140-->NVC-->St.Louis-->NVC-->Consulate Tracker Part 6

still waiting

Pkt 3 mailed to STL on 5/9/02
Check cashed on 5/26/02
Pkt 3 reached NVC 6/18/02

Mailed marriage certificate to NVC after their request:7/10/02

I called them last week, they told me that they received my marriage certificate (FedEx delivered the pkt on 7/10; NVC entered the info on 7/19/02).

I got married after starting I140 process and I included spouse name during CP process. Moulin, your previous email explains why they asked me for marriage certificate.

hoping for OCt interview!

is this problem unique Coz of introducing St.louis to the equation

Hello Moulin & desigult,

i agree on what you are saying. It does make sense.

Now what happen's t my case . Case did reach NVC, but NVC sent it back to St.Louis, why is that.

Atleast , NVC should have updated the CASE with my wife's information. Why did they send it back St.Louis. What good does it do.

Is this problem unique Coz of introducing St.louis to the equation.

either you or your operator needs to call the NVC and explain about your marriage, then they will ask you to send marriage certificate and then a new p3 will be generated with the right fees. Call them today
KSC..It seems like we need to wait for 10 more days. No reply for my first but for the 2nd (I received this morning) they asked me to check back around mid August. Let us hope for Sept' interview...
MR and others

Hi, MR

I just called and found out that my money order has been cashed on 07/30, considering NVC/US Bank only received my packet on Morning of 07/24.

What's ur take on this? Could it be a very low time for NVC now?

just found out the following:
I just called bank and was told my cachier check had been cashed on 7/26.

Sent P3 to STL on: 7/18
Check is cahsed on: 7/26 (quicker than what I thought.)

Now waiting for STL forward my P3 to NVC. "

I think my assumption should be correct. Just hope that my case could be received by NVC soon!
jul'24 case sent to Chennai - Attn

Hello miami/ksc,

i am ckv from cptracker. We share the same date (jul'24) when the case was sent to consulate by NVC.
I sent a email to chennai consulate asking them which month i would get interview. I got a reply saying
"you can expect in october".
I was not having much hopes to make it for september.
But, i will still look out for aug'15 schedule to see if I can make it for september.

- ckv (cptracker) and vikhy (immigration.com)
Thanks for the Info Vikhy, I was very hopeful from the e-mails I and KSC received that we can make it to Sept'. Anyway, all for good, lets hope for the best.

Thanks again
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My case not reviewed yet.

I called NVC yesterday, My case was received by NVC on 7/19. Still the same 6-8 weeks time for review.
I hope to get OCT interview but who knows what will happen.

Any updates from others regarding their case status?

Re: My case not reviewed yet.

Just called moments ago and was told forms reviewed and nothing is missing. I forgot asking if this means the review has been completed. Any suggestion?
My case recv'd on 7/17.

Originally posted by RaviPK
I called NVC yesterday, My case was received by NVC on 7/19. Still the same 6-8 weeks time for review.
I hope to get OCT interview but who knows what will happen.

Any updates from others regarding their case status?

To Miami/Vikhy

Thanks for the update Vikhy.
I send an email to chennai consulate yesterday asking:

"will I get september interview for me and my wife?"

Got the response today saying:

"Appt likely to be in October."

My questions is Why are they saying Likely to be in Oct.

Any ideas?

Re: To Miami/Vikhy

Originally posted by ksc
Thanks for the update Vikhy.
I send an email to chennai consulate yesterday asking:

"will I get september interview for me and my wife?"

Got the response today saying:

"Appt likely to be in October."

My questions is Why are they saying Likely to be in Oct.

Any ideas?

They will always say likely untill the final date is fixed. There is always some level of uncertaininty in all administrative process.

This is just a official way to response, keeping some room for unseen possibilities.
reveiw completed

My reveiw was completed on 7/30/02. Operator told me that
the case will be forwarded to Madras in 2-4 weeks.

localmadras: Did they cash your checks?

Re: reveiw completed


When did NVC receive your case from St. Louis?
Are you on cptracker.com? what is your id?

Originally posted by desigult
My reveiw was completed on 7/30/02. Operator told me that
the case will be forwarded to Madras in 2-4 weeks.

localmadras: Did they cash your checks?


Pkt 3 mailed to STL on 5/9/02
Check cashed on 5/26/02
Pkt 3 reached NVC 6/18/02
Review completed on 7/30/02

I am 824 tracker in cptracker.

I think your's should be done in a day or two.

my review is completed on 7/30/02

Originally posted by desigult

Pkt 3 mailed to STL on 5/9/02
Check cashed on 5/26/02
Pkt 3 reached NVC 6/18/02
Review completed on 7/30/02

I am 824 tracker in cptracker.

I think your's should be done in a day or two.


hi Desigult,

my review is also completed like yours. what is your consulate?. mine is Chennai. when i talked to the operator on friday (8/2/02), the operator has said the standard reply, 2 to 3 weeks to send the case to consulate.

i'm expecting OCT interview.
My consulate is also chennai.
I am also hoping for Oct. interview.

I'll call them again this friday.
Any reviews completed by NVC?

Please post any updates....

This thread is going slow is that because of NVC not getting reviews done????

Hi RaviPK

RaviPK, what is your review status?? Did you call NVC recently??? I am right behind you, by about a week. My file reached NVC on 7/29.
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