Any LA Transfer cases/Interview dates?


I need some help in regards to my interview at LA.

How do I book the airline tickets? Which website for economical rates? I need to go in Jan.

Which is the economical hotel closest to the LA canadian consulate?

Question on Final Assessment

Hi guys,

Does somebody know how long will it take for CIC to decide the final assessment... we sent additional docs recently this month...

i am pretty anxious in waiting for a long time now...

annies :)

First of all I have to apologize for not answering back about the interview location.

I missed the postings that asked me about LA interview location. I live in Chicago. They themselves decided LA to be the interview place. not my choice.

Now we have our interview on 13th Jan.

I have received a letter from LA with a list of documents to carry along. Through the CAIPS notes I have come to know that they want to assess my education.

I am too nervous about it. I have been true on the education part, but not so correct on the job/responsibilities. I guess the interviewer will be asking me lots that I won't know. My H1 was applied as an Oracle developer, but I am not developing code. I am working as a business consultant in Oracle applications though.

Can you please help me with the questions that the interviewer might ask?

We have sent for the FBI and PCC again, but I doubt if we'll get the FBI in time.
I will try to get the PCC from my local police station here too.

Do we come to know the same day of the interview, if we will be granted the PR or not?

Will they keep our passports?

I have given my lawyer's address, if we give them our passports, where will they send them? Can we give them our address in the US for the passport envelope? Do I have to change the address on the CIC website?

If we miss out on any document, do they give us another chance so that we can send them by mail?

We were asked in May 2003 to wait for 7-10 months for the medicals, but my lawyer suggested that we do them, so we did them. They have expired now.
Can i say when asked that we are sorry we got them done because my lawyer said so, or should I play ignorant about it, replying that I thought that if the paper work be complete it would be faster? which is by the way the truth.

Also the address for the LA can. immi. is the same right 550 S hope Street, LA downtown. Did somebody notice a gurudwara near by , 6 miles and one at 10 miles. We are considering staying there. Has anybody had this experience.

I know I have a lot of questions. Please help me. Too nervous and confused.

Hi friend

You will agree that many of us have lawyers but still we feel more relaxed and confident if we get advise from the ones like us, somebody who is going thru or has gone thru the same experience before.

That's the purpose of the discussion forums.

HI Gm_111

I still suggest you contact your lawyer because your's is not a straight case and you have accepted that you have "lied" in some places in your application. So if something goes wrong during the interview , your lawyer will appeal and defend you, so it is better you listen to him and prepare accordinglyfor the interview.

My previous comment meant that "you are lucky you have a lawyer, so listen to him".
Hi Bhand

Now this reply of yours was more appropriate and polite. Thanks again for your advice.

As far as the lies go, don't many of us lie on our resumes!!
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I am still looking for updates on this thread from somebody who can answer any of my queries.

Your help and advice is much appreciated.

Now this reply of yours was more appropriate and polite. Thanks again for your advice.

-- You are welcome

As far as the lies go, don't many of us lie on our resumes!!

-- No comments on this , but would not have if I was filing immigration based on that resume.

Anyway, wish you the best for ahead.
LA Tracker Update

Fellow LA Forumers,

Could you please update the LA Tracker with recent activity
on your applications?

Mine shows no change.

Wishing you good luck in your applications,

Name--> Applied--> AOR -->Transfer-->Intvw-->Medical->Landing
annies-> 04/02 -->09/02 --> 05/03 --> No -> 04/04 -> mm/yy
MarkIvan>04/02-> 08/02--> 05/03 --> No -> 07/04 -> mm/yy
Ohenry->04/02 -->09/02 -->05/03 -->mm/yy --> mm/yy -> mm/yy
swancascade-> 04/02->08/02->05/03/->mm/yy->mm/yy->mm/yy
Enquirer->04/02 -->08/02 -->05/03 --> N -> mm/yy -> mm/yy
kanna98-> 12/01--> 02/02--> 03/03 --> 03/03--> 04/03 -> mm/yy
g_m111--> 12/01--> 1/02 -> 06/03 ->Y(7-10 months wait)--> 4/03->mm/yy
sanksin77->04/02 -->09/02 -->11/03 --> 03/04 -> mm/yy -> mm/yy

Name--> Applied--> AOR -->Transfer-->Intvw-->Medical->Landing
annies-> 04/02 -->09/02 --> 05/03 --> No -> 04/04 -> mm/yy
MarkIvan>04/02-> 08/02--> 05/03 --> No -> 07/04 -> mm/yy
Ohenry->04/02 -->09/02 -->05/03 -->mm/yy --> mm/yy -> mm/yy
swancascade-> 04/02->08/02->05/03/->mm/yy->mm/yy->mm/yy
Enquirer->04/02 -->08/02 -->05/03 --> N -> mm/yy -> mm/yy
kanna98-> 12/01--> 02/02--> 03/03 --> 03/03--> 04/03 -> mm/yy
g_m111--> 12/01--> 1/02 -> 06/03 ->Y(7-10 months wait)--> 4/03->mm/yy
sanksin77->04/02 -->09/02 -->11/03 --> 03/04 -> 11/04 -> mm/yy
Update.. for g_m111


