Buffalo Tracker (please add)

I received my PP request on March 26th. I sent my passport on March 29th. At that time the status showed "Decision Made". Now when I check the status is showing In Process.

Does anybody know why?

Originally posted by kosu
I received my PP request on March 26th. I sent my passport on March 29th. At that time the status showed "Decision Made". Now when I check the status is showing In Process.

Does anybody know why?


Its happened to me, the reason was me and my family a renewed passport just two month before we send pp for stamping, and I didnt informed them, so when I keep asking them what happened to my passport (as they keep pp more then 22 days), they informed me they are changing passport information all over the places, its could be easier if I send them this change information earlier.

Did you have any change you didn't informed them ?
documents for both or principal applicant only ?

In their initial assessment, CIC has asked for the docuemnts below. Except for a couple of items, they haven't explicitly mentioned whether an item is applicable for both principal and spouse or only principal. So I am assuming the following. Gurus please correct me if I am wrong on any of those.

1) good conduct certificate from home country (pcc):
CIC has mentioned it's needed for both - so will provide for both me and my spouse.

2) letter from current employer:
I will provide mine only

3) paystubs:
I will provide mine only

4) statement of funds:
I will provide mine only

5) immigration status:
I will provide mine only

6) medical within 60 days:
For both

7) RPRF CAD 975 per head:
For both

Hi jhumkasrc
Seems that is good wnough

Can u pls post ur time line info for getting some idea abt CIC processingd ates?

Tahnks in advance

Here's my timeline

Application mailed April 30 2003
AOR July 18 2003
initial assessment received April 10 2003

Hello Gurus,
Can any one tell me which date to look, i applied during november 03 the site says " we started processing your application on january XX date"
Input /suggestions needed -please

I had applied for Can PR in June,2002, and got the initial assessement in Nov 03 and asked for the final documents along with the ROLF with in 90 days. I did medical in in Dec 03 and paid the fee in Mar04. And just waiting for the decision ?

My status in US is very risky right now. I am on a 7th Yr H1(labor in pending more than 3yrs) until Aug04 and need to apply for 8th year extension. However the extension is being delayed with wired answers, since our company has a cost cutting policy of 10% headcount readuction every year, I am sensing something might be cooking in the dark. I am just worried how to handle the status situation if my job status go bad before the canadian PR comes thru.
Any suggestions would be help us to be prepared for the worst.
Originally posted by RahulatDC
Its happened to me, the reason was me and my family a renewed passport just two month before we send pp for stamping, and I didnt informed them, so when I keep asking them what happened to my passport (as they keep pp more then 22 days), they informed me they are changing passport information all over the places, its could be easier if I send them this change information earlier.

Did you have any change you didn't informed them ?

Yes, I renewed my son's passport, and sent them the new one. May be you are right. That is why it is taking so long.. Thanks for your information.

I have received their mail today! Exactly 15 days after the eStatus changed to "Decision Made". That's weird! Some people get it within 3/4 days and for some of us it takes 15 days! In my case, they actually mailed it on 04/08/2004, so it took only 3 days after they mailed it.

Anyway, don't worry you will be fine. And if the mail takes couple weeks to reach, it dose not necessarily means bad news.

Here is my timeline:

Applied: 07/15/2002
Initial assessment: 10/02/2003, interview waived
Medical: 12/07/2003
Passport Request: 04/12/2004

Good luck to everyone else! Surely your days will come soon.
Decision Made !

Hello All –

First of all I request you to please respond if anyone has similar
Situation as I have.

I submit my Medical and FBI doc in Feb 2004.
Canadian Immigration ask me to send Landing fees ,Then I checked online status.
Which Showing “Decision Made “
What that means?

I have not received anything from Canada that says “Interview waived “ or “Interview required “ I am having 78 points .
I am trying find out what can be happened next?
Am I going to call for interview or Passport request?

Thanks a lot
Re: Decision Made !

to : waitingfornews7

Did you ever receive your initial assessment? It usually comes with the Medical forms (if interview is waived). If interview is waived, the letter should read " We expect to finalize your case without personal interview….etc).

From the information that you provided, it looks like your interview was waived and the fact that they asked you to pay the RPR fees and your status changed to decision made means you are almost done and you should get passport request pretty soon (my personal opinion).

BTW: what is your total timeline?

