Can We settle on These Bases?

Originally posted by John_cdn
Although, I don't believe the original poster intended to make any implications regarding the lawsuit, I agree that there is no need to single out any particular country here. Although Indians may be the majority in this particular forum (just a guess), there are many other countries here, and we are ALL in this TOGETHER! (even us Canadians - eh) :)

Mr. Khanna,

We are not including premium processing of I485 in our proposal. What if interim GC is not accepted by CIS? Do we have alternative for this interim GC to negociate with CIS?


We are all Americans and one of the strengths of this country is Diversity. An immigration forum (any one) belongs to all immigrants. It is true that most of the members of this forum are of Indian descent and among theselves they have diversity also. The original poster had a good goal in mind for money collection and lobbying.
There is an Indian caucus in Congress, Indian lobbies and the same holds for Asian Pacific immigration organisations, Chinese, Korean, Philippino, Latino, Canadian and others.
Or from a religious point of view, we are Christians with diversity, Moslems, Hindu, Catholic, Jewish and others. Let us get support from all these by contacting them from within our group! There is nothing wrong with developing contacts with influential people for our causes.
(I am greek with an asian wife and friends of all races and backgrounds).

I think, you got wrong impression from the poster..This lawsuite is for every one regarless of country of origin..but I think, that poster aim was to reach out for funding/other help to those community/people you belong to and you know them very well..It's easy to reach out your own community people and they will show more interest to help you out..Since that poster is from India, he wrote his view in that context only. It's apply to every one..we all need to reach out (regardless of country of origin) to our own community/people or other community/people you know to help/support our case..we need help from every one!

Thank you!

Originally posted by ca-to-wa
If Indians are the only once who are supporting this law suite, then I don't see how this law suite can take the form of "class action." And you aren't excatly helping in getting people from other countries support this law suite with your "we indians" propoganda.

As far as I can see, the goal here seems to be to get green card, not to create an indian lobby.
The solution

Thanks for the great work Rajiv and team!!!

To go by logic, I feel that our CORE aim is to get our GC.

Hence our aim to get Interim GC (of course subject to security check) where our case is pending for more than 180 days.

Could we highlight this as THE point of demand and state that it would eliminate a lot of the redundant points (by stating them rest explicitly)?
Re: The solution

Good point! Thank you!
Originally posted by dtrxc
Thanks for the great work Rajiv and team!!!

To go by logic, I feel that our CORE aim is to get our GC.

Hence our aim to get Interim GC (of course subject to security check) where our case is pending for more than 180 days.

Could we highlight this as THE point of demand and state that it would eliminate a lot of the redundant points (by stating them rest explicitly)?
Re: OK

May be discussed already;

If they agree to our proposal, what will be the effective date of "Interim" GC.

It should be either 180 days from original filing date of 485, even if that means back dated approval.
It should be the day Govt. agrees to our proposal.

There should be some mention of this in our proposal else we are again talkiing about a "YES", but in an unknown future time frame, which does not help
ca-to-wa/every one,

Core team also invited any one intersted in the conferance call...

So every one, please take the positive approach and join/contiribute whatever way you can in order to achive great success..

Originally posted by ca-to-wa
If Indians are the only once who are supporting this law suite, then I don't see how this law suite can take the form of "class action." And you aren't excatly helping in getting people from other countries support this law suite with your "we indians" propoganda.

As far as I can see, the goal here seems to be to get green card, not to create an indian lobby.
Sorry if it did hurt you. I didn't have a better word. I believe any form - any group and every group should be brought in to support us. I have also mentioned the challenge is green card. Why do you have to single out one piece from my post and ignore all others? I am in support of all of USA coming together to help us out – from people WHO CAN MAKE CHANGES. Can someone suggest me how? An attack on problem from any angle helps in the cause in long run. I never meant it to be a caucus to support Indian community's GC only or formation of Indian political platform for Indian goals only. It is unity from one group (us - no matter who is what nationality and I am on your side) to other (I would support if you create any other group which has voting rights and power to make changes and I would volunteer for it – even if it comes from my friendly neighbors).

Don't get me wrong – please!


