Buffalo Tracker (please add)

Please add me to the list too

Hi Desi145 and Jalma,

Can you add me to the list too?.

My Details:



Hi Tanvis,Yiling,
In your status for landing papers..it says pending.
Can you please provide the time-line, if you already received those papers?


Have yet to send the passport and receive landing papers. Will definitely post the timeline.

buffalo tracker

Hi All,
I updated the tracker with ronadona, jalabalaji, fizalk and baig110. formatted all cells to be in the same format. Attached here.


How many days do they give to submit the passports?

Desi can you please update the tracker

I received my file number on 7/23/03 and Jhumkasrc received his on 7/22/03 can you please update the tracker with this data.
Thanks & appreciate all your efforts.
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I had applied for PR and approved back in 2000. But I never Landed in canada and my PR expired.

Now I have applied again. Will the previous application have any effect on the new application: negative or positive???
Medicals in India

HI Jalma/satishjha/desi145,

I have queation about Medicals. My wife is in india. And she won't be coming back in two months. But Canadian Immigration people are asking to send medicals in two months. Can she so medicals in india while i do it here in USA.

Please advice.

esskaybos1>01/20/02>05/04/02--->pending (You can find it in previous thread)

Here is my latest status

01/20/02 -> Applied date.
05/04/02 -> File number Received.
07/22/03 -> Letter received from CIC, Buffalo asking for Current Fund statement(i have to send it with in 90 days) and take medical test within 60 days.

After the medical test what will be happen? any idea.
Can i send both (Current Fund statement and Medical test report) together?

Do i have to pay RPRF(USD 635) amount now?

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Hi Tanvi,
Thanks for the reply.

Hi Ramkum,

Your wife can do medical in india also, but only problem is if they ask to do more tests in future, and if she is back to US..she has to go back to same doctor in india.

V_anand2 --> I will add your timeline, when I update the tracker end of the week.

Esskaybos1--> Your doctor will send medical test reports directly. All you need to do is send the RPRF and remaining documents. Usually people submit RPRF at the same time. If not, they may ask you to send it later on. This may delay the process.

After medical, they do background check..then passport request being sent.

Hope this helps,

For Ramkum

Hi Ram,
Yes your wife can get her medicals in India-but as mentioned earlier, if they ask for anything more (highly unlikely), then she has to go back to the same doc in India or do it all over again only this time in the US.
Thanks Kalpesh,

Do you know the time frame(approx) when CIC ask for my passport? How long they keep my passport?

Background check means what?(Education and work experience)
I thought they do the background check during the initail assesment.


Pls make my timeframe updated:

My passport has arrived 07-25-03 and I am ready to landing.

I'd llike to thank you guys for the precious information you provided to help me go through the painful proccess of application. Good luck to all of you who want to start an adventure and open an avenue in Canada for your future.
to Esskaybos

Hi Esskaybos

The background check can take around 6 months..particularly if you have stayed in more than one country. This background check is for security.

The passport request can come anywhere between 3 months and a year, after you submitted all missing documents and medicals.
I did medicals in february..and stil waiting..

Just check my on-line appl status

Hi, Guru:

I just checked my application status throught the CIC on-line website, and found my application status has been changed
to "Decision Made". The contents are:

"We started processing your application on December xxx, 2001.

A decision has been made on your application. The office will contact you concerning this decision.

Medical results have been received. "

So, what does the message mean? I got my initial assessment in
last November (Nov. 2002) and that letter asked me to wait for 6
months before taking medical exam. My family did the medical
exam at the beginning of June (2003) and the doctor sent it to
Buffalo in the middle of June. So, based on above facts, does
this message usually mean "approval"?

Thank you in advance!

Just check my on-line appl status

Hi, Guru:

I just checked my application status throught the CIC on-line website, and found my application status has been changed
to "Decision Made". The contents are:

"We started processing your application on December xxx, 2001.

A decision has been made on your application. The office will contact you concerning this decision.

Medical results have been received. "

So, what does the message mean? I got my initial assessment in
last November (Nov. 2002) and that letter asked me to wait for 6
months before taking medical exam. My family did the medical
exam at the beginning of June (2003) and the doctor sent it to
Buffalo in the middle of June. So, based on above facts, does
this message usually mean "approval"?

Thank you in advance!

Hi forfoo,

Congratulations!! You are through man, just wait for the passport request. Thats it.

Good luck
Originally posted by Jalma
Hi forfoo,

Congratulations!! You are through man, just wait for the passport request. Thats it.

Good luck


Thank you for your explanation! Hopefully I will receive the letter to request for passport stamping soon.

Good luck!
