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  1. R

    Received Plastic card yesterday

    DOE --- June 23 POE --- New York (JFK) Welcome Letter --- July 15 Plastic Card --- July 17 All the best to everyone. This forum is excellent and provided me with a lot of information and guidance -- my sincere thanks to all that contibuted to...
  2. R

    Received Plastic Card Today !!!

    CONGRATS!! I am sure it feels good to have finally put the pains of the entire GC process behind. I received my welcome letter on the 15th of July -- hope the card come through soon.
  3. R

    Recent CP Successes Card tracker

    My Take --- take it for what it\'s worth .... For CP the consulate only needs two (not three) immigration style photographs -- so when you gave them 1 more than what they needed -- the Consualate officer (must have been a nice guy? returned the extra photo the best way he could -- by stapling...
  4. R

    successful CP at NWD June 19th

    No Title im9999 You do not need local PCC. I got a Local PCC (it was a pain in the @#$% and took 3 days) -- then I was told at the NWD Embassy that it was not required as I already had one from the US and had not lived in India for more than 3+ years. In terms of the fees you can either get...
  5. R

    Confirmed DELHI interviews for JUNE 2002

    I got mine in about 3 weeks through regular mail via Washington  
  6. R

    Confirmed DELHI interviews for JUNE 2002

    $65 per applicant in Indian Rs -- I paid cash so I do not think you need ... separate drafts for each family member. I had taken a draft of $150 (converted @ Rs 49/1$ -- they asked me to give cash for $130 ($65x2) in Indian Rs instead. They will accept the same payment in a single draft as well.
  7. R

    How to track Plastic Card after US Entry

    My P4 took about 3 weeks -- it came by regular mail via Washington  
  8. R

    How to track Plastic Card after US Entry

    My POE was New York --- Is that BAD??  
  9. R

    Confirmed DELHI interviews for JUNE 2002

    Looks good to me. It is very similar to what I had  
  10. R

    How to track Plastic Card after US Entry

    Is there any way that we can track how long it will take to get Plastic Card after US Entry?? Is there a phone number to call etc. ? Any and all help would be apreciated. If there is an existing thread for such a discussion I apologize in advance and would appreciate anyone pointing me to that
  11. R

    How to track Plastic Card after US Entry

    Is there any way that we can track how long it will take to get Plastic Card after US Entry?? Is there a phone number to call etc. ? Any and all help would be apreciated. If there is an existing thread for such a discussion I apologize in advance and would appreciate anyone pointing me to that
  12. R

    Confirmed DELHI interviews for JUNE 2002

    Thanks -- All the best for your July interview  
  13. R

    Confirmed DELHI interviews for JUNE 2002

    GC Interview successful and painless Interview on June 19th -- went at 8:00AM -- it took us almost 5 hours to submit the papers and take the oath. Collected GC visa package same day at 5:00PM. Couple of points 1. They do not require local PCC if you have PCC from Indian Cousulate in US 2...
  14. R

    Confirmed DELHI interviews for JUNE 2002

    I plan to get one when I get there I have several contacts in the Police in Delhi so hopefully it should not be much of a problem.
  15. R

    NVC ---->Consulate tracker for issues/timeframes/process/pkt4

    ANY NWD PERSON WHOSE CASE HAS BEEN RECEIVED AND ... logged at New Delhi Counsulate??? Please provide your details.
  16. R

    NVC ---->Consulate tracker for issues/timeframes/process/pkt4

    We are in the same boat -- When do you expect the case to be sent to ... New Delhi and also any guesses as to when do you expect to get an interview call. Rohtak
  17. R

    Packet3-->St.Louis-->NVC-->Consulate tracker

    Is there a way to contact the St Louis facility to get status of fee proceesing?  
  18. R

    NEW NVC Cases for Jan2002 Part 2

    Let\'s keep this thread active -- NEW PROCESS  
  19. R

    Documents proving Nonavailability of Birth Certificate. Is it must

    Is there a specific format for the Birth Certificate??? As all of you know Birth Certificates from different places in India are quite different in format etc. Is there a specific format that the US Counsulate looks for? Also, I was born in an Army Hospital, and although I have the official...
  20. R

    Is there a specific format for the Birth Certificate???
