Buffalo Tracker (please add)

Hi snpr,
I haven't sent my passports yet. I just got my requests last week, so getting all information together ( photos/height/weight information sheets). will be sending by the end of this month.

RahulatDC :--> I think you should fax CIC right away that you have a baby. my brother had same situation, and then they had to go for one more medical after that for baby and his wife. so, to save yourself a trip back to doctor, inform CIC via fax/mail and wait for their response. they should reply you with additional forms within a month.
If you don't get within given time period, then you can go ahead for you/your spouse.

Hi snpr .
It's very logical what you said .I was thinking doing the same thing.
However let's wait for satish's response.It might saves lot of time and i think he went to do medical without those forms.
But just let's wait for his input .
to baig110

I was scoring 73 points. The letter doesn't mention what point system they accessed me.

I have a question regarding medical exam -
How long does the medical test takes ( I mean in days) ? The reason being there is no DMP in my area within 250 miles so I might have to take leave from work. Pls let me know so that I can plan accordingly.
Hi Guys,

Could one of you please update the tracker with my info.

Mykan 3/15/2002 7/20/2002 9/30/2003 Y (7 - 10 Months)

Thanks in Advance.

Good luck to all of us.

- Mykan
Originally posted by desi145
RahulatDC :--> I think you should fax CIC right away that you have a baby. my brother had same situation, and then they had to go for one more medical after that for baby and his wife. so, to save yourself a trip back to doctor, inform CIC via fax/mail and wait for their response. they should reply you with additional forms within a month.
If you don't get within given time period, then you can go ahead for you/your spouse.


Thanks Kalpesh, thats what I am planning to do

Can someone please update the tracker for me

RahuldatDC 05/15/2002 08/15/2002 10/03/2003 N

Re: to baig110

Hi gsingh72

Medical exam takes couple of hours to go through. Once you set up an appointment with the Physition, you can do every thing on the same day. :)

Originally posted by gsingh72
I was scoring 73 points. The letter doesn't mention what point system they accessed me.

I have a question regarding medical exam -
How long does the medical test takes ( I mean in days) ? The reason being there is no DMP in my area within 250 miles so I might have to take leave from work. Pls let me know so that I can plan accordingly.
A Clarification

I think a message that I posted earlier has created a small controversyof sorts. Here is my clarification:

My inputs are based on theinformation that my lawyer gives me. They areprobably the best law firm in Canada as far as immigration is concerned.
I always feel that no matter how much time we can spend reading news articles, we probablywould notknow as much these lawyers do.
In my case, my lawyer advised me to go ahead and get the medicals done through a CIC-registered doctor, even before I received any medical papers. 4 months after that, I received my initial assessment and that did not ask for medicals to be done as they already had received my medicals. The only reason CIC does not recommend medicals to be done earlier is tomake sure that people don't have to get it done again, if their case gets delayed because of security clearance. Please remember that secutiry clearance is the only thing that is not within CIC's control and is done by an organization called CECIS.
In my case, I was pretty certain that I will get my landed before my medicals expire (as advised by my lawyers), hence I went ahead and did it.
However, the collective wisdom of the group here is to wait for the CIC papers-and I respect that view and also think it to be the right approach.
For Derila-Kindly disregards my earlier advise.
For Rahul-In my opinion, you should fill in forms for your new born and fax that in (and mail it), AND get the medicals for your child done as well. It might save you some time. But please take the group's opinion on this before you act.
(My apologies for this long and winding post)
How long does it normally take once you submit your medicals to get the request back for the stamping of the passport?. I was looking at the excel sheet but most of the cases were in the esrly part of 2003. I was wondering anyone just recently did their medicals like during end of august and got the request for the passport?

I've submitted my medicals at end of july 2003. I'm applying through Quebec though, so I don't know how much difference in time that can make.

Haven't heard anything from Buffalo yet. It's been more than 2 months....


I am a new user to the forum

Today I received a letter from the Canadian Consulate General, Buffalo that the initial assessment is complete and interview is waived.
Applied on June 04, 2002...file no. Received on OCT/NOV 2002 …initial assessment received on Oct 3,2003

I got two letters in the same package

1. Important Notice: In that I have to send my IMM8 Form again and I have to complete few section of my spouse ( This I have to send it in 60 days )
2. Second letter is my Initial Assessment Letter, In that they asked me to provide
a. Medical ( To be Done in 60 Days )
b. Updated bank statements, employment letter, FBI fingerprints, proof of status in US like H1 copy with pay stubs and last yr W2 ( in 90 Days )