It is not Indians who are supporting it - it is help from one part American society to people who are fighting for GC and rights. If you feel my approach is wrong - let me know. I will keep off. However just feel the difference of doing it at our own and getting a support from American Citizens? Can you see the point? I would support any group you can form(even your apt complex - if you can.)

More relevant in context of elections coming in USA.
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I agree!

Originally posted by rajum
May be we can classify our demands into two categories:
1) Core demands
2) "Nice to have features" or "supplemental" demands. I am not too sure on the name of the second category.

Obviously, our primary focus should be on core demands.


I agree, in fact i suggested that long time ago. We need to prioritize our demands as say - Primary and Secondary objectives

Originally posted by Jharkhandi
Sorry if it did hurt you. I didn't have a better word. I believe any form - any group and every group should be brought in to support us. I have also mentioned the challenge is green card. Why do you have to single out one piece from my post and ignore all others? I am in support of all of USA coming together to help us out – from people WHO CAN MAKE CHANGES. Can someone suggest me how? An attack on problem from any angle helps in the cause in long run. I never meant it to be a caucus to support Indian community's GC only or formation of Indian political platform for Indian goals only. It is unity from one group (us - no matter who is what nationality and I am on your side) to other (I would support if you create any other group which has voting rights and power to make changes and I would volunteer for it – even if it comes from my friendly neighbors).

Don't get me wrong – please!


It is not Indians who are supporting it - it is help from one part American society to people who are fighting for GC and rights. If you feel my approach is wrong - let me know. I will keep off. However just feel the difference of doing it at our own and getting a support from American Citizens? Can you see the point? I would support any group you can form(even your apt complex - is you can.)

More relevant in context of elections coming in USA.

With due respects to the sentiments of the people of this forum, I request not to post any further mails on this sub-topic.
Rajiv Khanna, john_cdn, cinta already expressed their opinions. dsatish, rk4gc and myself from the core team expressed their sentiments. Other people expressed their sentiments.Even hrithakroshan11 expressed his intention behind the posting. I don't think we need any further discussion on this. Lets not digress from our original topic...

******** Fund - Please donate generously********

******** Fund - Please donate generously********

"We, some of the members of the Immigration.Com community have, with the help of Rajiv, started a new corporation, ImmigrationPortal.Org (non-profit organization) to address various legal immigration problems faced by non-immigrants and immigrants."
Note that the corporation is not controlled by Rajiv. We are independent, though Rajiv continues to be one of our directors.

Now we request everyone here to contribute generously to accomplish our mission. Checks can be drawn in favor of IMMIGRATIONPORTAL.ORG

Attn: Vijay B. Sharma
5225 N Wilson Blvd
Arlington VA 22205

Note: 501(c)(3) tax exempt status is yet to be approved
Message from our Accountant:

I wish to update that I have requested Wachovia bank to open a checking account in the name of 'Immigrationportal.Org'. I expect to get today an account number and wire transfer information so those who wish to make contributions by check or make a transfer can be able to do it. Meanwhile I will get signature cards and other forms from the bank and have them signed by designated signatories. However, this should not stop any one from issuing a check in favor of 'Immigrationportal.Org' as his/her contribution for the fund. Please go ahead and collect the contribution checks and mail the same to my attention on address;

5225 N Wilson Blvd
Arlington VA 22205


Board of Directors
Rajkumar -- President
Kazoumi -- Vice President
Raju --Secretary
Punnam -- Treasurer

Rajiv S Khanna
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Originally posted by rajum
With due respects to the sentiments of the people of this forum, I request not to post any further mails on this sub-topic.
Rajiv Khanna, john_cdn, cinta already expressed their opinions. dsatish, rk4gc and myself from the core team expressed their sentiments. Other people expressed their sentiments.Even hrithakroshan11 expressed his intention behind the posting. I don't think we need any further discussion on this. Lets not digress from our original topic...

