• Hello Members, This forums is for DV lottery visas only. For other immigration related questions, please go to our forums home page, find the related forum and post it there.

2014 DV Australian winners

Thanks for your reply, I think the bit I'm worried about is that, even with the potential increase, the bulletin numbers are not increased from previous years. If anything they are low, so the next two bulletins need some drastic changes, or I would expect the same as last year.

Yes but in previous years the last month or two have been current - and we probably won't see that this year, so the numbers will keep progressing.
Hey AmyJ never heard of the "SYD" word anywhere. Maybe you should give them a call and let them help you know what it is and then you can share with us just in case we are asked the same. Good luck!! And all the best as you wait for Mar 10~ oh...so far yet so close I tell ya. for me I have 6+ months before I become current so!!Patience is the name of the game now!!

Yup - interesting what happens when you call up and speak to a different receptionist!! This new lady was wonderful! Just asked if we had our case number, I said yes, she said good, bring it with you.... Booked us in, emailed me a list of things to bring and BAM! We were booked in for last Friday. Early I know but it was the only time my hubby could get off work. So the case number is the number you need, didn't get asked anything about an SYD number this time.....

Had Dr Kable, he was very efficient and has done so many of these that he fell into the same routine for both of us. Even cracked the same joke about not looking directly into the bright light when he was checking our eyes. Everything went really well, until I had to have a MMR booster. I don't like needles and I bruise like a peach! MAN! Did I get a bruise! The longest part was waiting to get the chest x-ray done. We walked over and there was a 90 minute wait. So we booked in and then went to et some lunch. I picked everything up early this week and our police checks arrived this week too, so pretty sure we're ready to go!!!

With the police check / name change thing. We did the name and fingerprint just to be sure. The page for the fingerprints had my maiden name. The certificate has been issued in my married name. Just thought I'd throw it out there since there is still not total clarification around which check we should do.

So, anyone else got their interview on March 18?
I'm sure this is well-documented already but, in case it's not, I hope you boys and girls are ready for jumping through hoops to get your drivers license!

I got mine today finally; I've been in Maine almost two months. Your mileage will obviously vary depending on where you settle, but I'm sure most states are the same with foreign drivers. I had to sit a written test (like your average 16-year-old kid), and it took over a month to schedule an appointment for that.

After I aced that, it took another three weeks to be able to get behind the wheel for a driving test. Thankfully I passed that one first go too, or I'd be waiting a lot longer.

Keep all that in mind if you're moving to a city with no public transport like I did. A guy at the Bureau of Motor Vehicles here told me I was perfectly fine to continue driving on my Australian license in the interim, but I couldn't get car insurance or financing for my vehicle without a Maine license. Understandable obviously.
New to the forum

Hi Guys,

So glad I came across this thread. Going a little bit mental with this whole process haha...

I'm from Melbourne and was selected last year. My number is a little high - 2014OC000016XX.

I wasn't aware that some people may miss out on interviews if they have high numbers?

Can anyone with a little more experience in this thread comment on my number?

Kurt you number should be safe. I suggest you read thru this entire thread there is a lot of great info in here
Thanks Mijoro!

Had a flick through this giant thread and I'm feeling a little more comfortable now about my situation.

I do have another question though that I'm hoping someone can help me out with:

I have a partner (unmarried) who I would obviously like to come with me. We had our first child last July. We plan on getting married soon. Just wanted to know if I need to let them know now that we plan on getting married, or is this something I bring up in the interview? I can't say we'd be getting married before the interview, probably later in the year. I would like to somehow obtain a GC for both my partner/future wife and our baby.

Tried looking through the forums for information but I'm getting lost in many threads.

Any help would be greatly appreciated, thank you! :)
Thanks Mijoro!

Had a flick through this giant thread and I'm feeling a little more comfortable now about my situation.

I do have another question though that I'm hoping someone can help me out with:

I have a partner (unmarried) who I would obviously like to come with me. We had our first child last July. We plan on getting married soon. Just wanted to know if I need to let them know now that we plan on getting married, or is this s,omething I bring up in the interview? I can't say we'd be getting married before the interview, probably later in the year. I would like to somehow obtain a GC for both my partner/future wife and our baby.

Tried looking through the forums for information but I'm getting lost in many threads.

Any help would be greatly appreciated, thank you! :)

Have you sent an updated DS230 with your baby as dependent and birth certificate? If not, do that immediately - DS230s both for the baby, and for you listing the baby as a dependent.

You will get a visa for your partner when you get yours if you marry before the interview. If you marry afterwards it will take much longer and given that you will have to enter before the visa expires, marrying after your interview will probably mean some time of living on different continents...I personally would not wait. You have a baby together, you can clearly show this is a bona fide marriage.

Telling them you plan to get married does nothing. They need a marriage certificate and updated DS230s before it means anything to them...
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Have you sent an updated DS230 with your baby as dependent and birth certificate? If not, do that immediately - DS230s both for the baby, and for you listing the baby as a dependent.

You will get a visa for your partner when you get yours if you marry before the interview. If you marry afterwards it will take much longer and given that you will have to enter before the visa expires, marrying after your interview will probably mean some time of living on different continents...I personally would not wait. You have a baby together, you can clearly show this is a bona fide marriage.

Telling them you plan to get married does nothing. They need a marriage certificate and updated DS230s before it means anything to them...

Wow, this seems like such a ridiculous process. Would my partner be able to come with me on a tourist VISA and live with me in the US while we wait for her processing? Sounds silly I know... but so does rushing a marriage before an interview I'm not even sure will happen! :)
Wow, this seems like such a ridiculous process. Would my partner be able to come with me on a tourist VISA and live with me in the US while we wait for her processing? Sounds silly I know... but so does rushing a marriage before an interview I'm not even sure will happen! :)

Susie has given you excellent advice. This is called a lottery because winning is a big deal - saving LOTS of headaches/money/hassle. It might seem ridiculous to you, but if things were as relaxed as you think they should be, there would be armies of girlfriends and boyfriends living in the USA while they figure out whether they like each other. That would sound even more ridiculous to me.