My questions are

1. Can I send a reply to my Important Notice immediately and the rest I can send once I am done with Medical & FBI Finger printing
2. What you mean by Updated Certified True Copies of Work Experience from Previous & Current Employment ( Is it a Copy or a Notarized copy ) Can we use the same letter used for US Green Card Processing
3. When I included my spouse in the application, she was in India and she reached USA in May 2003 on H4B. Did she need a FBI Finger Printing
4. The medical document says my old address and I informed my address change and my assessment letter came to my new address. I need to change the medical documents address to current before I do the medical

I appreciate your replies
To Satish and snpr.
I think snpr thought i haven't received my medical but i did recieved them 6 months ago .
Today i was reading my forms very carefully and what i understood is just with my medical form which it has my picture on it ( I 'm principal applicant ) i also can include my wife and my kid so they can pass the medical exam with me .I don't know if the CIC will send another medical just for my wife .
Anyone has any infos about this issue ,your input is very appreciated.

I think you have 60 days to get your FBI fingure prints & remember FBI finger prints are required for you only & not for your wife. So better send every thing all togather, if you are not able to get your FBI report before expiry of 60 days then send seperatley.
Aslo no need to get your address change on your medical forms. The same with old address will work.

Good Luck.
Hi CIKTM,safdarali,

I submitted finger prints for both me/my wife. I think everyone will be asked to submit FBI reports for each of the applicant and dependents, unless specifically mentioned your name only! better check the words again ( if it asks for each of the dependents or not )

SRINI88 : It depends when they asked you to do medical. If they asked you to wait 6 months, then most likely your background check will be done by that time. If you did medicals immediately ( within 60 days), then your file won't be adjudicated until they receive all background check, which takes longer in india and other countries.

Kalpesh , sali,

Thank You for the information.

They asked Finger printing only for me

1. What you mean by Updated Certified True Copies of Work Experience from Previous & Current Employment ( Is it a Copy or a Notarized copy ) Can we use the same experience letter format used for US Green Card Processing

2. When we r sending the bank statements, we need to send the latest bank statment or 3 months or 6 months of bank statments to show our account history


HI all ,
Need your help if you don't mind .
I received my medical forms 6 months ago .Time has come to do that but my wife has not received her and i 'm expecting a baby.
Today i went to the designated doctor and ask if i can do the medical test for all of us just with the medical from that i have received from myself.His answer was NO,my wife has to get her own medical form as well as the baby when he is born. ( Snpr is right ).
Now my question : Should wait to do the medical test for myself and wait until the CIC send a new form to my wife or just do mine and hope the CIC will send the forms to my wife sooner .
Thank you all.
HI all ,
Need your help if you don't mind .
I received my medical forms 6 months ago .Time has come to do that but my wife has not received her and i 'm expecting a baby.
Today i went to the designated doctor and ask if i can do the medical test for all of us just with the medical from that i have received from myself.His answer was NO,my wife has to get her own medical form as well as the baby when he is born. ( Snpr is right ).
Now my question : Should wait to do the medical test for myself and wait until the CIC send a new form to my wife or just do mine and hope the CIC will send the forms to my wife sooner .
Thank you all.
Re: A Clarification

I beg to differ that the lawyers know more than some of us, who diligently follow the newsgroups or articles and get to talk to several people with their cases. I know several lawyers who screw up the applications and I for one, is a big time victim of one of them. So, please do not over estimate these guys as some of them are not as knowlegeable as we are. It's a sad state of affairs but that's a fact!

Some of us are at an advantage becos we get to gather info from these message boards and analyze wide array of cases and get to know more than *some* of the smart lawyers who just blindly follow the same routine over and over and wouldn't update themselves with the reality. I am not, in anyway, saying that your lawyer is not good or anything but just do not blindly follow them. That's all.

Originally posted by satishjha73

* snip*

They areprobably the best law firm in Canada as far as immigration is concerned.
I always feel that no matter how much time we can spend reading news articles, we probablywould notknow as much these lawyers do.

* snip *

I also need answer to these questions :-

I am thinking
1. Notarised copy. You can use the same experience letter format used for US Green Card Processing.

2. latest bank statements.

Can anybody pls verify ?
For Snpr

I did not intend to get into an argument of any sort, but just stated my opinion based on my experience. Please see that I also mentioned that I believe in the 'collective wisdom of this group'.
I hope you will let this baby rest going forward. I stand corrected and very much wiser.
how long from new FBI to passport request

Recently I received a letter requesting new FBI fingerprints. I had it done and sent to them last week. Does anybody know how long do I have to wait, from the new FBI update to the passport request?

Another question: I have moved to Singapore since Apr. I received my initial assessment letter in January, 2003, in which I was asked for current status and new bank statement at that time. I sent the documents as required. Now I have a new job in Singapore. Consider that I am already at the very last stage (I think) of my application, will they ask for new employment letter, status in Singapore... again?

This could become an endless nightmare, if they don't process the new documents fast enough and by the time they review them, new changes happen...