Baltimore transfer at 8/6 (RD 1/16/2002)

Madss and Compass, thanks for the congratulations, I am still waiting for the call from the officer - it is not yet done but I think it is very close and will be over soon. Good luck to you guys.

Compass, in my opinion it is a good thing that they have ordered a fresh background check. I dont think they will wait for results of both checks as the results will be the same, it is not a pathological test where they take two best of three tests. Well,i t may very well be that your previous name chack is held up somewhere and the process is inactive - so it is good that new name check is in process and I think it will get cleared quickly - BEST OF LUCK.
Hi Compass, We are in same boat, interviewed in June and even the officer say everything is fine with us, and we got nothing, and recently I contact with senstor, and they said there are certain complexities (which I called the senator's office, she said it is standard answer from INS, which means that I am on the background check also), and there is no way to expediate the background check. Do we have to waiting for another no body know period.

I got really underpaid and hoping after getting the GC to looking for new company, but there is no end to this. I dear not to move because of this.

anybody know how to expediate Background check?
Hi compass, How do you know that your background pending is from October,2003, and how did you conatct FBI and ask them for result of background check result, and whether if INS received it or not.

NIW , april, 2002
TF Dec, 04
Iterviewed June, 05
Thanks for your wishes, yes I hope they will not wait for both checks...looks like my first one sitting somewhere in the dust forgotten... and I am sure you will get your passport stamped really soon!

yes our cases are very close, mine is also NIW, I-140 filed in april 2002...and I-485 files after I-140 approval, in sept 2003. I think they start background check soon after filing I-485, in about one month, in my case it was oct 21 or 22, 2003.
I found out like other people do - I wrote e-mail to FBI in oct 2004 asking, and got reply in the end of Jan 2005 that it is pending since that date.
I do not think there is a way to expedite it, except of 'mandamus' (go to court) which is very expensive...
Hi compass:

Thank you fro the info. let's wish saurnav, you and I and all that suffered too much for GC get our GC pretty soon.

my I-485 was filed in april 03.
Madss said:
Congratulations saurnav and permresident9!!!

Thank you Madss for your congratulations!!! I got the stamp today finally!! My passport was about to expire in 2 months, so they issued me a temporary card with the I-551 stamped. Nice that I had pictures with me to do that!! Thanks everybody for all the information!!
interview ended (as expected) with name check pending


Want to update on my interview. It went pretty smooth.
Majority of time spent for proofing my employment (yes, they do it for extraordinary, EB1A cases very diligently because it is employment-based application still).

Regular subset of questions that was described in this forum pretty diligently by other people. Officer said that my case is very straightforward and i have just to wait for my name chack clearance from FBI.

I end up with "name check pending" and my family must dangle bcs they are dependent on my case.

Name check clearance is done with the classic evil scenario, "their namechecks are cleared, mine is not".
It tells me a lot.... about couple of terrorists on the wall near the room 103.
By the way duo portrait is without any title neither on top nor beneath.

Err... digressed again...
Speaking about interview experience

Officer was very nice. he told me my NC pending from October 2003.
It was nice experience. I was able to ask questions and got answers.
Officer told me that I am not alone.
There are ~450 people in the same category (NC pending for 2 years) in Baltimore.
Situation is not better for citizenship petitioners.

I wish everyone the best of luck and hope to see nobody in forums where I am moving : "My name check experience"- where citizenship petitioners are participating as well. and "stuck in name check-let's track it"

Otherwise I fully agree with IZMR (see his/her post after interview in this forum).

Now I know that my name check (NC) is pending from October 2003.

Interestingly enough, I noticed that USCIS customers are treated quite differently when they are petitioner-in-process and when they about to get GC (or CZ) at interview.

Difference in personnel.

When petioner come to RM 101 (infopass in-process or visa question) they met personnel through window. The personnel that I met in room 101 was kind of unprofessional (at least last year and a half). More down-to-earth statement "personnel was either rude, agressive or weakly responsive".
I wasn't able to get too much out.
Feeling was that you talking to "Bazzaar peddler" and you want to get cheapest possible price out

When you go to interview, people who conduct it are nicer, looks more intelligent and (seemed to me) have at least BS degrees. I ve seen other people being interviewed with (young and )professionally looking officers.

Is that my impression only ?
Dear 15th year,
I am very happy that another burden is gone and wish you the best. Thank you for evaluating my posts but unfortunately nothing has been changed. It has been 4.5 months since my interview and now I am suspicious about the mailman if he is hiding my approval (just joking but even to think that joke might be a initial phase of paranoa :) ).
My next step is (never the the last with immigration procedure) to wait until the 6 month time frame ended so I have a "RIGHT" to goto infopass (which I tried 5 weeks ago and they politly explained I have to wait till to the end of the 6th month) and request a status on my case. But hold on there, recently I learned from my lawyer that , there was a lawsuit by an immigrant waited two years after the interview and the judge ruled in the favor of Baltimore (I am really suprised :)
This is an irony nobody can explain, I make 6 figure salary , my wife is British, I have three childeren born in US LC started in 2001 (EB1) and waiting. But this is not the part I am suprised, everything is the same, the same company, the same job title the same ex-salary, my co-worker has been approved 2 (yes TWO) years ago.

