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100,000 people who win DV2012 think algorithm = FAIR BUT...

The main point here is that: with or without a computer error, the selection is still RANDOM.

As this situation is an "error", nobody knew about it. As a result, nobody could gain from it. Nobody knew that applying on the earlier dates would increase your chance. As a result the whole process is still RANDOM.

The selection process is a blackbox. The internal coding is NOT known. As a result people applied at any random time within the given time limits. The code could have selected applicants from any application time period.

This "error" has just ADDED to the RANDOMNESS.

Think of it like this: Assume that each application is a 1 penny coin dropped in a big jar. Also, assume the coins are made of iron. The selection is to be done by opening a hole at the bottom of the jar and let some random coins fall out. The coins falling out are the selected ones.

By "error" there is also a magnet in the jar as well. When the small hole is opened at the bottom of the jar it opens just below the magnet; the few coins (selectees) start falling through the hole. The magnet with all the coins stuck to it also falls through. Nobody knew that there was a magnet ("error") in the jar. So nobody tried to throw their coin next to the magnet.


Noone has been favoured.

There is no reason for the voiding.

Please let me know if you disagree.