Boston DOL Region- - I tracker Part II


Assuming 245(i) actually slowing down the processing further, if Boston SESA is the slowest in the region-1, and if they just processes 4/31/2001 cases today, would it be appropriate to say, Boston DOL has to process till today (Nov 25,2001) to finish most of its 245(i) cases?. ANy expert opinions?
Boston DOL has a long way to go before finishing 245(i) cases...

For some reason I can not find one of Pikachu\'s earlier posts that had the number of remaining LC applications in each month at Boston DOL. If I remember correctly, there were about several hundred cases received in March that need processing. Probably there are about another thousand received in April. It may be a fair statement that Boston DOL has finished "most" of 245(i) cases as the total number of cases could be big. But what really matters to you, me and everybody in this board is how long (an absolute value) it takes to process our own cases. Given current Boston DOL processing speed (1 case on slowest day; 30 cases on a good day, you know better if you follow Pikachu\'s analyses. Thanks to him for his great work), in best scenario, it would take them as long as 50 working days (1500 cases / 30 (cases/day)) or 70 calendar days to clean out all cases filed before 4/30/01. Please also keep in mind it is the holiday season now and it could easily add another 20 days to the processing time. So it would probably be another 3 mos before Boston DOL puts 245(i) cases behind.
Then the 245(i) go to the Boston Regional DOL?

And it\'s "double trouble" because once the SESA finally clears on the backlog of 245(i), they will continue to the regional DOL office, right? So then we have another slowdown to look forward to... anyone has an opinion on this?
Any insight on recession?

Hi Guys, can anybody think of what the recession might have in store for us?
now processing case forwarded from SESA on March or filed to SESA on March?

Hi, guys:

I heared you all talked about Boston DOL is processing March 2001 cases.
I am not clear does this mean they are processing cases that
forwared to them from SESA on March or cased that originally filed
to SESA on March?

If they are only processing cases forwarded by SESA on March, that
probably means to complete 245(i), Boston DOL has a much longer
road to go. That means they probaly haven\'t started process
those 245(i) cases. right?
No Title

thats correct.. The Boston RD is the date they enter your case into the system AFTER receiving it from the SESA. It has no relevance to the date you originally filed at the SESA.

Boston has a long way to go before clearing out their 245(i) backlog. They are processing cases that were forwarded to them by the SESA in Feb 2001 while the mad rush to get coverage under 245(i) started in late April at the SESA.

Seenoend, I delete my old posts from time to time.. I\'ll post the Jan - March numbers again today with my daily dose :)
I am afraid it is true that Boston DOL haven\'t started 245(i).

My case number is 013098XX, received by Boston DOL (forward from MA SESA) in early June. According to previous postings, the most recent number is 01307366, which means there are about 2500 cases pending for three months. I guess only 245i cases can cause this huge block. It is too sad.
No Title

No, 2500 cases in three months is a \'normal\' caseload. My case was a little before the rush -- it was filed at the end of February and reached DOL on May 22. The case number is 013096xx.

Remember that a little over half this caseload is temporary workers like cooks and the like, which are processed in a few days, so there are only about 1200 cases ahead of you; you will probably be processed by the spring.

The 245(i) rush is MUCH bigger; MA SESA alone received 10,000 applications, and essentially every case received at DOL between July and now (and possibly more to come) was filed in late April. Essentially this causes the processing times to get bumped by several months :(
Labor Cert Delays

Hello folks:
It is terrible to see this agonizing wait for a Permanent Residency... Many of us have to face this agonizingly slow task and as soon as we are through we forget about it! It is high time we, the taxpayers did something about it!
I propose the following:
Everyone (including anyone that you know) should ask their lawyers to petition AILA to lobby in the US Congress and House (in fact, our employers can write a petition too), to streamline the Labor Certification approval process so that Labor must be certified in a reasonable amount of time (like 1-2 months instead of 1-2 years!).
Please post your thoughts on this...
Remeber what I said? It is the holiday season...

I am not surprised they are slow. They probably spend most of their time thinking about what gifts to buy than really working on our cases. But 3 cases are 3 cases...

BTW, thanks for posting the numbers again, Pikachu.
Re: Any insight on recession?

IF we can survive rounds and rounds of layoffs during this difficult period of recession (it is a really big IF though), I don\'t see any effect on us because our cases are already in the queue. You may get RFE if you are unfortunately working for a company that had layoffs recently or will have layoffs in the near future. It\'s probably better for future cases as not many companies are actively recruiting right now and therefore no more new LC cases come from those companies.
PERM program

A streamlined process is in the works right now; it\'s called the PERM program, and the idea is basically to make Labor Certification as easy as a Labor Condition Attestation (the thing that you file by fax with DOL as part of getting an H-1B). It\'s just that implementation keeps getting delayed.

It might well be worthwhile getting AILA to push a bit harder for PERM though...
Re: Any insight on recession?

Bad things come together. Recession will certainly cause more rounds of layoffs, even if we survived the layoffs, our LC\'s are likely to be rejected. With the terrists to fight, I don\'t expect the immigration service getting any better. In short term, there isn\'t much to look ahead to, really.
Not even one case approved today?!!! ...

DOL indeed is in the sleep mode.

A few more words on the recession. As officially concluded by the so-called economic experts, the recession started back in March, 2001. So we can only hope the worst part of the recession has passed. I guess there will be fewer layoff anouncements in the coming months. If you think about it, who else can those companies cut after they have already laid off thousands of people? unless they will go out of business? You never know.
Any chances of starting April cases once they are done with JAN?

Are there any chances of starting April once they are done with all of Jan Pending cases?
Chemist approval

Hi Pikachu:
Thanks for your input!
I was wondering if it would be possible to get some more info (such as, whether it was EB2 or EB3, RIR or Regular, PD etc.) about the following case:
1306555 Chemist 30-Jan-01 Certified -- FINAL ACTION On 11/28/2001