Name--> Applied--> AOR -->Transfer-->Intvw-->Medical->Landing
annies-> 04/02 -->09/02 --> 05/03 --> No -> 04/04 -> mm/yy
MarkIvan>04/02-> 08/02--> 05/03 --> No -> 07/04 -> mm/yy
Ohenry->04/02 -->09/02 -->05/03 -->mm/yy --> mm/yy -> mm/yy
swancascade-> 04/02->08/02->05/03/->mm/yy->mm/yy->mm/yy
Enquirer->04/02 -->08/02 -->05/03 --> N -> mm/yy -> mm/yy
kanna98-> 12/01--> 02/02--> 03/03 --> 03/03--> 04/03 -> mm/yy
g_m111--> 12/01--> 1/02 -> 06/03 ->Y-01/05-->mm/yy
sanksin77->04/02 -->09/02 -->11/03 --> 03/04 -> 11/04 -> mm/yy


Name--> Applied--> AOR -->Transfer-->Intvw-->Medical->Landing
annies-> 04/02 -->09/02 --> 05/03 --> No -> 04/04 -> mm/yy
MarkIvan>04/02-> 08/02--> 05/03 --> No -> 07/04 -> mm/yy
Ohenry->04/02 -->09/02 -->05/03 -->mm/yy --> mm/yy -> mm/yy
swancascade-> 04/02->08/02->05/03/->mm/yy->mm/yy->mm/yy
Enquirer->04/02 -->08/02 -->05/03 --> N -> mm/yy -> mm/yy
kanna98-> 12/01--> 02/02--> 03/03 --> 03/03--> 04/03 -> mm/yy
g_m111--> 12/01--> 1/02 -> 06/03 ->Y-01/05-->mm/yy
sanksin77->04/02 -->09/02 -->11/03 --> 03/04 -> 11/04 -> mm/yy

Got my Passport request and sent my docs on 01/19/05 week from L.A. Waiting for passports to come back.

Have few concerns if some one can suggest me:
1) I live in a rural area in US and the first big town is almost 2 hours drive.
I have a car which I want to sell before I go. Now what is the best approch for me. If I sell the car then I have no car for few days and If I rent a car that will cost me $30.00 per day atleast so if it take me 20 days to packup every thing that will be $600.00. If I try to sell to dealer he might not pay me a good price for it.

2) Since the US Dollar rate is going down day by day My savings will not get good difference. What if US dollar went down few more cents then.

3) Which approch most of people taking with kids as I have two kids both goes to school. There school ends in May and in Canada the session ends in June. If we go in may then it will be tough for us to send kids to baby sit and search for job both at same time because that will cost money without earnings. Is their a system for new comers in canada to help with kids?

4) If I want to start my business can I start a business with 100,000 down and which one is the best money making business in Canada.

to jp1972

why do you want to sell your car? why not take it with you to canada?

As for US$-Can$ exchange rate, I dont think the Canadians like a strong Can$ vs US$ as it hurts their exports, so they are not raising their interest rates, which means that the Can$ might get cheaper soon.

Man you got 100k $ savings?? Why not day trade?Well..just kidding.
Medicals were done more than 3 months ago but still waiting for passport request!!


Name--> Applied--> AOR -->Transfer-->Intvw-->Medical->Landing
annies-> 04/02 -->09/02 --> 05/03 --> No -> 04/04 -> mm/yy
MarkIvan>04/02-> 08/02--> 05/03 --> No -> 07/04 -> mm/yy
Ohenry->04/02 -->09/02 -->05/03 -->mm/yy --> mm/yy -> mm/yy
swancascade-> 04/02->08/02->05/03/->mm/yy->mm/yy->mm/yy
Enquirer->04/02 -->08/02 -->05/03 --> No -> 10/04 -> mm/yy
kanna98-> 12/01--> 02/02--> 03/03 --> 03/03--> 04/03 -> mm/yy
g_m111--> 12/01--> 1/02 -> 06/03 ->Y-01/05-->mm/yy
sanksin77->04/02 -->09/02 -->11/03 --> 03/04 -> 11/04 -> mm/yy

Waiting for a passport request after getting medicals done. Is anyone in the same boat? It has been a long wait but Can immig. is better than stupid US immigration system.
Reply to Any LA Transfer cases/Interview dates


I am also waiting for the passport request... My status even on eclient is "we started processing your application". I don't even know if our medical has been received by Can Immigration...

Anyways, I have added 2 columns( Additional Docs & Passport Request). Please add your info on it. Thanks!!!!


