• Hello Members, This forums is for DV lottery visas only. For other immigration related questions, please go to our forums home page, find the related forum and post it there.


29 to 14 percent is really a massive fall but IMO I really think people are really coming to terms that contract marriages can now be easily exposed by the embassy( I don't know by what method ),so they decide not take the risk at all and pay whatever price like in my case were I had to pay about 1400 dollars because I knew the risk of contract marriage and didn't want to take that route.
Another point is that some married people ignorantly enter single and are later denied or later finding out about the consequences opt to go single.
Also this agencies that run the lottery registration in the country have tertiary institutions as their primary target because at least everyone there has completed high school therefore qualifies educationally and the number of people entering tertiary institutions has also massively increased and likewise the number of institutions but significantly most of the students are unmarried which can also seriously affect the marital percentage because singles are more likely to win the lottery than the married ones.

just hoping this helps

That is very helpful input - and you touch on several points that make perfect sense. Given what you say I would not be surprised to see low response and low success rates from Ghana.
That is very helpful input - and you touch on several points that make perfect sense. Given what you say I would not be surprised to see low response and low success rates from Ghana.

Yh I would definitely not be surprised if the success rate falls but hopefully forum mates won't be part of the stats any longer
Dear Ghanaian friends. I have a question that is intruiguing me - I wonder if any of you can satisfy my curiosity...

If you look at this document http://travel.state.gov/content/dam/visas/DV_Applicant_Entrants_by_Country_2007-2013.pdf you can see a list of entries and family members by country. Generally speaking the ratio of family members per selectee for most countries is pretty static, but different from one country to another. By ratio I mean the number of family members (on average) for each entrant. That is because attitudes toward marriage and birthrates etc are pretty static year to year and the overall pool of people that apply for the lottery is pretty much representative of the country year to year.

However, Ghana is different. If you look at the numbers for Ghana from 2007 you will see a very definite change in the ratio. From 2007 to 2009 the ratio was pretty constant at around 27 - 29% and then in 2010 to 2013 the ratio dropped massively down to 14% by 2013.

That doesn't just happen - that means something - but I don't know what. Any ideas?

I have thought of:-

1. Some drastic change in the marital makeup within the country (seems VERY unlikely).
2. Something economically/politcally that motivates more single people to leave Ghana moreso than married people with children.
3. Some organised effort at entering people to the lottery that somehow targets or appeals more to single people.

Any ideas?

I think Gh50 said it all.
Today's Inspiration

When David was going to face Goliath, the giant, he was hopeful because he knew the presence of God was with him.
He relied on God. We have to depend on God always. Goliath was fully armed, but David's weapon was God.

1Samuel 17:45 "Then David said to the Philistine, "You come to me with a sword, and with a spear, and with a javelin: but I come to you in the name of Yahweh of Armies, the God of the armies of Israel, whom you have defied."
When David was going to face Goliath, the giant, he was hopeful because he knew the presence of God was with him.
He relied on God. We have to depend on God always. Goliath was fully armed, but David's weapon was God.

1Samuel 17:45 "Then David said to the Philistine, "You come to me with a sword, and with a spear, and with a javelin: but I come to you in the name of Yahweh of Armies, the God of the armies of Israel, whom you have defied."

The ever powerful presence of God always at work.
Ghanaman how far with preparations,being a while.
Happy New Year to all...!!! took a brief respite!!
am very happy to see u all go thru esp Roselyna's case; 1 of d only 2 officially registered females (also wit the largest dependants) .
I pray that ALL go thru IJN....Aaaaaaaamennnn!!!!

my sympathies go to God-is-able. Pls try again under different circumstances. i sincerely wish u well.

To up and coming interviewees, as you can see, the success rate is extremely high. we have pulled one another thru.
pls share your case & how ure building it up. dont keep things to yourself.
if only u post ur case here on this forum, i am sure some1 here can offer advice that will be crucial to your success.
it is jus a single slot you have. infact, it cld b ur only lifetime slot anyway so u cannot joke or mess up wit it.
My advice there4 to all yet to be interviewed interviewees is to take every step seriously. u mus b sure u have satisfied all the game's conditions b4 & as u enter the embassy's premises.

i am gearing up for my departure in mid-Feb.
resigned from my job. will b finally released on th 31st of Jan.
Thereafter the real preparation begins in full swing.

