2011 March N-400 Tracker

Anyone knows how long after you're "in line to be scheduled" for an interview that you will actually get an interview date.
I have travel plans for June and don't want to miss it.

N400 sent 4/20/2011
NOA 4/25/2011
Fingerprint letter 5/4/2011
FP done 5/19/2011
Status changed on line 4/24/2011 "in line to be scheduled for interview

anxiously waiting

My guess: interview notice around mid-June, with an interview date of mid-July. Reasoning: Crunching some numbers from the n400 tracker (http://www.trackitt.com/usa-immigration-trackers/n400), the average time from priority date to interview letter is 70 days (the median 64 days - there are a few outliers that bring the average up). The average time from interview letter to interview is 35 days (median is also 35).
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Congratulations LongRoadToGC! You are almost there! I myself is waiting and knowing that your status changed gave me hope! I'm also No. Virginia resident, sent my N400 on 2/28, but my PD is 3/7/11. I did fingerprint about 17 days before you, so I am crossing my fingers hoping I will be next!!! I want to travel at the beginning of July and I am hoping I'd get an appointment sometimes in June if not before :) The wait is killing me!!

I am anxiously waiting too, and spending lots of times on these forums lately. :)
MgtGrl, hang in there I know the feeling. I will be anxious until I do the oath. I have traffic tickets from my foolish younger years. I am a good driver now but those 6 tickets scare me a lot at this point. So plenty of anxiety here too :)

shomewa - the online status says it's scheduled. It went from Initial Review to this status.

Testing and Interview

Your N400, APPLICATION FOR NATURALIZATION is now scheduled for interview. You will receive a written notice with a time and place for your interview.

Also I am from Richmond, VA. My service center really should be Norfolk but my finger printing was done in Alexandria. So I am not really sure where my interview will be.
Anyone knows how long after you're "in line to be scheduled" for an interview that you will actually get an interview date.
I have travel plans for June and don't want to miss it.

N400 sent 4/20/2011
NOA 4/25/2011
Fingerprint letter 5/4/2011
FP done 5/19/2011
Status changed on line 4/24/2011 "in line to be scheduled for interview

anxiously waiting

Did you meant 5/24/2011 "in line to be scheduled for interview?
YL received 05/23 - I am asked to bring "ORIGINAL IRS FORM 1722" or "COPIES OF INCOME TAX FORMS" for the past three years to the interview (do not mail).

Which is the correct form to get the above?

"Form 4506" @ irs.gov/pub/irs-pdf/f4506.pdf - w/o "T"
"Form 4506-T" @ irs.gov/pub/irs-pdf/f4506t.pdf - w/ "T"
"Form 4506T-EZ" @ irs.gov/pub/irs-pdf/f4506tez.pdf - w/ "T-EZ"

I already ordered "Tax Return Transcripts" @ irs.gov/irfof-tra/start.do for the past three years. Are these sufficient?

03/23/2011 - Priority Date (Applied for Naturalization on the basis of marriage to a US Citizen - 3 years eligibility)
05/05/2011 - FP Done (as per scheduled appointment at SL ASC - Houston DO)
05/09/2011 - Online status changed ("On May 9, 2011, your N400, ... was placed in line for interview scheduling...")
05/23/2011 - Yellow Letter Received (bring 1. DL, 2. GC, 3. Proof of Residence, 4. IRS Form 1722 to the interview)
06/23?/2011 - Interview Letter (almost a month from receipt of YL) - Not received yet
07/23?/2011 - Interview Date (almost a month from receipt of IL) - Do not know yet
??/??/2011 - Oath Letter (sometime between ID and OD) - Not received yet
08/18?/2011 - Oath Date (almost a month after ID) - Do not know yet

Purrrfffecttt … That’s 5 months from March to August. I believe this is how they (USCIS) maintain National and Houston Average Processing Times for N400.
I passed my test & interview !

My appt was at 7.20 am. Since I wasn't sure about the traffic conditions, I arrived there by 6.30 am. The security guard on the ground floor said we could only get go to the 8th floor only at 7.15 am. I was standing outside for 45 minutes.

I left my cell phone in the car, as I was told by folks who had gone before, it wasn't allowed to be brougt in. This wasn't true. People were allowed to bring in their cell phones.

