• Hello Members, This forums is for DV lottery visas only. For other immigration related questions, please go to our forums home page, find the related forum and post it there.


Hello guys. I forgot to update you on God -is-able case with the co yesterday. Remember he used working experience. After going through his docs yesterday, he was denied the visa. It was a terrible day for him yesterday after all the hard work,time and money spent in the process. Though he failed to tell the forum about it but I thought It good to let the forum know so we can learn many things from his case. I'm very sorry for him a d I pray that Gid strengthen him

I am so sorry to hear that. Work experience is not an easy thing to prove.
Hello guys. I forgot to update you on God -is-able case with the co yesterday. Remember he used working experience. After going through his docs yesterday, he was denied the visa. It was a terrible day for him yesterday after all the hard work,time and money spent in the process. Though he failed to tell the forum about it but I thought It good to let the forum know so we can learn many things from his case. I'm very sorry for him a d I pray that Gid strengthen him

I feel him..I pray God give him strength to carry on..There was nothing we could have done to help his case..I'm so sorry for him but he gotta know that,been denied a visa is not the end of his life.Perhaps God has something greater prepared for him in the future..the key is to be strong and thank GOD regardless of what has happen..
I feel him..I pray God give him strength to carry on..There was nothing we could have done to help his case..I'm so sorry for him but he gotta know that,been denied a visa is not the end of his life.Perhaps God has something greater prepared for him in the future..the key is to be strong and thank GOD regardless of what has happen..

So sorry to hear this, we pray God will turn this disappointment into appointment for him. Our God will keep our brother.
Today's Inspiration

We want to remind our brother that God still cares in trying moment. We will keep praying for him, God knows what is in store for him.

Psalm 147:3 "He heals the brokenhearted and binds up their wounds."
So sorry to hear this, we pray God will turn thi
s disappointment into appointment for him. Our God will keep our brother.

This is very unfortunate. I really do feel sorry for him.
The worst part is they even took his $330.
Take heart my brother. God is with you.
With all the stress in GH, why won't you forget?
Masa, boys abr3 ooooo. I don't know about you guys, but its just crazy.

Am I the first female to face the CO on this thread? Ei saaaa?

Hmmmm. It is well with us.

boys ne girls nyinaa abr3 ooo but am still waiting for my photo request though
hello guys. I forgot to update you on god -is-able case with the co yesterday. Remember he used working experience. After going through his docs yesterday, he was denied the visa. It was a terrible day for him yesterday after all the hard work,time and money spent in the process. Though he failed to tell the forum about it but i thought it good to let the forum know so we can learn many things from his case. I'm very sorry for him a d i pray that gid strengthen him

It's been a long time i have been hear....But going through i can see more success stories and am grateful for that.... GLORY BE TO GOD.....WE WILL ALL GO THROUGH WITH SUCCESS
The CSPA stands for Child Status Protection Act. It is a law that protects the children of immigrants from "aging out". I.e growing above age 21 before they enter the U.S.
It kind of freezes the age of the child, and in my case, my daughter was almost 20years when I played DV-2014 and has already celebrated her 21st birthday, so we needed the CSPA as a reference document to help calculate her age in order for her to qualify as a beneficiary .

I don't know if I explained it well, but sm1smom and co know more about the technicalities of it. Its quite confusing though. Maybe she would add something for you to understand it better.

Thanks very much Roselyn, I cuul with your explaintion. Well i have no derivatives so i don't have bother on it much.
Hello guys. I forgot to update you on God -is-able case with the co yesterday. Remember he used working experience. After going through his docs yesterday, he was denied the visa. It was a terrible day for him yesterday after all the hard work,time and money spent in the process. Though he failed to tell the forum about it but I thought It good to let the forum know so we can learn many things from his case. I'm very sorry for him a d I pray that Gid strengthen him

Oh Oh Oh, first denial in the forum, and i know its the last IJN. So sorry to hear this. Take heart 'God-is-able', and as your name suggest, God will make a way, where there there seems to be no way.
Oh Oh Oh, first denial in the forum, and i know its the last IJN. So sorry to hear this. Take heart 'God-is-able', and as your name suggest, God will make a way, where there there seems to be no way.

Ooooooooo sorry sorry sorry to hear this.
Please take heart Bro
God is in control.
Please guys I have gone for my certificate. But the date of birth is wrong. What should I do? Has anyoneof you sent your own to waec.for correction.?
Kindly help me!!!!" Thanks to you all for making me know I had to go for my certificate. Than and kudos to you all and we later for our success.
My daughter gave me a big hug after the interview. It was very touching. It was very obvious that she was super scared.
We thank God.

I can imagine the scene :). I bet Ms.21 finally had a good nite sleep for the first time in God knows how long! Now, tell her to buckle down and go finish her studies with outstanding grades :D
I can imagine the scene :). I bet Ms.21 finally had a good nite sleep for the first time in God knows how long! Now, tell her to buckle don and go finish her studies with outstanding grades :D

It was very touching. You can say that again, I am sure she slept well. I hope the young guys will just ignore her oversized backside, so she could bring home some very good grades. :)
We aimed for operation 100% but...99.99%......Loading...now. This is the 1st and will be the last IJN.
To our brother: Bro we are with you no matter the circumstance. This place is more than just a forum. We share ur pain as a family with 1 ambition. In everything we have to give thanks to God bcox He knows best. Its not easy but have faith in the God we serve that there is a better opportunity awaiting u

Let's just say, good luck or not, my God didn't forget me. Don's worry Alfred!