In conclusion, two tears in a bucket mf it.......

Beside joking , wish you all the best.............
Hi 15_year_ and izmr,
Looks like we are in same boat!
My name check is also pending since october 2003 - I wonder what happened back then, maybe some stack of files simply went nowhere :)
and I was also told on my infopass - come only after 6 months, do not come earlier! And yes, on the interview I was able to ask questions and get answers, and then on infopass - only one answer - we are not allowed to give you details on your background check pending (why? what about 'freedom of information'?)....
But I am moving and I will be in other state when this "after-6-months" I expect another transfer, and worst case, one more interview :(

Finally my attorney got the 485 approval letters yesterday for me and family. I had interview in April and my FP had expired at the time of interview. I had to redo the FP which was done in a few days time of the interview. The interviewing officer has been very helpful and did the needful to clear the case quickly after we met him during our EAD interview. Mine is EB1 case filed in October 2002, concurrently with I-140. Will get our passports stamped soon.

Thanks to Madss, Compass, GlenMD, gc4us, 485someday and all others for their good wishes and help during this process. Those who are waiting I wish them all a speedy approval. Will still update this forum as things move from this point onward.
Well I guess its some progress. They told me that my file has finally transferred from Atl and they should decide on my case soon. The problem is that I have had my interview already and today I received a notice from Baltimore to get my FP done again. Does anybody know of anyway to find out if the name check was also done. I called the 800 number and they told me that I should goto the Baltimore office since it seems everything is in order and they should be able to decide my case. Baltimore is abt an hr away from me so I am not sure if I should make the trek or just wait since I got my seconf FP done on the 29th of Aug. Does anybody have any idea how long it takes for them to clear a case in which the interview has already been done or are they going to interview me again since the interview is also a year old now.

Thanks In Advance.


Got our passports stamped today. It just took 10 minutes. Waiting to receive actual Green cards in mail.
QCO1: where have you been interviewed, in Baltimore or Atlanta?


Congratulations, on arrivals of aprrovals. At last your travel has ended !!!

Enjoy your freedom

My case got transffered last year Dec 21th 2004, still no interview date yet.
Don't know when I will see the light in this dark tunnel.

Guys any one got interview letter lately ???????
QCO1 and Vikramab: thanks for the wishes.

QCO1: If your interview aws held in Baltimore and you are currently living in the region covered by Baltimore, they will not conduct another interview for you. What did they tell you at the time of interview and when was that? Usually the officers tell you the reason why they are not in a position to recommend the cases for an approval. If it is due to name check they also tell you about that. FP and name check are two different things. When was your last FP done, was that current at the time of interview (FP is retaken after 15 months. Mine was older than 15 months at the time of interview and the officer ordered a new FP at the time of interview and upon receiving the result thye clear the case. It took 4 months for me to get approval after the interview although FP results were sent to Baltimore very quickly on the same day). I will suggest that you should go for the new FP anyway and also talk to the officers at the counter as what happened to your case and why you have been asked for another FP instead of issuing you an approval letter. You might get a helpful officer at the counter who might go an extra length to help you. You amy also request to see the supervisor.

Vikramab: I think you should get your interview letter soon but again nobody can tell you exactly when. It was taking somewhere 6-9 months lately. Did you check with the Baltimore center as when they actually received your files. And what they are saying?

At the time of the interview I was told that the officer could not approve my case since my physical file had not transferred from Atl as yet. The electronic file had transferred and Baltimore scheduled me for an interview based on the electronic file. I did my Second FP on the 29th of August and since then have not heard anything. I called FBI and they told me the results were sent to Baltimore the same day. Dont know how long I should wait before going back in. Once again thanks for the reply.

Best Regards,

QCO1: when you had your interview? When was your first FP taken? You may want to ask your attorney to send an inquiry about the status of your case, giving all the case details and sending the mail via express mail. I have seen that once the case is derailed from the normal track it becomes matter of chance when they refer back to the case. It will help if you send in a trigger to complete the process. GOOD LUCK.

The first FP was taken in April. I have also had my attorney intiate a status inquiry and contacted the Senators office. Hope this triggers an approval since there is nothing left to be done. Hope so. I have also scheduled an appt to go visit Baltimore office on the 29th of Sept so wish me luck.

