Buffalo Tracker (please add)

gckadiwana said:
Thanks Jalma.


When I applied for Canadian PR, I didn't pay landing fees. Now I got letter from them to pay landing fees.

What is the time length between "they ask to pay landing fee" and "they ask for passport to stamp visa"? Does anybody have any idea or pass through the same thing?

Thanks in advance.
Would you mind posting your time line? Just to share with others.
s_mathew said:
Hi gckadiwana,

What's your time line? I got a similar letter a week ago and sent it the other day. I did my medicals in Sept 2004. Don't know how long it takes for a PP request.

My timeline:

Applied : July 2002 (Buffalo)
IA: May 2003
Additional docs & new FP sent: July 2003
Medical : Sept 23, 2004
ROLF(or PRPF) : Nov 15th, 2004.

S Mathew.
I think you should have mailed you ROLF earlier but anyway, I had my Medicals done in August and mailed additional documents and ROLF in October. Waiting for PP request. Keep us posted.
Landing Fee


I did not sent the landing fee yet. Should i send immediately or wait for their letter.

also will i get the PP request with out landing fee paid?


Applied on 11th Jan 2004
Processing started on 13 Feb 2004.
File NO:B 045 328 xxx.
IA: 2nd October - 2004 - Interview Waived.
Medicals sent (reached at Ottawa) 5th November 2004.
Additonal documents sent 12th November 2004.

You can send in your landing fee. Make sure you mention your case number on th emoney order/bank draft (????). This will expedite your process.. :) I believe you will get landing fee request next and then PP request unless you send in your landing fee. Lets hear someone else's opinion on it as well. Good luck.
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You will need to send landing fee before you get pp request. I would send the landing fee before they send a landing fee request, this speeds up the process.
Landing Fee

Thanks Johar and Metaman.

I will send the fee.

metaman said:
You will need to send landing fee before you get pp request. I would send the landing fee before they send a landing fee request, this speeds up the process.
Hi Johar and Mathew,

My timeline:
Applied: Dec 2001
Aug 2003: Requested immi status in USA. Letter was sent originally before ten months. But I didn't receive, so they resent after 10 months!!!
Medicals: April 2004
Asked for RPRF: Nov 2004

Sent landing fees last week as certified check and found that check was cleared. Let's see how long it takes to get PP stamping request.

Guys, update this forum when you get PP stamping request.

Do not go with on-line message. My message has never been changed. Eventhough I finished my medical in April 2004 and recently they asked for landing fees.

It still says that your application processing started in Feb 2002.
August Application AOR

I finally got the AOR for august application that I made.............not to get greedy but now when i try to use that file number on the e-client status login, i get file not found, is that normal ?
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Right Of Permanent Residence Fee. US Dollar Vs Canadian Dollar.

In the initial Assessment Letter ( Dated 20th September 04) which i received says the Fee is $975.00 CAD ( or $715.00 USD).

But the current market rate is much higher than they mentioned.
( $975.00 -> $836 USD).

Which one should consider and send? Any quick advise is appreciated.

Applied on 11th Jan 2004
Processing started on 13 Feb 2004.
File NO:B 045 328 xxx.
IA: 2nd October - 2004 - Interview Waived.
Medicals sent (reached at Ottawa) 5th November 2004.
Additonal documents sent 12th November 2004.
here is my 2 cents ,

if you are sending in US dollars send as 715.00$

if u think u can save few bucks bysending canadain dollars , send in 975.00

donot send 836 ,doesn't matter what is converison rate etc,u need to send in the amount they specisfied on thier website
Finally Got Passport Req.

Applied Jan 2003
AOR Feb 2003
Init. Asses Jan 2004
Med Feb 2004
Doc sent End of April 2004
Pass Req 20th Nov 2004

It took almost 2 years. Glad to have finally got it. Thanks a lot to this forum and all the people here. Planning to land in Dec. Anybody who has landed around Christmas time, please let us know if there will be any difficulty because of Holiday time.


If anything landing during the holidays will be easier.
Canada gets much fewer immigrants and visitors in Dec/Jan/Feb/March because of the harsh winters. Rush is normally between May- September when the weather is great and the country is beautiful.
I noticed on yogi799.com that some people who sent additional documents in September have already received PP request. Could some one please post their exact dates of doc sent and PP request received? Thanks

I think those listed at yogi799.com are the special cases where you will notice the enire case has been processed in about 6-8 months.

Anyone else has still not gotten PP Request.

The above is just my thought, there are alot of people here who might be able to give you better response.

Though my timeline is not significant to you, but I will still post it:
App: Jan 9, 2004
AOR: Feb 7, 2004
IA: Dated Sep 14, 2004 received Oct 10, 2004 interview required
Awaiting interview date in Detroit.

Good luck.

Johar Ali said:
I noticed on yogi799.com that some people who sent additional documents in September have already received PP request. Could some one please post their exact dates of doc sent and PP request received? Thanks

I sent in my application Sept 10th - I have still not heard anything back. Can you tell me if this is normal or if there is a phone # etc that I can call at to find out the status of my application.


Thank you so much for your response. It seems like your process is sailing fine. I have filed mine in Dec. 2003. AOR 01/04 IA 08/04 interview waived. medical 08/04 and additional doc sent Oct 19, 2004 waiting PP request.

you guys need to check www.yogi799.com and see it for yourself. This site list other people timelines and will give a ball ark idea about your case. Good luck.
Got my IA

Applied : 02/04
AOR: 03/10/04
IA : 11/19/04 (dated 10/23/04)

Need some additional docs and have sent the medical forms.