Boston DOL Region- - I tracker Part II

Of course I meant working for the same employer (see my msg 50.1).

Say if you transfered from Intel Chelmsford, MA to Intel Hudson, MA and still work as an SW engineer, you can keep your LC filed when you were at Intel Chelmsford.

My point was if only the location changes, you do not have to file a new LC application.

i didn\'t fully read your subject .. "get SIMILAR job at the SAME company... ".. what you say is completely correct..
reuse labor question

Hi, My company has successfully support one guy got the labor and he just got the Green card and got layoff one month later. My question is could his labor is still valid for a person with the similar position.

Any comments will be greatly appreciated.

Unfortunately, NO - INS/DOL will question why a GC holder was lay off while a foreigner is hired for

If because of the salary rate, your company will get trouble. Plus, after the guy complete the GC process, the LC is not valid anymore. You need to start from the beginning.
yaodong hu

The guy who got his GC and got laid off after a month will still be having a valid GC. Even though INS does not have a specific rule for, working for a company after getting GC, most lawyers (from my experience) suggest to continue in the same position for atleast 6 months after getting GC. If someone gets laid off immediately after getting GC, all the more better. Time for a career move!
Not in a bad job market like what it is now - no matter u got GC or not,

Job security is much, much more important today. If you don\'t have a job, even you have GC, what\'s the difference at all? To be a qualified unemployment benefit claimer? I bet not...
For those people who want to stay in US no matter what, ...

GC gives them a legal status to stay. GC increases the job security in some sense as some companies do not want to hire non-immigrant workers. Besides you get the "unemployment benifit". :)

Hi seenoend:
Could you please tell me how you find out which case number has been received at Boston-DOL? Also, what is the PD of the above case numer (01314765)?
and ...

.. employers prefer permanent residents over non-immigrants these days. Does any one know why would LCSTATUS01 not return the status of my application? The body of my e-mail has:
case . But still LCSTATUS01 returns case not found. AVS works but dont think is updated regularly.
Thank God, My Labor finally certified

Thank you for all the support I get in this board. Especially thanks
pikachu pokemon for your wonderful input. I hope every one here will join me in 140 board very soon.
Receive Date: Feb. 7

My RD in Regional office is: Feb. 7 this year. My priority day is: June, 2000. It was a long way to get.

Good Luck.
Anyone know good I140 discussion board?

Thanks. We have a great discussion board about our labor. I hope I can find a very supportive discussion board on 140 like we have here. Any idea where can I find?
No Title

PD June 2000 !!! Man, it must have taken 18 months for you to get your LC cleared ! Can\'t believe it ! Well, my PD is Dec 2000, and all my hopes of getting my LC cleared in the near future got crashed after I saw your message.

I really appreciate for your Imp Info !Thanks a lot.

looking at the current status can u please let me know how much time it takes to process the case for DOL RD 04/15/01.

No Title

a notice of finding is issued by the DOL when they have concerns about your case that they need to be addressed.. for ex., the salary offered maybe below the prevailing wage, some document maybe missing or they may be asking questions on your ad campaign or about layoffs if any in your company.

Essentially and officially, they give you a chance via a NOF to address deficiancies in your case that would have otherwise led to a denial.