At 5:00 am my alarm went off, and then I knew the day is finally here.
We arrived at the embassy at exactly 6:52am and were directed to join the IV queue. We were at the tail end of the queue and had to wait for a long time for our turn.
Once at the entrance, the officer in charge checked our appointment letter and identified each member of the family and then asked us to proceed to security.
We did all the security checks, but I was unfortunately asked to leave my little boy’s water and food at the security post and come back for them when they are needed.
When we got to the waiting area, another officer took our appointment letter from us and asked that we sit and wait.
After about 10mins, my name was called to window 2 where I was given an invoice to go and pay our visa fees.
The cashier was not too pleasant to deal with initially, but I managed to break the ice with him and he even wished me lots of luck by the time I finished with him.
Back to the waiting area, after about an hour or so, I was called again to window 2 to submit my documents. That really took like forever to finish. The lady was very pleasant though, so I guess that made up for the whole waiting thing. She even gave my son some fruit flavored candy and a bar of chocolate.
She flipped through the sheets and gave back those documents that were not needed. She looked at the documents I presented on my 21year old daughter and smiled. Then she said “you seem to have done your homework on her case right?” I just smiled.
Well, back to the waiting area, I lost track of time though. We were called again to window 1 to be ten-printed. They said that was for 14years and above so only 3 of us were ten-printed.
Back to the waiting area again, by which time, I had made 3 trips to the security post already with my little boy because he wanted to drink some water.
Not long after the ten-printing, we were finally called for the big conversation with the CO.
This time, I looked at the CO’s watch and it was 09:33am.
The interview:
Me: Good morning
CO: Good morning, how are you today?
Me: Very fine, thank you.
CO: I would need you to all raise your right hand (except the younger ones) and swear to tell the truth blah blah blah
Me, Husband and Miss 21: We do (then my 2 year old son says “we do”). Now the CO was laughing and then says thank you to the little boy.
CO: I need you to sign against the highlighted area on the form. She gives the forms we sent to KCC. I sign first, Miss 21 , and then my husband signs his and that of all the younger kids.
CO: when did you complete high school?
Me: Ans
CO: When did you get married?
Me: ans
CO: What do you do now?
Me: ans
CO: Where?
Me: blah blah blah
CO: your daughter is safe (Miss 21). You did a good job with your research; I guess you know more about CSPA than most of us here right?
Me: Smiling, and saying silently “you bet” 
CO: All your documents are fine, but I have to give these back to you (after high school educational certificates, pictures, materials on CSPA).
CO: I have bad news for you though. All your NIV’s would have to be cancelled to make way for an IV, so no more tax free income for you .
Me: Very well.
Me: thank you , but what about the originals of my other documents?
CO; we would return them when you come to pick up your passports with visas.
Me: very well
CO: I have approved your case, please don’t make any travel arrangements until you have picked up your visas, don’t take the kids out of school, blah, blah
Me: OK
Me: there is a problem
CO: yes
Me: my husband needs to travel to Canada tonight on an official assignment, so we were hoping that you could give back his passport to him so that he drops it off when he returns.
CO: No problem
CO: when are you back? (Referring to my husband)
Husband: Ans
CO: No problem, I will give you the passport, and a letter to enable you drop off your passport when you return.
Husband: Thanks
CO: Here you are, she gives me a blue sheet and the letter for my husband
Me and family: Thank you
CO: Nice day
Now, we the Yankee settlers should try and get together in the hood when the time comes (maybe during summer) to ‘ woso br3 no gu’…... :)
Sm1smom, Simon, NuvF, valdek15425, and all members, how can I thank you enough? I really appreciate your support, especially with the CSPA thing. It was really an eye opener.
Thank you very much. God richly bless you all.
Hello everyone...Congrats to the successful forum members and I'm soo sorry to God is able..indeed He is and His ways are not ours..He has the best plans for us Jeremiah 29:11...after a little panic attack I was able to reschedule my interview to the 18th of February at 9:30 am..Last week I decided to check on my initial appointment online just to be safe only to realize it was cancelled.hmmm...I contacted the embassy by email since I'm not in Russia at the moment and they said it was because the embassy hadn't received my docs from KCC yet....but now they have so I could reschedule again..Fortunately or unfortunately all slots have been booked and only 18th was available..I pray to God everything goes smoothly.All the best to the rest of us..
Ooooooooo sorry sorry sorry to hear this.
Please take heart Bro
God is in control.
Please guys I have gone for my certificate. But the date of birth is wrong. What should I do? Has anyoneof you sent your own to waec.for correction.?
Kindly help me!!!!" Thanks to you all for making me know I had to go for my certificate. Than and kudos to you all and we later for our success.

get affidavit from the high court that what waec will tell you