reason I provide the data is so that you can do the analysis you care about. So - instructions so you have no excuse for not doing this yourself. :)

  1. Look the the shared spreadsheet,
  2. click "data",
  3. choose create a temporary filter.
  4. Click the icon on the top of the embassy column, click clear (removing the checkmark from all the embassies)
  5. select FTN embassy. That is then a filtered view of FTN embassy cases.
  6. Do the same on the status column.
  7. use the mouse to select the numbers in the family column.
  8. The total will appear in the lower right hand corner.
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okay..will try..i think our Ap cases are moving slowly thank God...thats maybe a good news ,yh for sure ! Coz the last time was 480Ap cases and today is 112..i still get the hope mr expert...God will not unsake me and others!
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I've never heard of that scenario. But if I were you I would go and say yes to the visas they have got. I wouldn't be surprised if they magically found an extra two visas, because the numbers are not as finite as they seem to suggest - and what they are saying sounds like a mistake anyway. You have until the end of the month - so if you have to sit in the embassy for two days - that would be worth it.

What embassy is this?
EU -Can I send you message in inbox and how? Thanks in advance
I've never heard of that scenario. But if I were you I would go and say yes to the visas they have got. I wouldn't be surprised if they magically found an extra two visas, because the numbers are not as finite as they seem to suggest - and what they are saying sounds like a mistake anyway. You have until the end of the month - so if you have to sit in the embassy for two days - that would be worth it.

What embassy is this?
yeah ready mean interviewed and some cases have not donne theirs yet and some already done it and place on Ap it show ready sometime ...mine too was the same before , and later change to Ap...simon have tried i don't see anything like that on ceac, please mr expert can u assit me a little ,where to do that on ceac or where??