Dakota2011's Interview Experience:
I had my interview on Tuesday (June 7, 2011) at 9:00 am in Fargo, ND.
** I arrived at 8:55 am. Since I went there before for fingerprinting, it was easy to find which room to enter.
** At 8:58 am, I checked in with the front desk officer. She asked for my interview letter, yellow letter (if any), social security card, GC, driving license (or state ID), all passport(s) and any other travel documents. She took all available documents and asked me to take a seat.
** I took my seat and started to watch other people-- I was looking for pretty girls to start conversation. Suddenly, I realized that there were Africans, Asians, East Europeans, Middle Easterns, and Latins in the room. I was like "wowwww.. people form everywhere.. what a diversity!"
** At 9:25 am front desk officer called my name and asked for my "birth certificate". I was shocked at that moment because I was not supposed to bring my birth certificate..
** I went back to my seat.. and started to think about the "birth certificate" thing.. possible delay of the case.. bla bla.. Because of shock, panic and stress , I even didn't realize that all pretty girls in the room were looking at me..
** At 9:50, finally, they called my name for the interview. My interview officer introduced herself. She was nice looking lady at middle 50s. We went to her office. She asked me to swear to tell the truth "please rise your right hand... bla..bla..bla.. Yes, I do" Then please seat.
** We first went through the N-400 document. We made 13 corrections on my form .. Sounds too many but she changed almost everything in the way that she could understand later.. I did not make any objections although I did think that all were incorrect/not necessary ..
** She told me that she found my birth certificate form in my Green Card application file.. OMG! OMG! It was great to hear that.. But I also learned that she had all my documents since from the Stone Age !!!!!!!!
** She specifically asked for the purpose of my trips to the home country.. Since one of the trips was for military service, she asked about that.
** During the yes/no type questions part, she all looked at my eyes. When I was answering her, I did look at her eyes too. We were about to fall in love

I think she tried to catch if I was lying or not.. At some point of time, we looked at each others eyes 3 mins straight.. I felt like she was hypnotizing me to tell the truth
** Once N-400 review was finished, she started my English exam.
Reading "When is the Independence Day?"
Writing "Lincoln was the president during the Civil War."
** Then Civics exam
1. What is the name of the Vice President of the United States now?
2. What group of people was taken to America and sold as slaves?
3. Why did the colonists fight the British?
4. How many amendments does the Constitution have?
5. What is the supreme law of the land?
6. Who makes federal laws?
** Then she reviewed my N-400 again. She asked me to print my name on three/four papers: passing tests, confirming the corrections/changes on N-400, and the last page of N-400.
** She asked me to print my name on my photos too..
** Here is the best part.. She said that "I have made my decision and I am recommending your case for approval". I thanked to her and I did smile

. Then, she gave me the form "Form 652N"
Checked Boxes are as follows:
--> Passed the tests.. Bla bla bla..
--> Congratulations.. Bla bla.. recommended for approval..
** She also told me that she is putting my name on the oath wait list for late August or early September.. Finally, she told me that she will be at the oath ceremony and looking to see me there.. I left the building at 10:50 am with a smiley face..
I think I was very lucky because I had a very nice and kind IO.. She was very polite to me.. I would like to thank to her once again ..
Special thanks to my dear friends who wished me good luck for my interview.. It really worked.. Thanks again
I will keep you updated with the further progress... I would like to wish all the best for you if you are waiting for the interview... Be prepared and you will see everyting will be OK.