Good Luck

Originally posted by waitingfornews7
Hello All –

First of all I request you to please respond if anyone has similar
Situation as I have.

I submit my Medical and FBI doc in Feb 2004.
Canadian Immigration ask me to send Landing fees ,Then I checked online status.
Which Showing “Decision Made “
What that means?

I have not received anything from Canada that says “Interview waived “ or “Interview required “ I am having 78 points .
I am trying find out what can be happened next?
Am I going to call for interview or Passport request?

Thanks a lot


Can Anyone Answer?

I have submitted my FBI Results on March 14th the medicals were sent by Doc on 13th Feb. The initial assesment said interview waived. I didn't sent ROLF fees along with documents.

Are they gonna ask me for ROLF or I should just send it now?

My time line
Applied APR 2003


Re: Re: Decision Made !

Thanks for your response :
No -- I haven't receieved Interview waiver or assessment:

Here is my timeline for your information:

Applied -- Aug 2001
Asked for the new forms late 2002.
Asked for the Medical and FBI and sent it in Feb 2004.

Asked for the landing fees in March 2004 --sent it in March 2004.
Now what is next -- I don't know.
So--Please let me know what U think and if U have questions
please let me know.

Thanks and good luck

Originally posted by stranger1
to : waitingfornews7

Did you ever receive your initial assessment? It usually comes with the Medical forms (if interview is waived). If interview is waived, the letter should read " We expect to finalize your case without personal interview….etc).

From the information that you provided, it looks like your interview was waived and the fact that they asked you to pay the RPR fees and your status changed to decision made means you are almost done and you should get passport request pretty soon (my personal opinion).

BTW: what is your total timeline?

Good Luck
Originally posted by HaveBeenWaiting

I have received their mail today! Exactly 15 days after the eStatus changed to "Decision Made". That's weird! Some people get it within 3/4 days and for some of us it takes 15 days! In my case, they actually mailed it on 04/08/2004, so it took only 3 days after they mailed it.


Good news from my end as well. I received the RFP( request for passport) on Apr/12/2004. Exactly 21 days after the "decision made" status update. Like you they issued the letter on April/07/2004 and mailed it on April/08/2004

I have mailed back the photos and a Express Self Addressed envelope today.

Here is my timeline:

Applied: 11/15/2002
Initial assessment: 11/02/2003, interview waived
Medical: 11/22/2003
Passport Request: 04/12/2004

Hang in there guys.


Hi Guys, Can you please tell me , whats its mean if they cashed your Landing fees.
Although they didn't sent me any thing yet.

Meaning they are pretty sure that you are OK to become PR in Canada. I don't know on what stage you are; meaning whether you have finished medicals &/interview or not.

I got my Initial Assessment today!!! :)

Here's my timeline (Buffalo - USA)

Application mailed April 28 2003
AOR July 16 2003
initial assessment received April 15 2004

In the initial assessment, CIC asked me for the following docs:

1) Good conduct certificate (CANADA - RCMP - Fingerprint Check).
2) Letter from current employer.
3) Paystubs & T4 (I'm in Canada).
4) Medical within 60 days.
5) Background Information Form ('cause I had inclomplete sections on my form ) (within 90 days).
* Membership or association with organizations
* Goverment Positions
* Military Service

Good Luck
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Help Please

Here is my time line

Applied in Jan 2003
File No recieved Apr 2003
Intial assesment "No Interview" Jan 2004
Medicals sent by Doctor: 13 Feb 2004
Sent FBI and Paystubs on 14 March 2004

I didn't sent ROLF fees cause It was not checkmarked on letter and they didn't asked for it. So I decided to wait.

Please anyone with same timeline got something from buffalo . Please reply.


To ashi5

I have the same timeline as yours. But I am still waiting for my FBI check to send it back to Buffalo along with other documents. I am planning to send the ROLF fees along with my documents.

Maybe you can send the ROLF instead of waiting for them to ask for it. The ROLF is refundable if you dont land anyway.

Please keep posting updates. All the best.
Hi Everybody,

At last Got my PP stamped with Immigrant Visa and received it today.

My Time Line

Applied June 2002
Recevied my File Number Nov 2002
Received Medicals and FBI OCt 2003
Sent Medicals and FBI Nov 2003
Received PP Request March 2004
Received PP Stamped on April 2004.

This forum have helped me a lot during the process. Thanks a lot.