140-->NVC-->St.Louis-->NVC-->Consulate Tracker Part 6

Approved on 07/03, called nvc today

Operator said that they will send to chenni today, will callback tommorow.
Re: Moulin Rouge

Originally posted by vincentforever
You are right. I just called NVC and the operator told me that my P3 has been created on 07/08.

'course i'm ;-)

Expect the P3 to make its appearance at your LAWYER's office latest by next tuesday.. In the interim, make sure you have filled out the DS230's so that all your lawyer needs to do is attach the bill and send it right back to STL (if you are going thru STL -> NVC)
Interview date ?

My P3 rcvd NVC on 6/26 and my case not yet assigned to any analyst.

Can I still get Sept. interview date (Mumbai Consulate)?


How do you yr case has not been assign to someone yet. My P3 rch to NVC on 6/12 and NVC says it takes 6 to 8 weeks (called on 7/8).
they probably do send electronically

My case was reviewed by NVC 7/5, yesterday when I called them , they sadi your case is being prepared to be sent out today and it will go this week. Sent an email to chennai, got a one line reply "your interview will be in september/october". I think this means they know about the case and must have got the details electronically. I hope it is september.
reviewed on 7/10

Case sent to St.L.:5/11
Rcd by NVC: 6/12
Reviewed on: 7/10.
NVC would take 2/4 weeks to send Mumbai. Very slow. Not sure about sept. hoping for oct.
case sent to chennai yesterday

finally i can take nvc off my speed dial on the phone and put back my friends number

case sent 5/16/2
case received 6/7/2
case reviewed 7/5/2
case sent to chennai 7/10/2

best of luck to everybody waiting, hope hary gets his next

hoping for september interview
Likely September Interview at Mumbai Tracker.

I started new thread for Likely September Interview at Mumbai Tracker.

Please post your detail there if your case fall in Likely September Interview at Mumbai.
congrats rekhak!!

I am going to call later today to see if mine has been sent too. is hary on vacation? have nto heard from him on this board.
sent to consulate..

proving the wednesday-to-consulate theory, mine too was sent to chennai yesterday, same as rekhak.

5/9 - p3 to st. louis
6/3 - reached NVC
7/5 - reviewed
7/10- sent to chennai

hoping for a sept. interview.

Rekhak do you know if one needs ones spouse's name appended in the passport?

also, does one need a sailing permit ?
Moulin Rouge and others, Thanks!

A technical question.

Do you think it is required that my lawyer mailed out Packet Three since I'm represented by a lawyer. Though I haven't seen an actual P3 yet, I assume that there is no form require the lawyer's input, correct?

To avoide the delay by sending P3 back to my lawyer, who is in a different city, I plan to just mail out the packet myself. Do you see any problems with this?

hi manish

from what i have read in these posts, they do not check for the sailing permit at the port of exit, u can get it if you want from your local office, regarding the names in the passport, if you have a valid marriage certificate and photos I think we will be ok
Re: Moulin Rouge and others, Thanks!

Originally posted by vincentforever
A technical question.

Do you think it is required that my lawyer mailed out Packet Three since I'm represented by a lawyer. Though I haven't seen an actual P3 yet, I assume that there is no form require the lawyer's input, correct?

To avoide the delay by sending P3 back to my lawyer, who is in a different city, I plan to just mail out the packet myself. Do you see any problems with this?


You are right.. But make sure you arrange all the documents in the order requested by the NVC and include the fee bill and everything.

What I (and most people) did was fill out the DS-230 PI and kept it ready with the lawyer. Then when the lawyer received the P3, they only had to replace the blank DS230 with the filled one and send it back.
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congrats to Sanjna, Manish_r, SM99999

way to go guys, congrats to all of you who were waiting considerably for a longer time.

:) Sanjna, Manish_r, SM99999, RekhaK.

For all those who haven't updated your case info at CPTracker.com, please do update when ever you find some time.

thanks for your help.
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looks like chennai has given interviews

for cases sent by nvc till 6/12/2(malgudi-days on cptracker.com), all of us sent on july 10th then sstand a chance for september interview. we will get a better idea on monday when we find out the cutoff date for august interview was
CP interview likely in september

NVC sent my case to chennai on June 27th.

Today I got a reply from Chennai regarding
interview date. They said 'Likely to be in September'.
rekhak, it's possible sept

I mailed them yesterday, got a reply saying it's likely in Sept. Since me and you went in the same batch, I guess Sept is a possibility for all of us.

theorizing again :

consulate publishes interviews for next month around 15th of this month.

assume that actual scheduling of the interview, once they knwo who are all ready to be interviewd (with visa numbers , physical file etc at consulate) is a small task, say 1-2 days. faster if they have automated it.

*assuming* it's chennai consulate which requests the visa numbers from dept of state, and assuming that it takes around 30 days for them to get it,

if chennai requests our visa numbers soon we all make it to sept.

so I guess the question is if chennai waits for the physical file to get there before requesting a visa number , or does it based on the electronic communique fro NVC.

and how long it actually takes to get the visa number from NVC.

let's wait and see.

so rekhak, I guess people are not worried about sailing permit and spouse name. are you planning to take a local PCC? how long will that take?
My Check was chashed on 7/12

My Packet 3 check for $670 was cashed on 7/12.

NVC sent Pkt 3 on 6/19
Sent Pkt 3 to St. Louis on 6/24
Check Cashed on 7/12

I am hoping for an Oct Interview... am I being too optimistic?
Any suggestions???

Jonnal, Did NVC complete your review yet?