Name--> Applied--> AOR -->Transfer-->Intvw-->Medical->Additional Docs Sent -> Passport Request -> Landing
annies-> 04/02 -->09/02 --> 05/03 --> No -> 04/04 -> 11/04 -> mm/yy -> mm/yy
MarkIvan>04/02-> 08/02--> 05/03 --> No -> 07/04 -> mm/yy -> mm/yy -> mm/yy
Ohenry->04/02 -->09/02 -->05/03 -->mm/yy --> mm/yy -> mm/yy -> mm/yy -> mm/yy
swancascade-> 04/02->08/02->05/03/->mm/yy->mm/yy->mm/yy -> mm/yy -> mm/yy
Enquirer->04/02 -->08/02 -->05/03 --> No -> 10/04 -> mm/yy -> mm/yy -> mm/yy
kanna98-> 12/01--> 02/02--> 03/03 --> 03/03--> 04/03 -> mm/yy -> mm/yy -> mm/yy
g_m111--> 12/01--> 1/02 -> 06/03 ->Y-01/05-->mm/yy -> mm/yy -> mm/yy
sanksin77->04/02 -->09/02 -->11/03 --> 03/04 -> 11/04 -> mm/yy -> mm/yy -> mm/yy
jp1972->04/02-->09/02-->5/03-->09/04-->10/04-->mm/yy -> mm/yy -> mm/yy
Hi All,

Finally, I got passport request from LA consulate.

My timeline.

APP: Feb, 2002
AOR: Sep, 2002
IA : Nov, 2003
Interview : Mar 2004
Med: Oct, 2004
ROLF : Oct, 2004
PPR: Feb3, 2005

They have asked me to provide following three document.
1. Photos (2 each for me and my dependent)
2. Actual passports (me and my dependent)
3. Complete attached supplementary information form for my children
This is a immigrant identification form. I have to provide
Date of Birth,
Eye Color

I am reading in the Forum that anybody who is receiving the paasport request letter gets a grey envelope too to send the passport. I havn't got any grey envelope from the consulate.
Is it because, I got the passport request from LA consulate?

Please share your experience.

Thanks in advance.

-- Sanjeev.

Name--> Applied--> AOR -->Transfer-->Intvw-->Medical->Additional Docs Sent -> Passport Request -> Landing
annies-> 04/02 -->09/02 --> 05/03 --> No -> 04/04 -> 11/04 -> mm/yy -> mm/yy
MarkIvan>04/02-> 08/02--> 05/03 --> No -> 07/04 -> mm/yy -> mm/yy -> mm/yy
Ohenry->04/02 -->09/02 -->05/03 -->mm/yy --> mm/yy -> mm/yy -> mm/yy -> mm/yy
swancascade-> 04/02->08/02->05/03/->mm/yy->mm/yy->mm/yy -> mm/yy -> mm/yy
Enquirer->04/02 -->08/02 -->05/03 --> No -> 10/04 -> mm/yy -> mm/yy -> mm/yy
kanna98-> 12/01--> 02/02--> 03/03 --> 03/03--> 04/03 -> mm/yy -> mm/yy -> mm/yy
g_m111--> 12/01--> 1/02 -> 06/03 ->Y-01/05-->mm/yy -> mm/yy -> mm/yy
sanksin77->04/02 -->09/02 -->11/03 --> 03/04 -> 11/04 -> 11/04 -> 02/05 -> mm/yy
jp1972->04/02-->09/02-->5/03-->09/04-->10/04-->mm/yy -> mm/yy -> mm/yy
sanksin77 said:

Name--> Applied--> AOR -->Transfer-->Intvw-->Medical->Additional Docs Sent -> Passport Request -> Landing
annies-> 04/02 -->09/02 --> 05/03 --> No -> 04/04 -> 11/04 -> mm/yy -> mm/yy
MarkIvan>04/02-> 08/02--> 05/03 --> No -> 07/04 -> mm/yy -> mm/yy -> mm/yy
Ohenry->04/02 -->09/02 -->05/03 -->mm/yy --> mm/yy -> mm/yy -> mm/yy -> mm/yy
swancascade-> 04/02->08/02->05/03/->mm/yy->mm/yy->mm/yy -> mm/yy -> mm/yy
Enquirer->04/02 -->08/02 -->05/03 --> No -> 10/04 -> mm/yy -> mm/yy -> mm/yy
kanna98-> 12/01--> 02/02--> 03/03 --> 03/03--> 04/03 -> mm/yy -> mm/yy -> mm/yy
g_m111--> 12/01--> 1/02 -> 06/03 ->Y-01/05-->mm/yy -> mm/yy -> mm/yy
sanksin77->04/02 -->09/02 -->11/03 --> 03/04 -> 11/04 -> 11/04 -> 02/05 -> mm/yy
jp1972->04/02-->09/02-->5/03-->09/04-->10/04-->10/04-> 01/18-> mm/yy

We too send our PP on 01/19 when we got our first letter instead of sending pp they had sent us a letter saying that they have already issued us visa which will expire on april 25, when I called they faxed me corrected pp request letter. Never got in mail. send the PP very next days with our own prepaid USPS envelops for both ways with kids supplimentry information forms its been 2 weeks and still have no information yet.