Lets talk about NPO, will it seek funds from government as well and or solely depends on the funds donated by audiance.
Any specific amount, deductable, etc?
Does this NPO will address only GC issues, Backlogs?
Membership provision, if any, and support in any matter related with immigration in the individual capacity?
Will the active/professional lawyers run this
For now I have something in my mind to get info prior to go forward. Thanks in anticipation for the reply to whom it corresponds.
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Originally posted by cinta
The government is not cooperating in other immigration suits either!
Lets talk about NPO, will it seek funds from government as well and or solely depends on the funds donated by audiance.
Any specific amount, deductable, etc?
Does this NPO will address only GC issues, Backlogs?
Membership provision, if any, and support in any matter related with immigration in the individual capacity?
Will the active/professional lawyers run this
For now I have something in my mind to get info prior to go forward. Thanks in anticipation for the reply to whom it corresponds.
Re: Re: DOJ

Originally posted by assur
Lets talk about NPO, will it seek funds from government as well and or solely depends on the funds donated by audiance.
Any specific amount, deductable, etc?
Does this NPO will address only GC issues, Backlogs?
Membership provision, if any, and support in any matter related with immigration in the individual capacity?
Will the active/professional lawyers run this
For now I have something in my mind to get info prior to go forward. Thanks in anticipation for the reply to whom it corresponds.


Check this post.
Originally posted by assur
Lets talk about NPO, will it seek funds from government as well and or solely depends on the funds donated by audiance.
Any specific amount, deductable, etc?
Does this NPO will address only GC issues, Backlogs?
Membership provision, if any, and support in any matter related with immigration in the individual capacity?
Will the active/professional lawyers run this
For now I have something in my mind to get info prior to go forward. Thanks in anticipation for the reply to whom it corresponds.

I think we are in the process of finalizing rules, regulations and other governing issues. As of today, this NPO is envisaging funds from individuals and entities who will support our cause. Honestly, I don't think Govt. will contribute to this kind of NPOs.

However, I am opinion that if any entity( whether individuals or corporations or US Govt or foriegn Govts or foreign corporations or whoever) want to contribute to us we need to check the following:
1) Do we need to dilute our charter because of this donation. If yes, then we should not accept the donation
2) Do we envisage any clash of interest at present or in future. If yes, we should not accept the donation
3) Are they legally permissible under US laws to donate to us. If not, we should not accept the donation
4) Are we legally permissible to receive donation from them. If not, we should not accept the donation.

This NPO will definitely address GC issues and backlogs. But there is no guarantee that this NPO solves the issues.As of today, this NPO charter mentions to touch all the aspects of legal immigration.

This NPO is run by individuals like you and me. Only thing is that he should remain committed and belief in the charter.

Hope I cleared some of your questions.

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Originally posted by rajum
I think we are in the process of finalizing rules, regulations and other governing issues. As of today, this NPO is envisaging funds from individuals and entities who will support our cause. Honestly, I don't think Govt. will contribute to this kind of NPOs.

However, I am opinion that if any entity( whether individuals or corporations or US Govt or foriegn Govts or foreign corporations or whoever) want to contribute to us we need to check the following:
1) Do we need to dilute our charter because of this donation. If yes, then we should not accept the donation
2) Do we envisage any clash of interest at present or in future. If yes, we should not accept the donation
3) Are they legally permissible under US laws to donate to us. If not, we should not accept the donation
4) Are we legally permissible to receive donation from them. If not, we should not accept the donation.

This NPO will definitely address GC issues and backlogs. But there is no guarantee that this NPO solves the issues.As of today, this NPO charter mentions to touch all the aspects of legal immigration.

This NPO is run by individuals like you and me. Only thing is that he should remain committed and belief in the charter.

Hope I cleared some of your questions.

Many thanks for detailed reply.
So I would say it is the Voice of Subjects and support by Mr. RK.
I have personally be involved/covered by print media for some time back in previous then I found myself alone, first I was victim then orphened. It is safe to be aware of facts of the entities before jumping into it. Joining hands together for a cause is great, risks involved should not be forgotten and be prepared to deal in courageous and daring way thats what I have learnt from previous experience.
Before I become senior citizen, I want to be a US citizen using GC path.
I am sure you wise guys understand what I meant to say.
Me and my friends committed to contribute in this connection.
You are very WELL-COME.