I posted this information before on the page 78. This information is from my attorney
ATL DOL Cases latest info
Here is the information I would like to share. This is the latest information from ATL DOL.
According to the most recent information from the Regional Office of the
DOL in Atlanta, they are keeping the cases received in the Regional
Office from May 2003 until September 23, 2003 (approximately 1,500
cases). All cases which have been received at the Regional office since
September 23, 2003 have been and are being transferred to a Backlog
Reduction Center.
ATL DOL Cases latest info
Here is the information I would like to share. This is the latest information from ATL DOL.
According to the most recent information from the Regional Office of the
DOL in Atlanta, they are keeping the cases received in the Regional
Office from May 2003 until September 23, 2003 (approximately 1,500
cases). All cases which have been received at the Regional office since
September 23, 2003 have been and are being transferred to a Backlog
Reduction Center.