Do all that is humanly possible and correct & God will take care of the rest. then and only then shall the slogan forever remain:
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29 to 14 percent is really a massive fall but IMO I really think people are really coming to terms that contract marriages can now be easily exposed by the embassy( I don't know by what method ),so they decide not take the risk at all and pay whatever price like in my case were I had to pay about 1400 dollars because I knew the risk of contract marriage and didn't want to take that route.
Another point is that some married people ignorantly enter single and are later denied or later finding out about the consequences opt to go single.
Also this agencies that run the lottery registration in the country have tertiary institutions as their primary target because at least everyone there has completed high school therefore qualifies educationally and the number of people entering tertiary institutions has also massively increased and likewise the number of institutions but significantly most of the students are unmarried which can also seriously affect the marital percentage because singles are more likely to win the lottery than the married ones.

just hoping this helps

You must hav some kind of a surveyor or statistician or observer to have reached this accurate and most probable conclusion.
chale, how far wit ur preps?
7th is jus 2wks frm 2day!
Guy does it mean i cant put any perfume or any pomade in my back pack/hand luggage when am going to board the
aircraft.Raphoo talked about dat but i want to know that of the back pack.really started parcking my stuff already n waiting for the d-day.i will be officially released from work on the 31st jan-2014.Then will take off on 4th febuary 2014 to USA.
Most of the aircraft I have boarded do not want these stuffs in the hand luggage but you can have them in your suitcase that will go in the luggage area of the plane
Guy does it mean i cant put any perfume or any pomade in my back pack/hand luggage when am going to board the
aircraft.Raphoo talked about dat but i want to know that of the back pack.really started parcking my stuff already n waiting for the d-day.i will be officially released from work on the 31st jan-2014.Then will take off on 4th febuary 2014 to USA.
Happy New Year to all...!!! took a brief respite!!
am very happy to see u all go thru esp Roselyna's case; 1 of d only 2 officially registered females (also wit the largest dependants) .
I pray that ALL go thru IJN....Aaaaaaaamennnn!!!!

my sympathies go to God-is-able. Pls try again under different circumstances. i sincerely wish u well.

To up and coming interviewees, as you can see, the success rate is extremely high. we have pulled one another thru.
pls share your case & how ure building it up. dont keep things to yourself.
if only u post ur case here on this forum, i am sure some1 here can offer advice that will be crucial to your success.
it is jus a single slot you have. infact, it cld b ur only lifetime slot anyway so u cannot joke or mess up wit it.
My advice there4 to all yet to be interviewed interviewees is to take every step seriously. u mus b sure u have satisfied all the game's conditions b4 & as u enter the embassy's premises.

i am gearing up for my departure in mid-Feb.
resigned from my job. will b finally released on th 31st of Jan.
Thereafter the real preparation begins in full swing.

Do all that is humanly possible and correct & God will take care of the rest. then and only then shall the slogan forever remain:

That is gud news bro. We can't wait to meet in the land of opportunities.
Good luck
Guy does it mean i cant put any perfume or any pomade in my back pack/hand luggage when am going to board the
aircraft. Raphoo talked about dat but i want to know that of the back pack.really started parcking my stuff already n waiting for the d-day.i will be officially released from work on the 31st jan-2014.Then will take off on 4th febuary 2014 to USA.

It is not allowed only if the back pack luggage will be with u in the sitting area of the plane. U can keep them in the back pack luggage and hand it over to them to keep it at the luggage area where u will not see it till u arrive at ur final destination.
2014AF000054xx, visa picked up Mumbai India,A Nigeria living in India,anybody from Africa living in India finding problem with India PCC please i can be of help to you, email (josephodibo@gmail.com)....Interview peace of cake.P&P( patients and prayer) key to Dv program.Austin Texas 100% loading...
Immigrant Visa Case Number: 2014AF54xx 01 BMB
Case Creation Date: 01-Nov-2012
Status Updated Date: 24-Jan-2014

Your visa has been printed. Depending on local procedures at the location where you were interviewed, your visa will be mailed or available for pickup soon. If there are further questions, or if we need updated contact information, you will be contacted.

For more information, please visit TRAVEL.STATE.GOV.