Buffalo Tracker (please add)

We have seen lots of updates in the Tracker list in last month. I request all of you that instead of updating Master tracker and posting it again and again everyday, we could plan to update "Master Tracker list" only once in a week (may be only on friday). All other daily tracker updates should be posted in the forum as individual basis.
Any one from us can volunter to update "Master Tracker List" on friday and he will summarizes and update that weeks individual updates in the master list.

Weekly Updates Only
TRACKER-1==MEDICAL to Landing Papers=====
Medical Tracker
name--->medical forms-->Medical date-->Pass requested--->Landing papers
sali-----> 10/10/2002 ----> 10/18/02-->Pending----->Pending

=TRACKER-2==Interview and Landing Papers Tracker===
name------> applied -> file number -> medical forms ->interview(y/n) -->Landing papers recd.

rb2002----> 06/2001 -> 08/2001 -> 04/2002 -------->N-->Pending
sivak_c---> 07/06/2001---->09/11/2001->06/18/2002->N->approved
raj1008--->08/02/2001----->10/26/2001->07/21/2002->Y (7-10mnths)->?
dhaka101-->09/25/2001-> 11/15/2001 -> 10/31/02->N->Pending
pkapur---->10/05/2001-> 11/15/2001 -> 11/02/2002->Y (7-10mnths)->?
Jalma----->10/2001----> 11/28/2001--> 11/07/02->N->Pending
forfoo---->10/2001----> 12/10/2001--> 11/19/02->n->Pending
IAmTiredOfThis->10/2001--> 12/13/2001--> 12/03/02->N->Pending
ivaylo---->11/07/2001----> 01/10/2002---->12/04/2002 --->N---> Pending
samy_2002--->10/01/01----->11/15/2001-----> Pending
Texas------->00/2001------>11/2001--------> pending
Suny-------->10/26/2001--->12/04/2001-----> pending
afs32------->10/15/2001--->12/06/2001-----> pending
rta2002----->10/29/2001--->12/19/2001-----> Pending
shyamku----->10/2001------>12/2001--------> pending
mk116------->10/16/2001--->01/02/2002-----> pending
mbari------->11/05/2001--->01/05/2002-----> Pending
McGoo------->11/2001------>01/2002--------> Pending
leo1973----->11/2001------>01/2002--------> Pending
rim--------->11/2001------>01/2002--------> Pending
Delaware---->08/2001------>01/2002--------> Pending
gocubs------>01/2002------>04/2002--------> pending
sanksin77--->04/10/2002--->09/13/2002 ----> Pending
candie ----->06/04/2002--->11/25/02------>Pending
Congrats T_p99,
I was worried about you, good to hear you got the medical forms and that without any further documents requested.
Have patience and pray for us.


Congratuation t_p, I was really worried about you and others having AOR date of 11/15/01. Atlast the wait is over now.

Now others can also expect their results soon with a new hope that the things are moving altough slowly.

Keep it up.........:)
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I AMTired of This

Congratulation for your initial assessment.

I am glad you are not asked to send your reference letter from current employer. They did'nt asked for my tax papers though. You mind sharing a Reference letter you shared with others (deepred, pkapur etc) since I need to provide one to canadian people.

My email is inder_01@hotmail.com

Hi All,

Does anybody know that how much time is now being taken to transfer the files from bufallo to Detriot ?

I think this is a wonderful place to get info and support. Here is my story-feel free to comment/advise:
applied: Feb 25th 2002
File Nos: Jul 15th 2002
-- They mentioned in the letter that they will get back to me in 30 weeks-the CAIPS notes who file brought forward date as July 15th 2003

Here is the problem: I came here to Canada to get an MBA. Post MBA, got a job and am on a work visa at the moment that expires on April 29th 2003. I have all the points and all that-but is there anything I can do to get my landed sooner?
Thnx everyone.
got my initial assesment today

got my initial assesment today
11/08/01 submitted application
12/19/01 file number received
12/09/02 initial assesment

software enigneer, MS plus three years experience
apply by myself, no attorney involved
no interview required at this point

ask for current employer reference letter, updated FBI certificate, bank statement and medical examination.

It does not ask me to wait for 6 months for medical exam
Got the File number.

Filed the PR Application in July 2002.
File number assigned in Nov 2002.
The letter says that I will get medical forms and others in 52 weeks.
Applied in Oct. 31, 2001

Here is my details:

Applied : Oct. 31, 2001
Recieved File Number : Dec. 13, 2001
e-Status became In Process: Dec. 2, 2002
Medical forms and the rest : Waiting

Does anybody know that how much time I have to wait to receive the medical forms after e-Status became "In Process"?

Re: Applied in Oct. 31, 2001

After u finshed ur medical exam and there is no medical problems then it will change to 'Decision made' from 'in process'
After receiving file number nowadyas it is taking 40 wees nearly, if interview is not required

Good luckl

Originally posted by ctw_99
Here is my details:

Applied : Oct. 31, 2001
Recieved File Number : Dec. 13, 2001
e-Status became In Process: Dec. 2, 2002
Medical forms and the rest : Waiting

Does anybody know that how much time I have to wait to receive the medical forms after e-Status became "In Process"?


It is about two weeks after e-Status changed to "In Process".
Does anyone can tell me what size of envelope they are using to send medical forms?


The status " In Process" has nothing to do with the time frame of getting your medical form. You will only get your medical forms after the initial assessment on your application will be completed.