@ 7.15am the guard let us in.

There were about 10 of us in the lobby. All for the interview. I was the 4th to be called in. The officer was very nice and cordial. It didn't hurt she was attractive as well! She walked me into her office. I was surprised to see my file. My entire immigration history. I am guessing, every piece of paper I have ever submitted to INS/USCIS was in my 2 inch file.

She first swore me in. She then asked me for my full name. Before I could answer, she looked through my file for my birth certificate. And asked me my name again. When I stated it. She said " You got that one right !" The manner she said it was funny. As I started laughing. She said, you would be surprised at the number of people who get that wrong !

She went through my application, and validating my answers to N400 form, very fast. I had made a mistake in my employment dates, when I mentioned it to her. She said it didn't matters, as long as it flowed.

She made me sign my application.

She then said she was going to adminsister the Civics and English Test. She generated both test from the computer. So, they are random tests.

What do we pledge allegiance to?
Who is the governor of California?
What are the 2 major political parties?
What is the movement that fought for equal rights?
Who was the first president of the US?
Where is the stature of Liberty?

She made me write “The president lives in the white house."

I can’t remember what she made me read.

She then said you are approved. And asked me if I had any questions. She then completed a form stating I had passed the test, and handed it to me.

She walked me out the door. I was at my car by 8.05 am.

I am gonna crack open a cold one tonight ! :)
Thanks, dakota2011 ! The next ceremony is June 30th at the Los Angeles Convention Center for 6000 new citizens. I hope, I will be one of them !
Hello :
I'm March N400 filer. I'm done with my FP, still my application has not been transferred for interview/inline to be sched for interview, my online still shows, FP status.
My wife apps been in line to be sched for interview...
We both applied at the same PD/ND/FP date.

Pls advise.

YL received 05/23 - I am asked to bring "ORIGINAL IRS FORM 1722" or "COPIES OF INCOME TAX FORMS" for the past three years to the interview (do not mail).

Which is the correct form to get the above?

"Form 4506" @ irs.gov/pub/irs-pdf/f4506.pdf - w/o "T"
"Form 4506-T" @ irs.gov/pub/irs-pdf/f4506t.pdf - w/ "T"
"Form 4506T-EZ" @ irs.gov/pub/irs-pdf/f4506tez.pdf - w/ "T-EZ"

I already ordered "Tax Return Transcripts" @ irs.gov/irfof-tra/start.do for the past three years. Are these sufficient?
Received a text message and e-mail that my application was on the Oath Schedule Queue. Also Spouse passed her test and interview today.
Rec'd Y/L today and i was asked to bring certain documents. But my wife didn't recieve y/l, but her online status show its in queue for interview scheduling...
what does the above sceanario means...
Pls help me to understand process better.
thank you
Dr. - Some folks get YL, while others don't. Don't read too much into it. Nothing to be concerned about. Reading through the forum, thats what I gathered.
San Francisco DO> When I went to the interview on 05/20 the decision could not be made at the time (I have a large case). Finally today I got an update that it is in the Oath Ceremony Scheduling! Yay!
Hi Folks:

Time has come for me. I have my interview tomorrow (June 7, Tuesday) at 9:00 am. I am prepared for the test. Tonight I will review my application form and all documentation I need to bring with me. I have decided to wear a tie and a jacket. I do not care if I will look like overdressed. I can look silly for a day, its OK for me :)

Since this morning, I've been a little bit nervous. This interview is really important for me. So, please wish me luck. You do not have to post a reply but please make the wish ! ;)

I will share my interview experience.

dakota2011 :eek:
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Hi Folks:

Time has come for me. I have my interview tomorrow (June 7, Tuesday) at 9:00 am. I am prepared for the test. Tonight I will review my application form and all documentation I need to bring with me. I have decided to wear a tie and a jacket. I do not care if I will look like overdressed. I can look silly for a day, its OK for me :)

Since this morning, I've been a little bit nervous. This interview is really important for me. So, please wish me luck. You do not have to post a reply but please make the wish ! ;)

I will share my interview experience.

dakota2011 :eek:

I am praying for you. Your comments here have always been so funny;) I wish you the best of luck! Cant wait for your success story tomorrow.