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100,000 people who win DV2012 think algorithm = FAIR BUT...

In Excess

Registered Users (C)
The 100,000 people who win this DV 2012 will think the algorithm is FAIR.

but there are almost 19 million people who do NOT win simply because
they do not enter their data on the 5th and 6th October 2010.
this 19 million people will think the algorithm is NOT FAIR.

so 19 million people will demand the selection process started from the beginning
with algorithm that let all the people who register from 5th October until November 3rd 2010 have equal chance of winning despite the date they enter their data.

19 million people vs. 100,000 people.

this 19 million people have strong reason because

it is clearly stated on DV Lottery Overview page:

The congressionally mandated Diversity Immigrant Visa Program makes available up to 55,000 diversity visas (DVs) annually, drawn from random selection among all entries to persons who meet strict eligibility requirements from countries with low rates of immigration to the United States.

that the random selection are from AMONG ALL ENTRIES,
not just entries from 5th and 6th October 2010.

in presidential election you can demand a recount if you can show evidence
that the voting count have error.

when you buy lottery ticket (money) during certain period of time,
you are essentially buying a right to be entered into the random selection process.
because the lottery organizer had accept your money.
if the organizer decide that the winner will only came from the first day buyer,
then they should not accept money from the people that buy not on the first day.

in DV Lottery, US Govt. do not accept our money,
but they accept our data entrance and they had said if you enter your data during
the stated period, you will be enter into a randomly selected process.
now if only the people who enter on the 5th and 6th had major access to be selected...
well ...

again 19 million people will thinks this algorithm is NOT fair vs 100,000 who already win
and of course will think this is fair.

Everybody had their own interest :)

nuff said
but there are almost 19 million people who do NOT win simply because
they do not enter their data on the 5th and 6th October 2010.
this 19 million people will think the algorithm is NOT FAIR.
Sorry, that is a usual thing for any lottery. You have no point here. The number of people who loose is usually much higher than those who win, and that is not a reason to think the lottery is NOT FAIR.
Sorry, that is a usual thing for any lottery. You have no point here. The number of people who loose is usually much higher than those who win, and that is not a reason to think the lottery is NOT FAIR.

First it is NOT FAIR because those 19 million people do not win because they do not apply on the 5th and 6th of October 2010.
While the DV Lottery is open until November 3'2010

Second, I am pointing out that the 100,000 people who already win simply because they register on the 5th and 6th October 2010 will
think this is Fair.
of course it is fair for them since it is their interest to be winner.

but it is NOT fair for the other 19 million people.

if the re selection process is repeated but now including the entrance from 5th Oct to Nov 3'2010
than there will still be 19 million people who do not get choose again,
but this time they are beaten fair and square and they will agree this is fair.
19 million upset DV Lottery Participant who have the reason to be upset becuase they were not informed that
early bird got priority seating...

vs 100,000 early bird who win simply because they apply first...

but as far as I know, Lottery is not based on first come first serve basis :)

19,000,000 angry voice vs 100,000 voice who ask the 19,000,000 to just keep quiet and accept this "anomaly"...

wonder who will be the loudest... :)
Again. The arguments you use work for any lottery, but are still wrong.

so you admit I use the arguments that WILL WORK for any lottery (which also based on random selection)...
but you claim I am still wrong...

how come it work for every other lottery out there, but do not work for a lottery called DV Lottery ?

DV Lottery is a Lottery

hahaha :)
look,it's very simple, in a proper lottery ALL applicants MUST have the same probability (%)to win or get selected, but this was not the case.
so you admit I use the arguments that WILL WORK for any lottery (which also based on random selection)...
but you claim I am still wrong...
Exactly. In every lottery a lot of people loose and are upset. That does not mean the lottery is not fair.
Exactly. In every lottery a lot of people loose and are upset. That does not mean the lottery is not fair.

no most people do not became upset when they lose in a lottery,
but they will be upset if they have data that show the lottery is NOT fair.
especially when they(the organizer) accept their money (to buy the lottery ticket) but refuse to let the buyer be part of the random selection.
unless they buy early :)

and there are other people who even more upset,
that is the people who won the lottery but they know the selection process is rigged and not fair,
and they worry they will loose the money they already won again...

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I am not shouting. I am rather calm.

Yap, I can see that hahaha

for people who have not win the DV 2012, there is nothing to lose but more to gain...
but for people who already win DV 2012... well they could end up back to square one...
but knowing you... I am sure you will remain calm hahaha
There are people who entered *not* on those dates, on this forum who have won. It is a lottery; no-one has a 'right' to an equal draw, nor does anyone even have a right to win. If you get accepted; so be it. If you don't, so be it. Nothing essentially guarantees you an equal share (in fact it by nature is unequal due to country proportions).

There are people who entered *not* on those dates, on this forum who have won. It is a lottery; no-one has a 'right' to an equal draw, nor does anyone even have a right to win. If you get accepted; so be it. If you don't, so be it. Nothing essentially guarantees you an equal share (in fact it by nature is unequal due to country proportions).

the inequality due to country proportions are clearly explained and well defined.
and in a lottery every one has the right to an equal drawn within the specific and defined parameter.
registering early increase the winning chance on this particular DV 2012.
it had never happened before and it is an anomaly.

if you get accepted in this DV2012, of course you accept it hahaha
if you get accepted in this DV2012, of course you don't want other to get the equal share as you...

but there are rules and guidance and
DV lottery overview specifically stated the random selection will came from the entire entrant and not early bird.
meaning early bird do not have special priority.
Well perhaps they changed the parameter to the first couple of days. I've seen people on this board who one on October 11.. so its not just 5/6. I think people are just kicking up a fuss. We dont even have a right to a fair lottery, you don't seem to understand how law works. This is chance, and is an honor and pleasure even to get a chance to enter in to.. take it or leave it.
Well perhaps they changed the parameter to the first couple of days. I've seen people on this board who one on October 11.. so its not just 5/6. I think people are just kicking up a fuss. We dont even have a right to a fair lottery, you don't seem to understand how law works. This is chance, and is an honor and pleasure even to get a chance to enter in to.. take it or leave it.

I see that you had win the DV2012, of course I understand your position.
but when you said above that "WE" do not even have a right to a fair lottery ? hahaha

now, if KCC decide to revoke your winning status and re start the selection process...
I am sure at that time you will cry "UNFAIR" and NO JUSTICE :)

it is a pleasure for you to win right... but will it still be a pleasure if they revoke you ?
if that happened, remember what you had said... when you said, you don't have a right to a fair lottery :)
This has absolutely nothing to do with me. You need to understand the rights of a non-immigrant: none. I live in the USA, and have for years.. and I am very aware of that. To be selected is an honor *not* a right.
Well perhaps they changed the parameter to the first couple of days. I've seen people on this board who one on October 11.. so its not just 5/6. I think people are just kicking up a fuss. We dont even have a right to a fair lottery, you don't seem to understand how law works. This is chance, and is an honor and pleasure even to get a chance to enter in to.. take it or leave it.

let me make a summary of what you said above,

basically it is ok to be UNFAIR as long as you have the HONOR and PLEASURE to win :)

and thanks for helping kicking up the fuss, it do help the cause :)