My status was in "In process" mode since I submitted my application. So just wait and watch....... there is nothing you can do about it. Once you get your landing papers, the status will chage to "Decision made". I hope this will clear your concern.
Re: Re: Applied in Oct. 31, 2001

Originally posted by canus_immi
After u finshed ur medical exam and there is no medical problems then it will change to 'Decision made' from 'in process'
After receiving file number nowadyas it is taking 40 wees nearly, if interview is not required

Good luckl

I have not done the medical yet and I am yet to send in updated FBI and RCMP clearance and yet my status says "decision made".

The only thing different in my case was I am in a work permit in Canada and I did a medical in Jul 02 as a requirement to an extension in work permit. Not sure if they will consider that medical since it is less than a year old. I have sent a fax today to Buffalo regarding that.

MY info:
Applied: Oct 01
AOR: Dec 01
Assessment letter and medicals: Nov 02.
Interview waived

In my assessment letter it says that DO NOT complete the medical until 6 months from the date of this letter. Does anybody know anything about that?


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Applied Feb 02
AOR July 15th '02
I am here in Canada on a work visa-is there anyone here who has a similar profile? The problem is: my work visa expires in April '03. And till date, I have recd. nothing after receiving my file number. Since I cannot get an extension on my work visa-it is imperative that I get a visitor visa. Can I get a visitor visa from within Canada if I have applied for PR?

Here is the updated tracker:
Adding myself in the tracker
name------> applied -> file number -> medical forms ->interview(y/n)
rb2002----> 06/2001 -> 08/2001 -> 04/2002 -> N
sivak_c---> 07/06/2001> 09/11/2001 -> 06/18/2002> N-> approved
ldmello--------> 08/2001 ---> 10/12/2001 -> 05/23/2002 -> N
raj1008--------> 08/02/2001-> 10/26/2001 -> 07/21/2002 -> Y (7-10mnths)

appeal1232001 -> 08/17/2001 -> 11/10/01-> 09/09/2002 -> N
lonely_indian -> 09/17/2001 -> 11/2001 -> 09/03/2002 -> ?
shamim---------> 09/19/2001->11/13/2001-> 10/03/2002 -> N

t_p99-----> 09/29/2001-> 11/15/2001 -> pending
pkapur----> 10/5/2001 --> 11/15/2001 -> Pending
deepred--->10/15/2001-->11/15/2001--> Pending
mk116--->10/16/2001 -> 01/02/2002--> pending
Jalma----->10/2001 ----> 11/28/2001--> pending
Texas----->00/2001---> 11/2001-> pending
dhaka101--> 09/2001 ---> 11/2001-----> Pending
samy_2002-> 10/2001 ---> 12/2001-----> Pending
shyamku---> 10/2001 ---> 12/2001-----> pending
Suny------>10/26/2001 -> 12/04/2001 -> pending
IAmTiredOfThis->10/28/1001->12/13/2001 ->Pending
leo1973---->11/2001 -> 01/2002 -> Pending
rim-------->11/2001 -> 01/2002 ->Pending
mbari------>11/05/2001->01/05/2002--> Pending
ivaylo------>11/07/2001->01/10/2002--> Pending
sanksin77-->04/10/2002 ->09/13/2002 -> Pending
gsingh72--->04/15/2002 -> Pending
RahulatDC--->05/15/2002 -> Pending
Thanks Jalma.

I received the medical forms yesterday.

Here is the detail.
Applied: Oct. 31, 2001
Received File Number: Dec. 13, 2001
e-Status became “In Process”: Dec. 2, 2002
Received Medical forms: Dec. 11, 2002 (dated: Dec. 5, 2002)
Interview: No
Further Document: No
Need to wait 6 month to take medical exam.
Here is the updated tracker:
Adding myself in the tracker
name------> applied -> file number -> medical forms ->interview(y/n)
rb2002----> 06/2001 -> 08/2001 -> 04/2002 -> N
sivak_c---> 07/06/2001> 09/11/2001 -> 06/18/2002> N-> approved
ldmello--------> 08/2001 ---> 10/12/2001 -> 05/23/2002 -> N
raj1008--------> 08/02/2001-> 10/26/2001 -> 07/21/2002 -> Y (7-10mnths)

appeal1232001 -> 08/17/2001 -> 11/10/01-> 09/09/2002 -> N
lonely_indian -> 09/17/2001 -> 11/2001 -> 09/03/2002 -> ?
shamim---------> 09/19/2001->11/13/2001-> 10/03/2002 -> N

t_p99-----> 09/29/2001-> 11/15/2001 -> pending
pkapur----> 10/5/2001 --> 11/15/2001 -> Pending
deepred--->10/15/2001-->11/15/2001--> Pending
mk116--->10/16/2001 -> 01/02/2002--> pending
Jalma----->10/2001 ----> 11/28/2001--> pending
Texas----->00/2001---> 11/2001-> pending
dhaka101--> 09/2001 ---> 11/2001-----> Pending
samy_2002-> 10/2001 ---> 12/2001-----> Pending
shyamku---> 10/2001 ---> 12/2001-----> pending
Suny------>10/26/2001 -> 12/04/2001 -> pending
IAmTiredOfThis->10/28/1001->12/13/2001 ->Pending
leo1973---->11/2001 -> 01/2002 -> Pending
rim-------->11/2001 -> 01/2002 ->Pending
mbari------>11/05/2001->01/05/2002--> Pending
ivaylo------>11/07/2001->01/10/2002--> Pending
sanksin77-->04/10/2002 ->09/13/2002 -> Pending
gsingh72--->04/15/2002 -> Pending
RahulatDC--->05/15/2002 -> Pending
sdavidraj--->07/31/2002 -> 12/02/2002 ->Pending