I do not think Atlanta DOL goes on the basis of Case ,numbers but usually based on the receipt date,if they follow the usual processing, based on the processing times on the DOL page.(Though exceptions are there when it cleared even 2004 cases before the 2003 cases). It assigns the case number when they they get to it. In my case and others case I think what happened was someone misplaced the file and when inquiry was made about this they entered the stuff to the system with a case number and a date when they did that and later they updated it with the correct date of recepit.My attorney said she will initiate a query if the processing times changes to July 2003 and nothing happens to the case and she also added she has seen cases where the case suddenly comes into the system from nowwhere and gets approved. OH well..after all it all sounds like a game... . I am taking it that way. I will wait for 5-6 months more and if nothing happens by then I am going back to India.Tired of this waiting..None of us eserves this kind of treatment.
I do not think Atlanta DOL goes on the basis of Case ,numbers but usually based on the receipt date,if they follow the usual processing, based on the processing times on the DOL page.(Though exceptions are there when it cleared even 2004 cases before the 2003 cases). It assigns the case number when they they get to it. In my case and others case I think what happened was someone misplaced the file and when inquiry was made about this they entered the stuff to the system with a case number and a date when they did that and later they updated it with the correct date of recepit.My attorney said she will initiate a query if the processing times changes to July 2003 and nothing happens to the case and she also added she has seen cases where the case suddenly comes into the system from nowwhere and gets approved. OH well..after all it all sounds like a game... . I am taking it that way. I will wait for 5-6 months more and if nothing happens by then I am going back to India.Tired of this waiting..None of us eserves this kind of treatment.