Boston DOL Region- - I tracker Part II

Is the Email system screwed up?

Boston DOL\'s email system doesn\'t seem to be reacting today. Hope that get\'s fixed soon!
RIR denified doesn\'t make sense -

Labor Department encourage people to use RIR, even ordinary case can be convert to RIR - however, they deny RIR case according to 11/14 list: what the hell are they doing there???
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well.. RIR is not guaranteed.. You have to "request" RIR based on your ads and if there are some deficiencies in the ads (there are certain guidlines - not restrictive / should have employer name and contact info etc..) or methods of recruitment (only internet adds with no paper ads / insufficient ads / not in bigger publication / did not wait requisite days from last qualifying ad to filing) they could deny your "request" for RIR and send the case back to the SESA for regular supervised processing.

This is only my quess based on what I know about the system.
Approved finally

PD - 12/18/00
RD - 01/03/01
Case# : 013072**

Feels really good after a long and frustrating wait. Thanks to everyone in the group. Thanks especially to Pikachu for the daily updates. I wish you all good luck and hope to you see you all in the I140 group soon.
PS: Dont rely on the AVS, it does\'nt seem to get updated immediately. e-mail is better.
How long for 21st March case?

Hi Pikachu,

My RD is March 21st 2001. What do you think how long it should take to get it cleared?
Problem with DOL automatic email system

Has anybody had problem recently with Boston DOL email system by using employer phone number?
My case

Is there any way to know the status of my case, as presently the cases approved are bigger than my case#. In any way, do the approvals of 11/16 mean that only these are approved and the rest have problems.
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how come they are processing the applications in random as i see some in feb and some in march.
Dont they do acccording to the case no??
Thanks for the info pikachu.
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Shank37 and CT01.. The ways of the DOL are strange. They generally process on case # but not essentially sequentially. A given date could get a spread of 3 months (the first RIR case could be out today and 3 months later there may be cases still pending).

Case in point Jan 31 where 5-6 cases are still pending even after the first Jan 31 case was approved on August 7 !!!

We just gotta hang in there waiting for our turns to come up.
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how can we identify RIR and NON RIR cases from the above approvals.
just wanted to know the approval dates for both the categories
Thanks a lot, Pikachu. A couple of more questions...

Do the total numbers (523, 537, and 923) include all the cases (temporary and permanent) or just the permanent cases? And for the remainning cases in each month, do you see any similarities? (What I am after is if Boston DOL selectively holds cases from specific companies)