Boston Regional DOL Tracker

How to find out if ur employer has filed for green card


I just what to know if my employer has filed my green card. Can anyone tell me what is the procedure to find out. Thanks

best way would be check with your employer ;o)

no seriously ... have they told you that they filed for your greencard and you just want to verify ? if they filed for your greencard you must have received a draft copy of application from your lawyer.
DOL Certified

Hi All,

My case has been certified by DOL. I have checked the DOL AVM and it says "certified". After 2 years of waiting is over ....
(just this step couple more to go...)

I wish you all good luck and hope to see you in I140/485 forum.
My details are as follows:
MA PD:4/27/2001 (NON-RIR, computer professional)
DOL RD: 12/03/2002
DOL CD: 4/24/2003

Thanks everybody, this forum has been very useful.

Again good luck to you all.

Hi Naresh,

Can you please tell us how long it took for u'r case to move to DOL once u'r recruiting results are filed with SESA?

Finally certified. Wish good luck to everyone!

Name-------->PDdate---->Category---->Case No --> DOL RD------>DOL CD
GoingGry---->12/24/01---> EB3-RIR---->xxxxxxxxx--->10/28/02----->Pending
ryzh------>12/28/01-----> EB2-RIR---->xxxxxxxxx--->00/00/02----->11/07/02
Mdu123------>01/03/02--> EB3-RIR---->01326XXX--->10/25/02--->11/12/02
Sndmd------->03/28/02--> EB2-RIR----> 2002010XX -->11/25/02--->12/30/02
nash9------->03/08/02---> Eb2-RIR----> xxxxxxxxx----->01/09/03--->01/10/03
labor_pains-->04/29/02--> EB3-RIR----> 20020XXXX -> Waiting ---->Pending
LCVPain------>05/16/01-> EB2-RIR------>xxxxxxxxx--->01/07/03----->01/30/03
Dingolfi ->05/14/02---->RIR----->xxxxxxxxxx-->4/04/03------>Denied
zbcx123---->06/16/02--->EB?-RIR----->200201XXX -->mvd2dol(03/03)---->pending
apv2002----->06/28/02--> EB3-RIR----> 2002021XX -> Pending ----> Pending
Pipladi------>07/01/02---->EB2-RIR----> 200202xxx--->mvd2dol(03/03)----> Pending
bostonguy------->07/31/02---> EB2-RIR--->2xxxxxxx--> ????????--->02/7/03
Jalma-------->08/22/02---> EB2-RIR--->200202xxx -->03/20/03)---->04/16/03
varpar------->10/18/02---> EB2-RIR--->200203xxx--> Pending----->Pending
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MyBlessed ..

Last few lines from your message


Is this info correct ? Yours' and Helen_L's cases are non-RIR and filed in July 02 and sept. 02 and they are either in DOL or approved ?? How come ? Are you in any different category ? My appliaction was sent to MA SESA in July 2002 and still is with MA SESA.

To SachinTendulkar:

I know many people posting on this thread are from MA. But if you check the name of this thread (i.e. "Boston DOL Region - - I Tracker Part 4"), you should find there are other people from different states, such as, Maine, NH, and VT. The state processing time may vary. MA might be slower but not the slowest ( you can check this for more infomation regarding the state you are in:
Could someone please provide the phone number to find out case status at Boston DOL. The one that I have (617 788 0701) is not working.


After Jalma got certified, there is not much going in this forum. What happened to u case. Since its not IT related I think it should be certified by now.

hey mgm, its 617 788 0171 for the auto response system
and 617 788 0152 to speak to the courteous lady :)

insat, i feel the same. There seems to have been a total freeze. My pd is mar26'03 and i have been calling since last 3 weeks. No news(maybe is good news after all!)
Hi Jolpot,

I am also in the same boat as you are except for the fact that mine is EB2.

Do you know what is the next step in the process? i.e., does the employee have to do anything to trigger the non-RIR process ?

Inorder to put your application back into the non-RIR queue, I heard somewhere that the employer has to file a job order with the SESA job bank. Is it true ?

I dont know anything right now. I learnt of this news yday only, I will wait for the attorney to get back to me OR maybe, monday I will get in touch with him...i will post my case here. Another 6month wait added(this is the software engg curse), ugh!
IT Professionals,

I had finally got some information about my case. I got a query in Jan for increasing the wage from SESA, by company agreed and responded to it in early MAR, now they have again asked some information about my experience.

Again this is all from SESA, and not DOL. What my company people feel is, the SESA people are trying to move it to the NON RIR stream.

Again reading this forums, for other regions, I find only CALIFORNIA and BOSTON has this problem for RIR processing for IT related positions. Phily and Chicago moves smoothly.

My company's attorney also got some information that Massachusetts SESA is not going to allow RIR for software positions for applications filed after JAN 2002.

Again this is informal, but seems to be true. So I would suggest the affected IT professionals should revive SESA NON-RIR thread and its going to be a while before our applications are going to be at regional DOL.

my cases was filed to sesa on 08/26/02 and it was send to dol on 03/28/03....eb3-rir

when i call prompts me to select from 2 options..labor condition application and permanent applicate..what is the option i need to select...when i select option prompts for employer tax id...and after providing the tax says..that tax id can not be located...

Joining the club...

Hi guys, I finally got to DOL... I wanted to add my information to the list.

massDBA - PDate 5/29/01 - EB3 - NON-RIR - Case 01332### - DOL RD 5/7/03 - DOL CD: Pending.

The NON-RIRs like me are behind the LIFE amnesty bunch so it's taken a while to get here and will take a while to get certified... but given recent events in Boston region, I guess I should be happy my firm's lawyer favored the non-rir approach since I am in IT.
