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2014 DV Australian winners

900? What the hell? Ive been relatively calm till now expecting big jumps to start to kick in...but a slow down??? A jump of 50??

Its time for some answers people!! Does anyone have ideas about how to get some information about wtf is going on with OC? Does anyone know an immigration attorney or contacts with a local member that can make some higher level enquires with the embassy than the know nothings at KCC??
Tony are you able to call, maybe by some misfortune he gave me the wrong figure.

+1 606 5267500

I just got off work and tried calling, but they closed at 4pm. I'll try calling tomorrow if no one else has called before then. Hopefully, the 900 figure is a mistake, but given how we've been tracking so far, I wouldn't be surprised if it's correct. Very depressing.
Its time for some answers people!! Does anyone have ideas about how to get some information about wtf is going on with OC? Does anyone know an immigration attorney or contacts with a local member that can make some higher level enquires with the embassy than the know nothings at KCC??

Why don't you call Obama himself, I'm sure he will understand your rage and offer you a visa straight away. :confused:

"Higher level enquiries with the embassy" - muahaha...that's funny, given that the embassy has no say whatsoever when it comes to the process other than as of the point of a scheduled interview.

To call them "know nothings" is a bit immature and offensive, don't you think?

Please never forget that they do not owe you or any other visa applicant.

Why even vent frustration based on alleged information that is not even confirmed at this point.

Just wait a few days and you will get the official version.

GOSH :eek:
Thank you for your unnecessary and patronising post.

I think those of us in OC who are actually impacted (ie not you) might want some answers to this anomalous progression. Im not the only one frustrated and confused by the bizarre situation facing us in OC (double numbers slower progession). The people in KCC dont have answers. Excuse me for wanting to talk to someone who does (ie not you either).

Excuse me for being human.

Why don't you call Obama himself, I'm sure he will understand your rage and offer you a visa straight away. :confused:

"Higher level enquiries with the embassy" - muahaha...that's funny, given that the embassy has no say whatsoever when it comes to the process other than as of the point of a scheduled interview.

To call them "know nothings" is a bit immature and offensive, don't you think?

Please never forget that they do not owe you or any other visa applicant.

Why even vent frustration based on alleged information that is not even confirmed at this point.

Just wait a few days and you will get the official version.

GOSH :eek:
900? What the hell? Ive been relatively calm till now expecting big jumps to start to kick in...but a slow down??? A jump of 50??

Its time for some answers people!! Does anyone have ideas about how to get some information about wtf is going on with OC? Does anyone know an immigration attorney or contacts with a local member that can make some higher level enquires with the embassy than the know nothings at KCC??

You are kidding - right?

You must realise that this is how they work and they are not accountable to explain themselves to anyone for the slow progress. I realise you are upset - but be realistic - this is their game, their rules, their pace. There is nothing we can do about it...
I called and got the same reply, 900 it is :confused:

I think they're just behind a schedule a bit this year.

I sent in my forms at the end of May 2013, and I called every two weeks to confirm they had been received. It wasn't until August (10 weeks later) that they confirmed receiving my application forms. They told me at the time that they were a couple of months behind schedule this time around so everything would be slightly delayed.
Good to have that confirmed - even if it is not what we want to see.

Hope all is well with you tonis!

Thanks Simon, all is good, we are building our case and it's looking so good they cant refuse ;)
Hope all is well with you too.
We head to the US for 6 weeks late May for a vacation and look around.
I think those of us in OC who are actually impacted (ie not you) might want some answers to this anomalous progression. Im not the only one frustrated and confused by the bizarre situation facing us in OC (double numbers slower progession). The people in KCC dont have answers. Excuse me for wanting to talk to someone who does (ie not you either).

Excuse me for being human.

With apologies to Meatloaf, you took the words right out of my mouth.
A question my husband is wanted for a "computer system go-live" in the USA a week after our interview - is he allowed to enter on a visa waiver???

I very much doubt that's going to be okay. The only way I can see that being passable is if your husband doesn't forfeit his passport at the interview (for them to apply the visa); then he'd have to mail it in when he returned. That might be the only way forward, but is "asking at the interview" really that unhelpful? Honestly that sounds like the most obvious way to me.

They offered me a similar deal when I interviewed, because I'd booked my flight back to the US for 12 days after the interview and I wanted to make sure I was going to have my passport back in time, so I lied and said I had to "go to New Zealand for work". Rather than reassuring me that the passport would come back in time, she said I could take the passport with me then post it back to have the visa applied if I wanted. I did not want.
Thanks Simon, all is good, we are building our case and it's looking so good they cant refuse ;)
Hope all is well with you too.
We head to the US for 6 weeks late May for a vacation and look around.

That sounds very positive - I'm really pleased to hear it. PLease keep us updated and once you have the visa - let us know what pieces of evidence swayed the case.
Britsimon mentioned above that one of the gaps in our current knowledge is that although we know there are 4215 selectees for Oceania, we don't know how many case numbers there are, how high they go, and how many holes there are between the numbers.

I've had a quick search through the 34 pages of this thread. Obviously, not every Oceania winner participates in this thread, but the random case number samples of we who do use this thread should give us a rough idea as to how high the case numbers go and where they fall.

I haven't been able to find anyone in the 3000s or 4000s (though I swear I once saw someone somewhere on this forum in the low 3000s), but here are all the winners I found with case numbers over 2000 ...

ad100 2XXX
Smeggs30 2XXX
Badabingbada 2XXX

IHeartNY 20XX
Mijoro 20XX

TonyJP 22XX

Katemaccullen 23XX
Emma_ 23XX


Neko83 28XX
bkpmc 28XX
MrSkgriter 28XX

Lepeka 29XX
BrisGuy 29XX
Essey 29XX

Not sure if the above will aid anyone's analysis, but it's still bound to be more useful than today's latest crappy monthly cut-off announcement.
Not sure if the above will aid anyone's analysis, but it's still bound to be more useful than today's latest crappy monthly cut-off announcement.

It aids me in resigning to the fact that more than likely I have stuff all chance of getting a green card in this DV :) Disappointing, but such is life. Will wait and see how it plays out, but I cannot see any plausible way the cutoff will get to 2800.

Ah well - got the application in for DV2015, but as we all know even getting a CN to begin with is extremely luck. Will keep pursuing other avenues such as E3.