Boston DOL Region- - I tracker Part II


When your lawyer filed your LCA, they must\'ve definetely got a receipt number from INS (its a normal procedure). That receipt number is your SESA number.
suku muku

One way you can know if your case is still with SESA is by calling Boston DOL. Check with them if they received your case from SESA. I dont know of an easier way.
thanks all.... my application reached DOL

Hey guys, appreciate all the help...
my applicatopn reached DOL on 9/24.... Can u tell me how much longer now????
Suku Muku: What SESA was you application

Suku Muku: To which SESA did you apply and when did you apply.

Can I check DOL status via email?

I checked the status on my case at SESA via email, but got a response back that they could not find it, and that it must be sent to the Region. I don\'t believe that, but I want to check the region (Boston). Can I check status via email?
Anyone have difficulty accessing the AVS?

Looks like even the phone system at Boston DOL is messed up. I have\'nt been able to check the AVS since yesterday.
Just a thought!

Hi Folks:
I\'m certain that everyone is quite anxious about their case and would like to know when SESA forwards cases to DOL and when Labor gets certified!
My only request is please avoid making repeated (or redundant) phone calls to "live" people at the SESA or the DOL. I recommend someone posting the automated phone number for DOL, the automated message number for SESA is 617-626-5365, press 2. Please remember, any time that these guys take to talk to us, is the time better utilized adjudicating our cases!
It is also important to realize that until all the cases filed under 245(i) get cleared at SESA the cases are not going to be moving...Incidently, that date is April 30th.
Thanks for your understanding!
Goodluck to everyone!
Don\'t agree - the live person is just a secretary.

You should not expect talking to a live Certifying Officer right after you call them.
Multiple choice Question

1s, 2s, 3s and once in a blue moon, it\'s 48. Who are you thinking of?

A. Indian Cricket Team
B. Boston DOL
C. Above All

Just 2 today!
29 cases are 29 cases.

At at least it tells you Boston DOL is not dead. Given finite number of cases, no matter how slow the speed is, eventually they will get to your case, provided you still have your job. :-(
Now what???

My company applied for my labor Certification some time back, and according to my lawyer it is sitting rightnow DOL.

According to the way things are going in my company, it seems I would be out of my company before the DOL approves it.

If I get a job within same geographic area and same work, Will I be able to use my LC over there, or it has to start all over again. My only concern is, its still not approved at DOL.
AFAIK, Only if you get SIMILAR job at the SAME company...

within COMMUTE distance to the previous work location, you can use the old LC. Otherwise, everything has to be started over.

Good luck!
Last case number received at DOL(11/8/01): 01314765

300 cases have gone out of SESA\'s hands in a week. (Msg 39: 01314442 as of 11/2/01).
Old LC cannot be reused !!

The LC is employer, job description and location specific.. If any of these three factors change, it is invalid and the process has to be started over.
Not exactly for location.

As quoted from a lawyer, as long as the new location is "within the COMMUTE distance" from the previous location, a new LC application is not needed.
not true..

the LC is for thebenefit of the employer.. So if you change jobs the employer is free to use that LC and file for someone else\'s 140. There is no way you can carry it with you unless the previous employer gets bought out by the new one..