You could do the tourist thing, but the process to get a Green Card if you marry later will take a long time - so the tourist visa will not cover that time period.

Jeez. You had a baby with her, I think its time to move to the next level, don't you???? :rolleyes:
Wow, this seems like such a ridiculous process. Would my partner be able to come with me on a tourist VISA and live with me in the US while we wait for her processing? Sounds silly I know... but so does rushing a marriage before an interview I'm not even sure will happen! :)

Um... No it's not ridiculous, otherwise everyone and their dog could claim to be someone's boyfriend or girlfriend, enter 'legally' that way and then just disappear. It's particularly not ridiculous given that winning the DV lottery is probably the easiest route you will ever get to immigrate into any country, anywhere. And finally, no your girlfriend cannot come on a tourist visa if she has intent to stay permanently - that is classed as immigration fraud. For heavens sake, you have such an easy option - get married, go to your interview, boom you both have green cards. - and here you are complaining that it's "ridiculous". Have you spoken to any immigrate in Australia about the process they went through to immigrate there?

( Some people would call having a baby before getting married being ridiculous - I must stress I am not one of them but I guess ridiculousness is in the the of the beholder.)
Well the family and I are heading down to Sydney this Saturday for our Tuesday interview thought we would make a little holiday out of it. Have everything in order x 4 - be grateful if your single! and getting costly I am assuming we are paying the $368(?) fee visa fee per person...

A question my husband is wanted for a "computer system go-live" in the USA a week after our interview - is he allowed to enter on a visa waiver??? as I will not be there and I am the primary applicant...he said he did that for an L1 visa he had just didn't use it when he went in as he wasn't working for the company anymore...

We have rung, emailed Sydney, KCC etc and finally got told in an email ask at your interview...helpful...not

Any enlightenment would be great - I personally would like him NOT to be able to go lol there is going to be a lot to do...

Gender: Female
Entry Checked: 05/01/2013
Forms sent to KCC: 06/01/2013
Confirmed by KCC via email: Not Yet
2nd NL: Yes
Documents: Yes
Police Report: Yes
Medicals: Yes
Interview:Tuesday Feb 11th 10am (I think I read they do all the interviews on Tuesdays??? can't remember where
Um... No it's not ridiculous, otherwise everyone and their dog could claim to be someone's boyfriend or girlfriend, enter 'legally' that way and then just disappear. It's particularly not ridiculous given that winning the DV lottery is probably the easiest route you will ever get to immigrate into any country, anywhere. And finally, no your girlfriend cannot come on a tourist visa if she has intent to stay permanently - that is classed as immigration fraud. For heavens sake, you have such an easy option - get married, go to your interview, boom you both have green cards. - and here you are complaining that it's "ridiculous". Have you spoken to any immigrate in Australia about the process they went through to immigrate there?

( Some people would call having a baby before getting married being ridiculous - I must stress I am not one of them but I guess ridiculousness is in the the of the beholder.)

hahahahaha... talk about getting shot down for poor choice of words. Maybe it's the old romantic in me that thought my girlfriend deserved more than lining up for a quick certificate at the marriage registry.

I understand that there is no such thing as perfect timing and that winning this lottery is extremely rare, but thanks anyway to everyone who have just simultaneously reminded me and put me in my place, as well as passing on some knowledgable advice.

(Some people would also think having a baby together is a bigger commitment than marriage. Just not the US immigration office :p)
hahahahaha... talk about getting shot down for poor choice of words. Maybe it's the old romantic in me that thought my girlfriend deserved more than lining up for a quick certificate at the marriage registry.

I understand that there is no such thing as perfect timing and that winning this lottery is extremely rare, but thanks anyway to everyone who have just simultaneously reminded me and put me in my place, as well as passing on some knowledgable advice.

(Some people would also think having a baby together is a bigger commitment than marriage. Just not the US immigration office :p)

You can always do the civil ceremony at the registrar and then do the big romantic thing later...

And I would agree re the baby, except that there are enough abandoned kids around to debunk that as the obvious conclusion :(
You can always do the civil ceremony at the registrar and then do the big romantic thing later...

And I would agree re the baby, except that there are enough abandoned kids around to debunk that as the obvious conclusion :(

Yeh that's exactly what we're thinking... I'm sure holding up a certificate and a baby to the immigration officer will be proof enough that it's a real marriage... minus the wedding photos :)

Thanks again
Maybe it's the old romantic in me that thought my girlfriend deserved more than lining up for a quick certificate at the marriage registry.

LOL - I understand what you are trying to say, but some girls might say they prefer the sort of romance that starts with dating, then engagement and wedding rings - and then some time later the baby....

Maybe that is just me being old fashioned... :eek:
Yeh that's exactly what we're thinking... I'm sure holding up a certificate and a baby to the immigration officer will be proof enough that it's a real marriage... minus the wedding photos :)

Thanks again

You've been living together I presume? Taking holidays together? The baby has your last name? You have family photos of all of you? You have photos, maybe emails, letters, whatever from a period of time? As long as you can show the relationship is bona fide, and the marriage is legal, you will be fine.
I called the KCC he said the next cut off is 900. :(

That's pretty disappointing, Mijoro. Was he sure? Did he happen to give any info as to why it's 100 below the last two or three years for April, despite there being double the number of selectees?
Tony are you able to call, maybe by some misfortune he gave me the wrong figure.

+1 606 5267500